Sin Chew Youth, 3 February 1981

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
      • 249 3  -  Goh Oon Chuan Sec. 2 Yock Eng High Sch. One Sunday morning, I was awakened by my mother. She told me that my uncle who lived in Hong Kong would visit us on that day. After hearing it. I was so happy that I
        249 words
      • 173 3  -  Chua Siew Tin Sec. 2 Hai Sing Girls’ High Sch. Mrs. Lee is a middle aged woman. She lived in luxurious surroundings when she was a child.* She was influenced by luxury. This caused her to be very proud. She puts a lot of make-up on her
        173 words
      • 183 3  -  Koh Sin Guan Sec. 2 Hua Yi Sec. Sch. There are many Chinese festivals in Singapore. In the seventh month, there is an important one the Festival of the Hungry Ghosts. There is a legend about this festival. In the seventh month, the King of Hell will permit
        183 words
  • 第3页 其他
    • 165 3 ::.-;V^ i^:':y\-i M:M W W W. W -W. 、稱 y: 〇界納 a :m w w 'mW MM- w M'w m 'sM 1 Chinese New Year :C> 夺 0 w 卞 "-n, How good are you with words and facts about Chinese New Year? Well, lefs find out.
      165 words
    • 494 3 B: repeat C: wish 13. The words call for a happy and new year. A: property B: proposed C: prosperous 14. Chinese New Year lasts for days. A: twelve B: fifteen C: ten 15. The last day of the Chinese New Year is the day of the moon. A: old
      494 words

  • 广场
    • 60 4  - 以客观读「自维多露一到乐些面文重乎有我来说乐我也精能食。享满钱金钱并的须在患难够有人的。下会价须罪用
      60 words
    • 47 4  - 第一十难以输同僚不害毫我虽我什吧么念在然底的感为们有许而为善最感轮紧是生时红里的有输后纵会
      47 words
    • 㘯人边语
    • 154 4  - 师生八參有我信的来寄地远此皆师老了张着持。意睡无信毫我但了正时一晨凌不的说师 r 没的你 r 意可提又说生弊
      154 words
  • 第4页 其他
    • 39 4 今上 11.20-11.40 中 We Know Now 11.55-12.15 中 12.30-12.50 中听下 1.15-1.35 中 In Place of Nouns 1.50-2.10 理 Energy In Perspective A 教兔 M 也 It 礼巧 004 3 卷 %it 0000
      39 words