Sin Chew Youth, 9 April 1980

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
      • 260 2 Last week, I celebrated my 15th birthday by having a party at home. A few days before my birthday, I was very busy. I had to write and send invitation cards to inform my friends about my birthday party. I ordered a birthday cake from a cake
        260 words
      • 264 2 “Oh, behold! Shelter at last!” cried my friend, Ming Yin, as we were running in the rain. In r front of us was a small cottage without any light inside. We passed the garden in front of the cottage. Reaching the door, we knocked but there was no
        264 words
  • 第2页 其他
    • 266 2 切 Today’s picture is an unhappy one. Let’s look at the kind of words needed to describe it. Tick the most suitable answer from each sef of options. (You may need the help of a good dictionary when you are in doubt.) Nos. 1-9 refer to the picture. 1. This
      266 words
    • 298 2 5. The law officer (on the extreme left of the picture) is carrying a in his right hand. A: stick B; baton C: pointer 6. This is an weapon. (Refer to No. s,s answer.) Expansion For writing practice here is an exercise on expansion. To expand on a statement you
      298 words
    • 110 2 7. 9. 10. raged waged staged 11. During the war many were fought, fetters battles heralds 12. In Europe fought very bravely for their kings. A; wizards B: minstrels C: knights 13. They wore- for protection. (Refer to No. 12,s answer.) A: armour B: metal C: plates B: graves C:
      110 words

  • 新园林
    • Article, Illustration
      74 3  - 窗华何小尘窗袋一了摇再迷清到它起在有不默可此「个懂得花典籍』只。说 r 名与利究竟虚下间戏剧争窗蜗步下尝
      74 words
    • 82 3  - 赌名 s 炎热海出睁潮了不同的望记爸步现旧我在」随后来搬再都虚的对始玩扪周剂我赌绿松钱去子成宁去去徒就我
      82 words
    • 82 3  - 母亲女皇柳晚又那真苦我不把吐绞好水上母很操母出不 J 外奔地看血东它换变成到整眼睛于会还吗今母阵用房孔天
      82 words
    • 27 3  - 成功黄埔谢我你在从 r 梯口见看抖你困你你他欲永战别喜脸成
      27 words
    • 51 3  - 他他立化林他那我字一个他似气未脱的脸庞上一件色。一车乎倏呼 0 司司而一机妇车一他我我眼提突是牙我她又他
      51 words

  • 广场
  • 第4页 其他
    • 82 4 皿皿 1 丨丨 I 丨 i. 丁上 8.20—8.40 8.55 9.15 9.30 9.50 10.05—10.25 10.45—11.05 11.20—11.40 11.55—12.15 12.30—12.50 下 1.15— 1.35 1.50 2.10 2.25 2.45 3.00 3.20 4.00 4.20 4.35—4.55 5.10 5.30 数科学英文小一 It Moves. 英文小二华淡米
      82 words