Singapore Chronicle and Commercial Register, 17 February 1831

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1 4 Singapore Chronicle and Commercial Register
  • 31 1 SINGAPORE CHRONICLE And Commercial Register. NO. 7. [NEW SERIES. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1831. Public Notifications appearing in this Paper, and Signed by the Proper Authorities, are to be considered as Official.
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  • 85 1 BEGS to inform Captains of Ships with their Passengers calling at St. Helena that at his Stores, situated immediately above the Officers Mess House they can be furnished with supplies of every description at the shortest notice and on most moderate terms. A choice selection
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  • 836 1 FRANCE. FROM THE GAZETTE DE FRANCE (Paris September 6th) The committee appointed to propose a project of law relative to the National Guards meets almost every day, and we are informed that its labours are already in a very advanced state. It appears that the principal arrangements are
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  • 1062 1 Liege, September 6th) "The Regency of Liege has transmitted the following petition to the King, by a special messenger:— TO THE KING. “‘Sire, —The Council of Regency of the city of Liege takes leave respectfully to lay at the foot of the throne, its desire for the separation of
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 285 1 NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED having been appointed by Will Executors to the Estate of the late Dr. JAMES GEORGE SIM of the Honorable Companys' Service All persons indebted to the said Estate are hereby requested to pay in their respective debts and all persons having claims thereon to send in the
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    • 425 1 TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, AT BENCOOLEN, on a day hereafter to be fixed, by order of the Assignees of Messrs. Palmer Co,, the undermentioned Estates and Spice Plantations forming by tar the most valuable property of that description on Sumatra, Viz. TITNEST PLANTATION. This Plantation contains 1116 Clove
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  • 1432 2 GOVERNMENT ADVERTISEMENT. The following Regulations are published for general information. A. D. 1830 Regulation II. A REGULATION for rescinding and re-enacting with modifications the Provisions contained in Regulation VII 1818 for regulating the Trade of Foreign Nations with the Ports and Settlements of the British Nation in the
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  • 2170 2 Journal from Singapore to Coti, Borneo (CONTINUED FROM OUR L AST.) On the 16th close in with the land the weather close with much rain particularly during the night. Our water nearly expended and nothing to eat but rice with salt fish. My biscuits were all mouldy. As
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  • 2165 2 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. TO THE EDITOR OF THE SINGAPORE CHRONICLE. SIR, In allusion to your remarks on my communication of the 24th ultimo, I have only to observe, that reflections on the private motives of those who attempt to originate public improvements, are (besides not being very well calculated to
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  • 117 3 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17th 1831. The arrival of the Dutch Schooner Reliance, Laming, on the 12th instant from Batavia the 29th January, has enabled to through the medium of several private letters received here, to publish some very recent and important additions to our European intelligence. Four Dutch vessels had
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  • 2217 3 We, William, Prince of Orange Nas- sau, to the inhabitants of the Southern provinces of the kingdom. Charged temporarily by the king our august father, with the Government of the southern provinces, we return among you with the hope of contributing to the reestablishment of order, and of the
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  • 156 3 ARRIVALS, FEBRUARY 1831. 9th H. C. Yacht. Nereide, J. Poynton, from Batavia 27th Dec. 10th Brit. Ship Kusrovie Abdol Rassool, from Siam 25th Jany. H. C. Sch. Diamond, Hadjee Mustapha, from Malacca 3rd Feb. Dutch Sch. Reliance T. A. Laming, from Batavia 29th Jan. 13th H. C. Sch. Zephyr
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    • 510 4 January 17th. 1831. IMPORTS. Sp. Drs. Drs. Amber 8 to 14 pr Cty Bees Wax 24 to 25 pr. Pl. Betelnut New 3 1/4 Blackwood or Ebony 2 Copper South American 24 to 26 Do. at Lintin for exportation 27 Do. Japan (none) 25 to 27 COTTON
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    • 90 4 Inconsequence of the dificiency of the Cir culating Medium, and the peculiar mode in which business is conducted in this settlement, scarcely any sales are made for cash and, it being therefore impossible to give the cash price of almost any article it must be observed that the
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    • 393 4 By the brit. Ship Cyrene, Tons Register from Siam 15 Pls. Gamboge. By the brit. brig Heaplee, 60 Tons Register from Malacca 150 Pls. Pepper. 10 Beeswax. 30 in. No. Pigs. 100 Spanish Dollars. By the brit. Ship Kusrovie, 348 Tons Register from Siam. 7 Pls Gamboge. By the
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    • 142 4 By the brit. brig Heaplee 60 Tons Register for Malacca. 240 Pls. Java Sumatra Rice. 10 Tamarinds 2800 Yards British Ginghams By the brit. brig Julia. 68 Tons Register for Malacca. 400 Pls. Siam Rice 30 Cocoanut Oil 4 Baskets China Tobacco By the brit. brig Elizabeth 194 Tons
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    • 53 4 To London. Dead Weight £1 10 0 to £4 4. Measurement Goods £4 10 0 to £5 10. Bengal per Picul Sa. Rs. 1 China Sp. Drs. 1 Batavia Java Rs. 1 I EXCHANGE. On Bengal. Government Bills none. Private Bills Sa. Rs. none. On London 13s. 11d. to
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    • 60 4 VESSEL'S NAMES TONS. COMMANDERS FROM WHERE. TO SAIL. Edward 260 J. Heaviside London via Madras July. J. Fell Liverpool via Batavia August. City of Aberdeen 250 J. Alexander Glasgow via Batavia September Sackville 500 G. Germain London via Batavia August. Norden J. Burd Hamburgh do. Madeline
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    • 156 4 Date of Arrival. VESSEL'S NAMES Tons. COMMANDERS WHERE FROM. DESTINATION. TO SAIL Oct 2 Dutch barque Trajoe Mas 94 Mand. Tatine Sourabaya [Surabaya] Not reported. Dec 6 Brit. brig Kim chin an 140 Keong Hoon Penang. do. Jan. 15 C. C. brig Thou Hai Thoian 100
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    • 1057 4 The Currency in which Commercial transactions are calculated, is the Spanish Dollar divided into Cents. The comnon weigh; is the Picul of 133 1-3 lbs. avoirdupoise, divided into 100 Katties. Salt and Rice, are commonly sold by the Coyan of 40 Piculs nearly, Java Tobacco by the Gorge
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