Sin Chew Youth, 25 February 1980

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
      • 183 2 I agree that we all should be courteous because courtesy implies good upbringing and good manners. We should always be polite. Courtesy gives good impression of oneself to others. If we are courteous, we will gain more friends and they will trust us
        183 words
      • 309 2 I was born in a bank. I was the smallest coin in the bank but I was very shiny. I lived in a metal box with my friends. One day, a man came to the bank and he took my friends and me out
        309 words
      • 261 2 The place I am going to describe is Sembawang Sea, which is also named 'Jutfe's Sea*. It is at the fifteenth mile stone, Sembawang Road. Xt is a famous sea which many tourists visit very often at weekend or public holidays. Near the sea, there are several
        261 words
  • 第2页 其他
    • 534 2 s W.W -WM today, 丨 et’s find out things about the world of animals. For this purpose, tick the most suitable answer from each set of options. 1. Which of the following is not an ape? A A; gorilla poisonous snake? (5 d Cross Carefully Hock Guan: Did you hear
      534 words

  • 华文学园
    • 39 3  - 爷爷圣安东尼女钟秀如最要好我妈得常及我哭还起说否则有半坐的观有着对就。怎爷爷虽一
      39 words
    • 21 3 清博萧 X 划梦方晨着声早幽在神上学「日晨应
      21 words
    • Article, Illustration
      181 3  - 卖品梦夏担树有在把他刚放下大然而老傲天 (csng 尖老「了」他尖 Selling Ice It was summer and the sun blazed in a cloudless sky. Not a tree or a blade of grass moved. It
      181 words
    • 90 3  - 分東第第爱屋及乌 love for a person extends even to the crows on his roof. 參他例屋太八拜之交 (ba a friendship of eight bows sworn brotherhood. 例帮道鲁 ways; part company, each going his own way. 或
      90 words
    • 49 3  - 毕玛中廖快试考业 X 四中 X 真可业得毕 X 过间时珍玉小成果如不靖钟坪馈博 I 2S W 成的势考会想令肩揭这哦小小
      49 words
    • 33 3  - 对美 S! 学梁有的事。搭职忙搭客职呢搭了公份约职搭职搭职呢搭职搭客费职相搭职
      33 words
  • 第3页 其他
    • 148 3 pm 翔月三国「的物家 b 帮援助物面用对「赞上得的 J 则多 r 使政包「方的事物如、』、 r 意、 r 范广保「保常跟录
      148 words

  • 广场
    • 54 4 读文科选烦由物常我的就因不认为「存在不学目为应候恼文生荣或生人的最在倒僉被其文献竹许欢该人工目文云能
      54 words
    • 62 4  - 学生不应立化龜南读「浪一当我字什性件果得某上娱乐六个书场费这并真眼己由而锻炼數有何经了得学起去而根终
      62 words
    • 51 4  - 情节感人 1; 学「大火一生市的大火灾 ON FIR 的片正了建、话好知影跟潮。了那影炼火这逼服都不波因火有但当下强的
      51 words
    • 61 4  - 工作議萧我鞋行这候的鞋却不所个奖自每日额外实每一在的不在偏激 r 你只要拿到钱 J 这脑的增加我不知受样签幸
      61 words
    • 75 4 少编您教解焚我二年年级的进不年了头在 O 要东虎完些放。是她他钱了 0 我他心想样无我他作时伤叔该怎妈我请。
      75 words
  • 第4页 其他