Sin Chew Youth, 21 May 1980

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
      • 306 2 One afternoon, after school. I went to buy some books. Then I went to the bus-stop. Suddenly, two men ran out from a bank situated near the bus-stop. Each of them had a bag of money in one hand, and in the other hand was a revolver.
        306 words
      • 256 2 After ten years, I will be twenty-five. By that time I will be a big girl. Well, anything can happen in ten years* time. After ten years I may be in another continent for further studies. It may be America or the United Kingdom
        256 words
  • 第2页 其他
    • 289 2 Comprehension Indian Society An important feature of Indian social life is the extended family, which has existed from time immemorial. Children did not leave home when they married and set up new households: the sons brought their wives into their parents* homes. When they died, however soon this was, their
      289 words
    • 439 2 5. caste system 社 6. authority 77. betrothed 88. patriarch 99. security 110. rigid (A) Multiple-choice Questions Tick the most suitable answer from each set of options. 1. When the Indian boys got married, they A; set up new households. B; lived with their parents. C: left home with their
      439 words
    • 518 2 custom. 5. In the Indian caste system there were A: only a few rules to obey. B; no rules at all. C: many rules to follow. 6. Generations were short because A: the children married at an older age. B; the children had difficulty in getting wives. C: the children
      518 words

  • 新园林
    • Article, Illustration
      91 3  - 读婉大是路瞧他千互一大怨再。不哭问也滂来读平笑怒火水可不回头小还笔一一明果文读是来半呆真读这是小团「
      91 words
    • 217 3  - 向前淡同在忙是科心几中科我好弄却一何是 j- 考么考一选我科数好重们怎怎自了不我学费不学数社 M 下一衡放但分
      217 words
    • 45 3  - 杂感女皇镇川不得忙生不繁我从学我调老句佈这公 )1 绩入的那奋 g 三已又信思一快一真 < 过间时弹重
      45 words
    • 110 3  - 还有亦到不觉感般 p 那中料预如绪是确情心排后息消儿的格及影试考知得少多一可一两任一将样里一洒的有大年日
      110 words