Sin Chew Youth, 10 March 1980

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
      • 228 2 There are many interesting places in Singapore we can visit. Recently I visited the Haw Par Villa in Pasir Panjang. My father took me there. Since it was a holiday, there was a large crowd of people. The majority of the visitors were children.
        228 words
  • 第2页 其他
    • 547 2 A FISH BOMB? What should you do if you are given a tin of fermented Baltic herring? The answer is simple: Treat it as you would a bomb. Get everybody out of the house, warn the neighbours and fling the tin into a sink full of cold water. Why is
      547 words
    • 219 2 often explode, and customers complain about irremovable odours left in refrigerators. Although there have been explosions, nobody has heard of a tin of the herring killing or injuring anybody. For anybody not yet persuaded to taste the canned Baltic herring, a Swede offers this encouragement: “If you smell it, you
      219 words
    • 548 2 2. What does this dish smell like? 3. What is the secret of the preparation? 4. What does a tin that is ready for eating look like? 5. How should you open a tin of the herring? 6. How many people have been hurt or killed by an explosion of
      548 words

  • 华文辅导
    • 57 3  - 容俞厂 5①5 庵 ②c:( 敞 a 工厂 b 商 0 c (1) 念庵庵名多用 (2) 念 guang( 光 j 思是 a 大广大 b c f 专 d• 广 e 指广东省或指指广州到
      57 words
    • 27 3  - 多郭茶几所剩无思例几例忘了二思 0 如例目例人 0
      27 words
    • 31 3  - 瞪着麒麟说是參易 deng zhe qT iTn shuo shT ma tai bu shT hud 甲冒乙生 <] 注相传头只把化亮
      化亮画图  -  31 words
  • 第3页 其他
    • 346 3 一一下在 1 b• 马来 c• d• 真是 1 )cb d a (2)b a d c 3 )ac d b (4)c b a d bb c• 给人 d•— (1)cb d a (2 )ad b c 3 )bd a c (4)d c a b 的 b•
      346 words