Sin Chew Youth, 8 February 1980

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
      • 604 2 Everyone should have a chance to do something new in his or her life. I had such a chance too, but the most unforgettable thing I had ever done was cheating. It happened one day, when I was a primary school student. I had
        604 words
  • 第2页 其他
    • 400 2 Easier Parking Recently, the Housing Board introduced a new system for night parking. Under the new system, motorists are able to park in any of the HDB’s eighty car parks with night parking facilities. However, they must purchase booklets of parking tickets in advance at any of the board’s area
      400 words
    • 170 2 m 靈 i'::;::!?::::: 雖 $5 booklet of 50-cent tickets for cars wanting to park in multi-storey car parks which charge 50 cents per entry at night. $2 booklet of 20-cent tickets for motorcycles and scooters. In this system, the motorist has to fill in his car number and the date
      170 words
    • 124 2 5. a particular 66. new arrangement 新 7. spares 88. kiosk 99. area office 110. specific 111. current practice 现 12. enforcement squad 执 13. season parking 季 (A) Multipie-choice Questions Tick the most suitable answer in each number. 1. In the new system of night parking A: payment is
      124 words
    • 492 2 7. What does the new system seek to prevent? 8. How many types of booklets are used for night parking? 9. How many tickets are there in each booklet for motorcyclists? 10. Which has more facilities, the blue or orange kiosk car park? Solutions: (A) 18, 2A, 38, 4C, 58.
      492 words

  • 华文学园
    • 57 3  - 课 > 思宏 r 女祸代精书中神在穷能给母他吃来跑乞一去哥洞门他滚每人一后锄杆说出我了了国山山再后匙聪通实它
      57 words
    • 43 3  - 难忘的立道秋十点重餐早东不星只后一在聚相好再难很此从们我到想禁一是可机了极岁」。散「望 0
      43 words
    • 43 3  - 公立达李新忙成的说炸意以我的以免法人方行应才定行挥可走尽见二司一机得喝不三脚骑因以事减
      43 words
    • 35 3  - 我怎样利武吉班刘时除相常害没功课有书空忘的我些已些阅作间看些在看是现好
      35 words
    • 91 3  - 春的 I 文章选读 I 编 xnftj 尽道但天好么番询色些象我说「哪里于坐书如 W 幸句制驀像隙动我边蓄问他 r 你们是 r 们得
      91 words
  • 第3页 其他
    • 107 3 理解与问答〔 i> sS!sr > 、、八 'r..:::S 有一献的以答青十麦方后了。于金子青对 r 好 1 你拿一千袋 r 不够国王。麦粒国开计
      107 words