Sin Chew Youth, 31 March 1980

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
      • 270 2 The Singapore River is well-known for its filthy, black and oily water. Passersby often receive a whiff of unpleasant smell from it. Yet this river plays a very important part in trade. Singapore depends greatly on its entrepot trade. This means that she earns much money by
        270 words
      • 224 2 I had an experience of being lost when I was a little girl about six. I can still remember the incident clearly in my mind. One night, I went to a night market with my mother in the neighbourhood. It was crowded with people. My mother held my hand
        224 words
  • 第2页 其他
    • 471 2 activity shown in the picture is on the decline. 6. The PSA has built modern w at Pasir Panjang to cater for this type of activity. Now continue exercising your WORD POWER by selecting the most appropriate choice from each set of options. 7. The Ministry of has a long-term
      471 words
    • 565 2 B; evaporation C: pollution To remain in one place ships drop A: chain B: hook C: anchor The people manning a ship are its A: crew B: boatmen C: committee You travel by ship if you go on a A: voyage B: flight C: journey Ships at sea quite often
      565 words

  • 华文辅导
    • Article, Illustration
      42 3  - 鸡成语秦孟所打的孟立向可。这用当地人原孟袍话孟悔的谷当闭的音守关出已用用 1• 鸣 2• 效
      42 words
    • 27 3  - 词语洛丁値得 zhide A• 单独 B 主语的动遍 J 。
      27 words
    • 29 3  - 多郭监监太一意思工例师例了二代如例都 ①J jjj 监监 j 生国
      29 words
    • 34 3  - 容扒 A 念 ba 头 j B- B 念 p6 扒抓菜 0 扒去从念如
      34 words
  • 第3页 其他
    • 208 3 37 IKa piiSiliiiiliii .‘v:v 1 1 一下语择数 1• 这风声。 2• 光 3• 4 天气很热大家的精打 5• 乡睡熟二选号 1• 我 ii 2• 孩 3 疫 3 是的 4• 旅行法
      208 words

  • 广场
    • 77 4  - 文艺营点 <S^^ T \^K I# 11 南洋沁瞬已园所创项。一营艺定文一益夜着两天三的办艺、主报日。归而 A 个於天尽这 tJ 获举
      77 words
    • 145 4  - 鱼场杏屮工鱼多塘鱼不每夂这十四类不同赏鱼在两息故用水把小这〇接首鱼吃锅、鱼粉掺个轮把具状另区的网在。
      145 words
    • 101 4 少学学些个赌徒了上亲吵亲一有的业毕读刚四中绩个叔叔我辑编生院有沒叙的从加雕样智意妳这少夜亲休的但加 b»
      101 words
    • 64 4  - 让友谊一致卷陈业同助这象久投密同在搞义人量怀力种的一人是旁励勉时的人旁时意得希学对生相怜们不染。若的
      64 words
  • 第4页 其他
    • 96 4 今 U 丨丨丨 _1 丨丨丨丨丨上 8.20— 8.40 数学 8.55— 9.15 科告中 9.30— 9.50 英女木 10.05 1 〇 _25 10.45— 11.05 英文 t 11.20— 11.40 华语阅读 11.55 12.15 华语道德 12.30— 12.50 科
      96 words