Sin Chew Youth, 18 February 1981

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
    • 492 2  -  COMPOSITION Goh Wee Chew Sec. 2 Chung Cheng High Sch. “Are you all right?” I shouted to Herbert. "You want me to be your imposter M “Yes! Please help me,” Herbert begged me, “this afternoon, at about 2 p.m. Please wear a pair of blue jeans and a
      492 words
  • 第2页 其他
    • 511 2 Rumpelstiltskin (Part 1) w Three farmers were boasting about what their children could do. The stout one said, “My son is as strong as three horses. He can plough three times as fast as anybody The fat one boasted, “My daughter is not only beautiful, she is the best cook
      511 words
    • 606 2 Moral Well, what do you think the moral of the story is? Here are a few statements. Which one is most suitably applied to this story? 1. Always talk big. 2. Build castles in the air. 3. Speak when you are spoken to. 4. Think before you talk. 5. Always
      606 words

  • 新园林
    • Article, Illustration
      51 3 登「铃 j 闹钟叫丁哑时不时梳一路由别地轻一 r 候做甩使到过着忙碌紧张的下我了。南着广我可许我知入过刺东时
      51 words
    • 60 3  - 老人不我我到那又来没没亲切触同呆看被枯我却虽也没另吃只好才头又直另虽还但吃依白另一位别打死打唉亏我忘
      60 words
    • Article, Illustration
      108 3  - 曾我的然那 J 双故那你炯炯的眸默不你你故又 r 如果有艘游局「那 J 我的白日 r 人生漂泊难道还你一一日 r 走
      108 words
    • 121 3  - 我怕如尅星我先就车讲道 r 不自量的青蛙后个还。把大肚惹故比一我搬的破胀找结的我姬合 W 次跑乖比多子我为好
      121 words

  • 广场
    • 140 4  - 鸡啼报欧南絮正学 J, 在 2 月 3 日于礼堂度整挂央个开爆五贴 P 惊大过时不 r 开幕说类卷比 Potato and egg C; 项那做花是吃和
      140 words
    • 73 4  - 写 I 淡马锡集雨道可文当漫感去笔生满 m 发庭家来后。故章变面我将的两面我『将然作了许多题文某再过不影对就
      73 words
    • 㘯人边语
      • 52 4  - 红包是桑随着一声鸡啼我在庆红 J 者来说却是最好不存我「红 J, 是中国历代庆祝新年的存封再该视思朋友们你
        52 words
      • 17 4  - 遗蔡桌爸给遗 M 们们价多母种被悲 0
        17 words
  • 第4页 其他