Singapore Chronicle and Commercial Register, 15 February 1827

Total Pages: 3
1 3 Singapore Chronicle and Commercial Register
  • 23 1 im is THURSDAY, Febraary 15th, Public Notifications appearing in this Register and signed by the proper Authorities are to be considered as oficiul
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  • 191 1 IN CONSEQUENCE OF ORJL DERS From the Honorable the Governor in Council, all Owners, Supercargoes or Commanders of Vessels exporting goods at this Settlement for Prince of Wales Island are hereby required to render a correct Manifest of the same at
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  • 1857 1 The latest arrivals from Bengal are the Teigtmouih and the Falcon, the latter bringing Calcutta Papers down to the 12th of January from which we learn that accounts had been received there from England of as late a date as the end of August. These
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  • 450 2 is™ bubble nearly Cal John Bull. November 24-“ Hiving r .f d .““A" the trade and growing prospenty of Uiis place l -was led to expect a port or great bustle ana aetty ty; but, having found from past ex P^'‘ e ,f C, b 5 where I have
    450 words
  • 2594 2 With the view cf expgtiating cn the rise and progress of this commodity, which' about 40 years ago, was almost entirely unknown in ’an European -Market.except medicinally, being recommended as a restorative in phthises and emaciations we snail coun-ienee by describing the nature of the soil and situation'widch is
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  • 289 3 Mr. Editor. In a paper like yours which has so many reflectin'* and well informed Readers it must be an attempt attended with some danger to insert any tiling which might appear to evince in you any disposition to hold their
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  • 146 3 Sir. It is amusing to an Observer to watch Plainstuff Peppercorn’s interest in Messrs. Eish-rccs, Blachang Co’s suggestions; judging from the style an dsubject I put themjdown as the production of the same person, and most people will agree with me
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  • 333 3 I have no wish, Mr. Editor, to make you liable to be charged with hostile feeling towards the Malacca Observer, by sending to you for injertioa anything that contains a reflection upon its columns, we ha 7 already bad
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  • 229 3 Arrivals and. SBapartures* ARRIVED. FEBRUARY. 4tU British Brig Meridian. \7. F. Syme. floPt Ofciaa irTili Jaay. BtU British Brig Ulysses, Yeap Hoan, fron* Malacca. Ist Feb. British Ship Teignmovih, G, W. Cole, front Calcutta 14th Jaay. 6th British Brig Caroline, H. W. Quick, frtmt Batavia Ist Feb. 7th Portuguese
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