Sin Chew Youth, 23 April 1980

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 第2页 其他
    • 1386 2 A Vegetarian Restaurant 泛乂 rv Early October is a time when many Chinese abstain from eating meat as part of their observance of the Festival of the Nine Emperor Gods. During this time, special vegetarian dishes prepared by Buddhist nuns are available at many temples, but it is possible
      1,386 words

  • 新园林
    • 62 3  - 炎跨乐从试股朋兵这愿国做感觉中搁下文艺营于是自嘲的说在路混艺号战天讨活而论回首的记经挺可没有而大
      62 words
    • 86 3  - 写我南洋清竹我因天曾下这我何自隅个在迁是册子觅 XXX 我还我出生在一个寂寂无并与打水怩在然最双海离的老丹低
      86 words
    • Article, Illustration
      103 3  -  I 吉见瞧着就叫子咕院进们喙踏鸟一 J 只小瞧了我丨咕的们咕丨子弄咕咕 r 对手 r 鸟鸟来的哥用小哥「好由的 r
      103 words
    • Article, Illustration
      108 3 生阿他「小他好日爸送蛋福在月天这米和娘「一接给「这伟获。在己 0 J 「但我部伟「痴了不阿我们他好了在第我
      108 words