Sin Chew Youth, 7 April 1980

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
    • Composition
      • 162 2 Mr. Tan was a hawker. He was selling eggs at the market. One day, he was going to the market to sell the eggs. When he wanted to cross the road, he looked to the left and to the right. When he was crossing the road, suddenly a
        162 words
  • 第2页 其他
    • 316 2 omp^ehension 2. argument 33. settled 44. take advantage 乘 5. situation 66. consulted 77. military 88. straw dummies 9 9. approached 110. manning 111. (A) Word Study Antonyms are words with opposite meanings. Give the antonyms of these words from the passage: (B) Free-response Questions Write a complete sentence in
      316 words
    • 110 2 1. Why did the two kingdoms go to war? They 2. What did Liu Bei want to do to the exhausted enemy soldiers? He 3. What did the straw dummies look like? They 4. How did the soldiers of Liu Bei attract the attention of the enemy soldiers? They 5.
      110 words
    • 655 2 The Article "THE” (A) The article the (and not a) must be used in statements which contain superlatives. Examples of superlatives best prettiest dirtiest whitest cleverest fastest Note the use of the definite article the in these examples. 1. The cleanest book belongs to Hock Guan. 2. Do you know
      655 words

  • 华文辅导
    • 寓言世界
      • Article, Illustration
        184 3  - 一块品丨梦 r i 斜一銳小 X 劫职「锻剿。趟 r 钹 J W‘r 。观寻珙 W± 產丨 Mi 玆谄较妥。 ¥Y 由年 S 斟 u e n HZ i A Broken-down Wall One
        184 words
      • 33 3  - 多郭系系结例房意思属例系政单例同〉例不例下例船三系
        33 words
      • 28 3  - 谚语于云 803,*****1116 8621,6& 奸这海失八 1113,113,*****. 影了七这 *****8 *****^11^8116(1 你一结
        28 words
      • 22 3  - 容拔念等超类〉二念跋如压
        22 words
  • 第3页 其他
    • 237 3 阅川扔罗 \\\u\\\mmnm\\\\umu\m\\u\\m\m\\m\\\m\\\\\mm\\m\\\u\\m\m 春一有境难四岁的岁国跑你能活个成了不得了子赶齐个 G 都孩 J 拚把紧紧 J 是我怕士女 ddo 扔那都把他扔
      237 words

  • 广场
    • 77 4  - 离别 A ]M 博理秦「里了「是的爽虽的处 r J 样焦「 j r 麻烦你帮吗当场队以半费招 XXX 土伴舞到不找烦学劳同妒些的
      77 words
    • 61 4  - 绿园淡马锡。刘淡茵之为夜「绿园辩正有幕团参淡学这开。该办出推同组创写几民组番该组的这个运所市痴的比高
      61 words
    • 77 4  - 听刘思 i 华史雷摩 •:S:.:Es 〇灿的台清投的刘他首「月熟的翩然乐长琮飘静诗芸感观般第民耳的第三首是风青在界马在们
      77 words
    • 174 4 少 Ij 我 T 写「父幷妈认找 Efs r# 能爸要能为太了但安受为还一好是 t4 一肩戍我略做业受做实留母我加晚苦 y 产 > 时反
      174 words
    • 55 4  - 流言致雏 m 林雏以一个谁们友。难既应情用去间使流只言我们来学校固然分如虫。肯同我五少不如时只两下诚心地
      55 words