Sin Chew Youth, 18 November 1981

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Sin Chew Youth

  • 自耕地
    • 71 2  - 回思林皑我你随我郑响的的总刻音是便童。一也小头「的页「树着的么噢年〇于不依今影梢为层眼闪夜多歌成向第
      71 words
    • Article, Illustration
      91 2  - 小惜「。。「上「们我牢明 XXX 铃我起我母却浑助 XXX 「体内。烧似「我了 J 丨我却死「了。 XXX- 「桌 rr x 有总「信脏
      91 words
    • Article, Illustration
      5 2  - 回编简克 f
      5 words
    • 66 2  - 心底的小翻则地说名子生前死后于着痛出燕过一红的金箔死一潺到第怜边愫植在后跌子一也真会还、间容令上画中
      66 words
    • 88 2  - 双含思落涟四袭像战我的「砰邻投滥「不我不要丨开刀肚无公恨也走要医一查还不卧快「命「死与的界经不表不
      88 words

  • 儿童文学
    • 63 4  - 马鞍王江村犹二郎这也旳灾一当然心。影么这着医回看大撒这把奇鱼马定第本前伏他马的力前只胡这是胡走呀加财
      63 words
    • Article, Illustration
      122 4  - 神不从的娱乐有用凡雷累雷文雷花雷花雷一竟走 r it 是杏大王的女儿雷到 r 可是我穷儿有钱讨美 r 我倒有个主意拿
      122 words
    • 153 5  - 机器科幻故事黄陈他门冲「他机的信「是教机里 r 你是小杰我们是好朋友「拍好说 r 小宝我的贝自妈暑一 r 你知道
      153 words
    • Article, Illustration
      81 5  - 亮眼肖从瞎妈 J 妈山擦我金妈说过老开老进洞金好去高她 J 要进大一躲壳穿小你金林大大凤石头她把金坐星心忽千
      81 words
  • 第4页 其他

  • 学语文
    • Article, Illustration
      805 6  - MABEL 美 By W. Somerset Maugham 化译 I was at Pagan, in Burma, and from there I took the steamship to Mandalay, but two days before I got there, when the boat was tied up for the night at a riverside village, I made up my mind to go
      805 words
    • 133 6 The Widow and the Sheep 寡妇伊 A esop's Fables There was a certain Widow who had an only Sheep, and, wishing to make the most of his wool, she sheared Wm so closely that she cut his skin as well as his fleece. The Sheep, smarting under this
      133 words
    • 76 6  - 闪光 Glistening Fish 柯鱼等这那一我去你那还 Fish, oh fish! Glistening fish! When I grow up, I won’t Sigh like this when I see you! Then, not only could I swim with you In the very depths of the sea, I could
      76 words
  • 第6页 其他

  • 第7页 其他
    • 187 7 KJ 0> U1 CO O 0> to U1 U1 o CO m to M 〇 CO M CO CM *J1 CO to o U1 o 09tS> bsksisi O to to 职陡聚艰圭 m z z 古 m s 令 z 9 '2 H 6 2 H m
      187 words