Sin Chew Youth, 28 January 1980

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
    • Composition
      • 323 2 I am one of the p8%pupils who passed the P.S.L.Ein 1978. I was posted to Maris Stella High School. I went to an English school nearby to attend the immersion classes. When I first went to the English school, I felt lonely, because I
        323 words
  • 第2页 其他
    • 334 2 M M M.M. {V -1 f!k:M/(W:i^ J, \yJ'- > f < W.. •■^a* '>*' ~..iyV.*: i: y'//- '\!*.V*--*. V' V V* v 篆 For foday, let's find out about* functions of things, how things are used. Tick the most suitable answer from each sef of options. 1. A brief-case is
      334 words
    • 269 2 _~\[{.`{=]_^)>(';"\!+";;"%+?+$% Picture Composition Look at the picture carefully. See if you can spot these things: a zinc roof a wooden crate a carton a refrigerator a striped blouse a sign-board (B) Complete these sentences. 1. In front of the shop are some and 2. The tells us the name of
      269 words

  • 华文学园
    • Article, Illustration
      143 3  - 跛寓梦品跛 b 6) 子戏戏子戏得忽看了。戏有一个朋友 huang 然大悟 W Q 笑不是戏台歪了自呢人 0 The Cripple Went For A Show A cripple went for
      143 words
    • 88 3  - 虚周如 (1 2 样 (2 果即题上果也使也也假结果 (3) 如果若 (4) 如果你不「一致也。 5 也 (6) 即使你把不将「如果」和来边。
      88 words
    • 56 3  - 颜永中悲哪在脸能倒怜夫小房洗喝。病人丈得出意 I 徊、似 g 肩 f 、礼轉喝喝小小妈翠后火一 > 和火 i 着翠小
      56 words
    • 91 3  - 分東海枯石烂 hai kQ 海变 0 籲 (I will remain faithful you) even if the sea dries and stones rot. 例也誓言鲁 solemn pledge of fidelity. 例许东狮吼 (h§ 春 the outburst of a virago. 例东举 to
      91 words
    • 46 3  - 第一徳新廖在能姐这定已好。生生呀错好道菜便煮好张且翻 J 马总离利布于问我道「了当显
      46 words
    • 29 3  - 风筝与培立金一外不觉筝小象饭到母在高挺的他得风不小奄哥竟从
      29 words
  • 第3页 广告
    • 52 3 每月征题本的同 1• 截 2• 2 参 2 2 报。信厂 2 者班 3• 奖 3 •1 3 2 $10 及 3 各 3 4 另 4• 作 > To: 标签 (S) 一 1.9, Keppel Road, S’pore 毎月征
      52 words
  • 第3页 其他