Sin Chew Youth, 21 April 1980

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
      • 252 2 It was a sunny afternoon. My friends and I went for a picnic. After playing for some time, I felt quite tired. So my friend, Slew Mei, and I went for a walk. Suddenly, we saw a house nearby. We felt very strange because it was the only
        252 words
      • 188 2 John had just finished his homework. He had nothing else to do, so he asked his mother,“Mummy, can I go out to play football with my friends?” His mother agreed and she gave him permission. He took his ball and went out to play with his friends. They
        188 words
      • 241 2 One day I went with two of my friends in a small boat to St. John’s Island. The boat had a small engine, but it was very old and it was difficult to start. However, at last the engine started and we headed out to sea. Half
        241 words
  • 第2页 其他
    • 457 2 i ANIMAL FAMILIES 3. Animals, like people, have families of a kind. In other words, a young animal has a father and a mother, and the parents have young ones. For example,a lion (the male parent) and a lioness (the female parent may have a cub 4 (the young one).
      457 words
    • 316 2 Solutions: (A) 1. sow, piglet 2. bull,calf 3. dog, ***** 4. gander, gosling 5. duck, duckling 6. she-wolf, cub 7. buck, fawn 8. cock, chicken 9. eagle, eaglet 10. she-bear, cub (B) 18, 2A. 38, 4C, SC, 6A, 78, BC, 98. 10A. Scoring; 15-20 Correct; Very Good. 10-14 correct: Good.
      316 words

  • 华文辅导
    • 42 3  - 谚语于命点 The pot calls the kettle black. 你是「 So many men so many opinions. 「丑恶的人 Crows are black all over the World. 「天下 T 哪
      42 words
    • 53 3  - 价值成语秦楚他很楚这是人楚继块不他不继了天三 1 文 j 的呢 j 了去失为因是不并我而卩残说答成回变和卞只把待
      53 words
    • 35 3 华《 r 半年这俗化、评一学华加传璜李种种一些报道」以。学按这个售价每
      35 words
  • 第3页 其他
    • 449 3 n]r 朗坩杜 Hn 乾 II 晅 4 S 啪 mm 丑柵 s s_ 隹 sk 琏侔柃撇尿鞀姝运 a 黎卜姑 1 m <- □ci O O 〇 3 H cd »■0 O T) 哝扫怅集 a 雜集
      449 words