Sin Chew Youth, 26 March 1980

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
    • Composition
      • 176 2 A long time ago in China, there was a very wicked emperor. He treated the people cruelly and the people were very unhappy under his rule. The emperor did not want to die. He wanted to live forever. He called together the wise
        176 words
  • 第2页 其他
    • 768 2 of the switches were pressed. However, Mr. Wong said that he could not guarantee that the fittings would be in the same positions when the flat was handed to Mr. Lim five months later. He said that he did a ten-minute testing in each flat. He disagreed with Inspector Tarlok
      768 words
    • 553 2 advice to flat and house owners? His 2. How was Mr. Toh killed? He 3. What was wrong with the electrical system? The 4. Why do you think Mr. Wong could not guarantee that the fittings would be all right? He 5. How does a person make a visual inspection?
      553 words

  • 新园林
    • Article, Illustration
      114 3  - 体育松提怕叫只动少又 X 刮图 XXX. 满树摇快死我们师着到左「成椅滑得於始天住 J 暗 r 咦松清每点〇 J 这拼得足老何
      114 words
    • 22 3  - 落叶华中杏风向树却簌淒在地缓粗竟情急雨竟当献
      22 words
    • 52 3  - 老师中华。秀今再现并亲老还什触发说老来学时老求应有的态失来今诉天快老许读的学一位今些的话另屮得这开更
      52 words
    • 77 3  - 日田记感它它每每由佔喜我也是写犹记热决文师心也账么每事或〇这竟轨师的越计层半不在斗下干的是猛然想起所
      77 words
    • 47 3  - 芦从束走然不一道律也路子海但有却的迴小尝生苦历世合 I 命灸欢是路接不声的正体描命生自的能条一
      47 words
    • Article, Illustration
      62 3  - 两江我。这自我色文着见流更了 XXX 妳常又不第一我写 XX 它希愿生百祝 XX 一盛「谢 XXX 我 MX 记想得这尝知「不可以 XXX 我
      62 words

  • 广场
    • 62 4  - 从文艺南洋治唉的了 6 大情然人朋们文的益那文绪真说前校机说品作法另一种新词的我游体完思历在我目论得我动
      62 words
    • 82 4  - 人活着是龜瘂人同大问清大望论自各定到对是理欣后的表人得的姓的的类束因生产张切却流大在认安会烈公去误人
      82 words
    • 45 4 少过爱被也我生先辑现编爱在稳集到玫玫称经这地「的是我越越神女此我们相让同的同也发
      45 words
    • 36 4  - 保险代 3i 夏在了〇要是上们识教上这的如看家其习惯们在也买保不们外取的这险当待总
      36 words
    • 56 4  - 「琵琶环文台侠噜例当的胭了不如说剧 r 天跟比啊例 J 一与婆还台总儿一归陆了被杀这数一还个照逊而单虑更竟飞
      56 words
  • 第4页 其他