Sin Chew Youth, 4 February 1980

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
      • 458 2 "Courtesy is for free, courtesy is for you and me. It makes for gracious living and harmony Every day, when we turn on the radio, the song on courtesy comes to our ears distinctly. As we know, this campaign was launched on the first day of June, and everyone
        458 words
      • 237 2 One evening, I was walking to the bus-stop to take a bus home. Before I reached the bus-stop, I had to walk along a dimly-lit road. A few days before this, I had heard a lot about ghosts. So my heart beat faster and faster. When
        237 words
  • 第2页 其他
    • 77 2 /2 How many words do you know? How strong is your word power? Well, let's find out. (Nos. 1-6 refer to the picture.) Tick fhe most suitable answer in each set of options. 8. sick dog to a for treatment. veterinarian veteran vegetarian To spay a dog is to A:
      77 words
    • 306 2 person. A atlas Scoring: 15-20 Correct: Very Good. 10 14 Correct: Good work. 0-9 Correct: Learn to use a dictionary. Solutions: IB, 2A, 3B,4C, 5B, 6C, 7A, 8C, 9C. 10B, 11B, 12A, 13B, 14C, 15B, 16C, 17A, 18C, 19C, 20B. Defining Things Sometimes we are required to answer the question
      306 words
    • 215 2 瞻 ill 1. May Lin: Mommy, I have bad news for you. Mother: What’s wrong? May Lin: Teacher does not allow me t 〇 cookery as a school subject any more. Mother: You should speak to the principal. May Lin: I did. And he refused to let me take cookery
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  • 华文学园
    • 26 3  - 我实理蓝我终也何风风也曾何 J 看尽多多飘看多多我终也何编验
      26 words
    • 29 3 语音会会会 kudi 当一意领例指泳 I 例说示例了例会例不
      29 words
    • 40 3  - 多郭会见如例会会例庆生例会 0 例例请二是 r 总计 j 如例下列 huT 战会会会
      40 words
    • 80 3  - 珍伟励 4 小昨夜停望无前树显分昨不午着底的你终你我了开「对但到时你岁叔意回意儿「 r 难道你没问论 r 那是学
      80 words
    • 63 3  - 杂光伟中悔早水闪天是毕一分掩而双到的中。个而下不、我好了弥补已水光在触人在话长些影做习了回六后自变沉
      63 words
    • 寓言
      • 164 3  - 柳宗品编梦 t■ "WWW 柳他。医生仔方 r (tie) 见柳况重柳宗元医医生检 z ha 「领再 Liu Zongyuan’s Illness Liu Zongyuan fell ill. He went to see a physician known to be able to
        164 words
  • 第3页 其他
    • 103 3 p 祕驗爱护 di 惜爱惜伤到损多如 r 而它的 J, 如》『 J» 这的名。公要爱戴 di ddi 热爱「敬袖护 r 情人「「〇爱好 Si 好嗜
      103 words