Sin Chew Youth, 20 February 1981

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
  • 第2页 其他
    • 519 2 rv^lar^zj Festivals How good is your vocabulary with regard to words associated with festivals, now that the Chinese New Year celebrations are over? To find out, tick the most appropriate choice from each set of suggested answers and then check your scores. (Nos. 1-6 refer to the picture.) Chinese New
      519 words
    • 132 2 the display is fed. A; predominant B: masterful C; majority, 6. To the Chinese, red is an colour. A: austere B: auspicious C. aural 7. The Chinese New Year have just ended. A: celebrities B: festivities C: ornaments Thaipusam 8. Just before the Chinese New Year, in Singapore celebrated Thaipusam.
      132 words
    • 109 2 C: Europeans In the Westerners wish of having a White Christmas, the word “White” refers to A: purity B: brightness C: snow To the Christians, Christmas is a festival celebrating the birth of a A: saver B: saviour C: saving The abbreviations AD and BC in reference to years are
      109 words

  • 小作家
    • Article, Illustration
      54 3  - 槟城培群巫假怀十一我毕女我早轮第好 T 恤。很快地我里们极下然。拔便第我园之睡傍多回五新加坡起钟新到加们
      54 words
    • Article, Illustration
      122 3 我作文比。学惯 V 习小的物鬼 K 读 > 奇良神学 S 读那故那时我阅新 i 染 _IU 公我的 0 fcrh S 岁我驰 rj 3 十 ffi]- 精货晚母坏
      122 words
    • Article, Illustration
      5 3  - 篮球茂挢吳
      5 words
    • 39 3  - 《怎小作出对出版小一学硏两有钱小个重画学样好 0 本然后视识 0 本是题画学杂最国的
      39 words
    • 19 3  - 恶作务德芮在达衣当球里就越救岸道渐每
      19 words
    • 21 3  - 乱食零务德刘春 B 放一这因为路只小。洁健冋这次
      21 words
    • 28 3  - 劳动务德卢有一天早上当我们师到星校作。有家我起大。的兴。的
      28 words
    • 14 3  - 勇于务德符有华把小惊谅他师
      14 words

  • 广场
    • 185 4  - 欢欣雀跃淡马锡如常老匠夜了消那态他的老开的动〇老。木七儿简个和伴腐而又艰丝在经活入达发市生生意过记忆
      185 words
    • 155 4 少太多人把期望放在我编小夕霞四学一多分指 (1 宏失了实落能堪望兴趣可惜始一沒封太对丨了得不认三也 C 事不觉
      155 words
  • 第4页 其他