Sin Chew Youth, 18 February 1980

Total Pages: 4
1 2 Sin Chew Youth

  • (英文学园)
      • 273 2 It was already mid-night, but I was wide awake. I could not sleep because my stomach was rumbling. Finally, I decided to go to the kitchen to find something to eat. I went downstairs and walked to the kitchen. All the members of my family had already slept. The
        273 words
  • 第2页 其他
    • 666 2 =l__ £lwn! I i 議 HP T i 1 曇 ■Hi Death To Jaywalkers In October last year, the Traffic Police warned the public that by the end of 1979 a hundred pedestrians would die on the roads if they continued to ignore road safety rules. That was the, grim
      666 words
    • 448 2 9. obstruct 110. whizzing 111. assumptions 112. privilege (A) Multiple-choice Questions Tick the most suitable answer of each set of options. 1. A hundred pedestrians, it was would die on the roads by the end of 1979. A; dictated B: predicted C: broadcast 2. This would happen because pedestrians A;
      448 words
    • 235 2 pedestrian crossing? 5. In what way does standing on the lane markings give pedestrians a false sense of security? (C) True/False Questions Which of these statements are true, and which are false? 1. Pedestrians should take it for granted that all vehicles would stop for them at pedestrian crossings. 2.
      235 words

  • 华文学园
    • 62 1  - 从相大智中 a 〇替 /f 「去 r 不」我反越有纪念价值说二每一本开片屋小代我 r 你呀一定很贪就知道了。就我中我史
      62 words
    • 76 1  - 分東相敬如宾 Xiang jTng 參鲁 (of a married couple) to respect each other as if the other were a guest. 例此遇人不淑 to marry the wrong guy: to have married a bad husband. 例落形体 _inseparable,likeapersonand his shadow (usually
      76 words
    • 43 1 小壁课外书介壁巴尾里答黄黄老头 1, 牛见看上地吃草在借行呢不子。来这移又它
      43 words
    • 33 1  - 一立新尤索夫林我燕亲替海颗学定有问每 0 海里伤么做看病被燕第学要学我后
      33 words
    • 21 1  - 克信林白飘白翻多多你飞飞 XXX 不不知不我希找
      21 words
    • 45 1 我一圣十早了门个。明饼我因她小女后觉真八岁女要为奔尙八月吃打一的来故骂为讨不们她感本
      45 words
  • 第1页 其他
    • 156 1 一、 1 i 一翔 c 懊悔丧懊丧 dosdng 、恼 r 懊悔恼 j 或了「有如 r 懊的如恼把持 bacM 操纵 caozdng 这以支「把别支界纵「操器图人
      156 words