Sin Chew Youth, 1 February 1980

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
    • Composition
      • 147 2 Write a letter inviting your friend to your birthday party. Block 101, 172-F, Whampoa Drive, Singapore 1232. 21st January, 1980. Dear Caroline, I am very happy to know that you will come to Singapore during your school holiday in October. My fourteenth birthday falls on 20th February,
        147 words
      • 184 2 Most people have hobbies. There are many kinds of hobbies, for example: swimming, reading, sewing, keeping pets and stamp-collecting. These are all good hobbies. Some examples of bad ones are smoking, gambling, drinking and so on. My hobby is reading. Reading can improve my English and help me
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      • 153 2 One day, an ant felt thirsty. It walked to a pond to get a drink. While it was drinking, it slipped and fell into the water. The poor ant was very frightened because it could not swim. A pigeon was perching on a branch nearby.
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      • 182 2 The person I like most is Lay Lan. She is my neighbour. She has a beautiful face with two big and black eyes. She is twenty-two years old now and she works in an office. Lay Lan is a very helpful, kind and friendly person.
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  • 第2页 其他
    • 426 2 i Spot The Errors Can you spot errors in these sentences? 1. It was midnight and the sun was shining brightly. Error: 2. Now, everybody, take out the insects that you have caught. Good, Hock Guan has the biggest insect a giant spider. Error: 3. I like going to the
      426 words
    • 193 2 Falling From A Tree Ha 0 -S7 Look at each picture carefully. Write answers to the questions. Picture 1: 1. What is Loh Bin doing? 2. What has he seen? 3. Where is the fruit? Picture 2: 4. Where has he parked his bicycle? 5. Where is he now? 6.
      193 words

  • 华文学园
    • 51 3  - 一莱佛士廖一间惜弃懊假。很这份工作。平日里捧现时皂有苦刚顾后星一第一 r 如工我筚扣只还做的来最做己号运
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    • 学府风光
    • 29 3  - 银币的尙育梁我不无用分我轻富很小有。才。东我亲才章苦望能永
      29 words
    • Article, Illustration
      40 3  - 香朔在香有从老待还给。可了起来告别经。去。自正伤好饲一过来看起女老腰年〇
      40 words
    • 29 3  - 瑞士村许「声起这还还乡菜 0 柒。民工子上们高早地更忧
      29 words
    • 45 3  - 中国思这集蛇八例敖头忽的了看砍便回母理将叔三且很别教第、等第是清有训应 r 中国道德故事内性
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  • 第3页 其他
    • 110 3 活动 <____________..~r~) 林句题把 1• 瞄 2• 传锯 3 残 4 我去找岗 5• 沼选号 1• 老师始 2 要不是忘 3• 作 0 4• 5 他跑去一试从文「读书是打我
      110 words

  • 广场
    • 57 4  - 南洋初级本报特约淸位多顺十由是员队。生组涎年 8 7 9 1 于队球篮初南篮对有更多的机会观摩别关陈这多功新由
      57 words
    • 105 4  - 虾饼是 3 蔚考别的第亲〇丰所我、机快想劲接硕慢搓揉如有搓笼。掀容必人锅有大逊色蒸也新使里 J 胶在蒸笼过来
      105 words
    • 64 4  - 准则是相獅岩拜对许我所以会认为钉观准自入了小会合的必须然年在子因的老谈 0 不的评价结时小游好错内这又实
      64 words
    • 68 4  - 要一也谈少龜、是为赋却一为的和活更也虚挫不了大加年的记前 c R Af i I 1/- 0 At 思独坐静的妙其名莫会常何为人
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    • 51 4 少 A 我有一 0 我最新找队我动问我却开在知他脆句气请什话截双希望工蕭萧同你缺难请善所心可意〇其也陌察另一
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  • 第4页 其他
    • 82 4 今日 8 第上 8.20— 8.40 8.55 9.15 90 9.50 10.05—10.25 10.45-11.05 11.20-11.40 11.55-12.15 12.30-12.50 下 1.15— 1.35 1.50- 2.10 2.25- 2.45 3«00 一 3.20 4.00- 4.20 45 4.55 5.10- 5.30 数学科学英文英文华文第二语英文华语道
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