Sin Chew Youth, 23 February 1981

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
    • 529 2  -  COMPOSITION Irene Yap Sec. 2 St. Nicholas Girls’ Sch. The shiny sun reflected itself on the silver roof. This was what I saw a year agr when the market war. still a quiet and lonely place. The market below my flat is never a lonely place nov;.
      529 words
  • 第2页 其他
    • 506 2 V* .-*V :7 i.:./.: ’*K 々 ,y Fishy Business 1 、 su ROV SKtrrr. raser-Brutvier What do you know about fish? Care to find out how much knowledge of this creature you have? To do so, tick the most suitable answer in each set of options. 1. When fish swim
      506 words
    • 449 2 A: abalone B: clam C: sea-horse 11. The sea-cucumber is a close relative of the A: seal B; sea-weed C: starfish 12. 13. The ornamental goldfish is a A: salmon B: guppy C; carp The eggs of fish are called 14 are the organs with which fish are able to
      449 words

  • 华文辅导
    • Article, Illustration
      51 3  - 黔驴【成语秦编 xnitj 在驴回的是吃有。跳见过老偷过然走过悄子拔越离得再了但不以了子生老这猛驴子吃用用例他穿
      51 words
    • 82 3  - 让它【寓言品编两 i 这森林里老虎和庞时张大喉常树当了 r 朋友狮子得可惨啊 i 我要想个天 r 不错它们动物。 :J 另
      82 words
    • 98 3  - 反丁编 yruQ I 生龙活虎 (sh§ng 16ng 例虎精打采 mgi jTng 例地 2• 破破签沉舟 (pd 比例师沉成急流勇比抽例到退 3• 比比皆是 (bT b 丫形例
      98 words
  • 第3页 其他
    • 146 3 一下种解个 1• 禽流 2• 这复杂 3 你烂 4• 礼给面 5• 业二试 1• 个 2•( 衣 3• 汲难 4• 反 5• 道理三下的恢仔俗语旦我躺我想她显吃
      146 words

  • 广场
    • 60 4  - 人活着画圣约卡人这财便去话也消朿是有有。享毫意记是」努是固使是基于这许。「终还们走不是自为当过应将责
      60 words
    • 110 4  - 有趣的少年陈二步挤加营大会 Immersion 在书 XXX 当地圣们露佛圣中学敎侨不了的分七组的 CFFrost 和 Greene 0 点两收饭可这 XXX 语活即丨
      110 words
    • 52 4  - 学生不少景拜学的舍是灵尊定老学师能老可学的老孰敬尊不由理么什有又生学 ,1 样一长我之家问象可真己自到实充
      52 words
    • 44 4  - 全日华侨散今年华侨长撇多全、快展跑作做走严若不快价叉 70 们思句鸡卖的份一钱 J 禁球全鸡律
      44 words
    • 134 4 少我又真编这问我经。六神精及弱的衰经神这有就我始邻跟。知才到看书医学他承变。到点在举然是而我。他英生
      134 words