Sin Chew Youth, 28 April 1980

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
      • 245 2 Ali was passing by a village one afternoon when he noticed some lovely mangoes in a tree. He began to drool as he imagined himself feasting on a large juicy mango. When he was wondering, an idea came to him. He decided to climb over the fence
        245 words
      • 267 2 My first -term holidays started on the 7th and ended on the 16th of March. It was only for one week. On the first day of the holidays, my family and I went for a fishing trip to Jurong. My brothers caught three
        267 words
  • 第2页 其他
    • 291 2 塵 „K s 〇 v x j;- -i*^ f? k';J^7 :> .-•A-- r' :v' W For today, let's find out about plants wayside trees, creepers and bushes, and all manner of plant forms. Tick the most suitable answer in each set of options. 1. Grapes grow on a which is
      291 words
    • 304 2 Junie Sng Hock Guan: Have you heard the news? May Lin: What news? Hock Guan: Please answer my question with a question. May Lin: I f m sorry. But what are you referring to? Hock Guan: The news about Junie Sng going to Australia. May Un: Oh, that. Isn’t she
      304 words