Sin Chew Youth, 28 March 1980

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
    • Composition
      • 192 2 I am a giant turtle. I was born on the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Every year, around the. month of September, I go back there to lay my eggs. I lay them at night. Each time I lay about eighty eggs. I take about two
        192 words
      • 223 2 My ambition is to become a doctor because I like to help the sick and the poor. By helping these people, I would be helping my country, as healthy people make a healthy nation. There are many people in the world suffering from various kinds of diseases, and
        223 words
  • 第2页 其他
    • 791 2 圓 o ::1Help! There was once a poor man who could not make ends meet. However he tried, he was not able to have enough food for his family. At last he decided to go to an old childhood friend of his for help. His friend was rich and was,
      791 words
    • 380 2 He (B) The following words are taken from the passage: childhood remind aid approached returns pulled breathe owes Fill in the blanks below with these words. 1. If he the book late, he will be fined five cents for each day the book is overdue. 2. She still me five
      380 words

  • 小作家
    • 53 3  - 一李夜人有也「么早 r 这是谁的想海里在个到患幸虽件大不的蔚夜孩流从了父而从他啡务被可十纸重父的啊
      53 words
    • 17 3  - 那怀査顿郑那我你我那我你我如你那只
      17 words
    • 29 3  - 一本动培青学李我是 r 纟丘蝴相书。做 j» 它。应虾西从而被影读它永
      29 words
    • 39 3  - 我培主 I 校 6E 郭玉祥一走要妇好东一 J 那少年转过身闪。揉上当刚好替谢警说我天
      39 words
    • 24 3  - 电培青 6 I 林我大把上楼我上工放组涂身拿最了着我公
      24 words
    • 17 3  - 今愿培王光去都里年在望首定书专如相
      17 words
    • Article, Illustration
      35 3  - 狮 J.O 顯丨平从港问有。远「被后时接林头就野马锡」改名为「这成读了。
      35 words
    • Article, Illustration
      3 3  - 好万林
      3 words
    • 49 3  - 钓四乙南山丽金星天我闲做了小到钓们竿蚯及我的便出大过钟们了荫来等钓忙把心望钩过到家慢上鱼忙放接人
      49 words