Sin Chew Youth, 11 January 1980

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
    • 268 2 I am a beautiful and big handbag. I was born in Singapore and after I was born, some men took my friends and me to a big shop which sold a lot of other things, I stayed in this shop for a week
      268 words
    • 98 2 One fine day, when I woke up early in the morning, the sun was shining brightly in the sky. I had my teeth brushed and my face washed before taking my breakfast. Then my father drove us to my uncle’s house. My uncle followed us to the beach.
      98 words
  • 第2页 其他
    • 441 2 4. A man like the one in the picture can be called a A: motorist B; technician C; engineer D: machinist 5. A man whose work is to build walls is called a brick A; fitter B; carrier C: layer D; builder 6. A person who designs buildings is A:
      441 words
    • 259 2 B: tone C: sound D: pitch 10. For advice on the building of a flyover, the government consults most probably. A: an engineer B; an architect C: a metallurgist D: a manufacturer 11. When working near a one is sure to feel very hot. A: dispensary B: furnace C: teleprinter
      259 words
    • 45 2 14. One of these works on battery. A: brief-case B: torch C: polish D: booklet 15. One of these is a metal. A: ruby B: ivory C: silver D: cane Solutions: 18, 2A, 3C, 48, SC, 6D, 7C, BD, 98, 10A, 118, 12A, 13C, 14B,15C,
      45 words

  • 华文学园
    • 58 3  - 旅 pi* 美中邱爸息机在伦 Oxford Street) 琳六的人并 Hyde Park 在法表六观光。首再乘一送十轻也这 (Herstal 第卢 Dav 〇边接后六部地回起话好
      58 words
    • Article, Illustration
      50 3  - 铜 II 神话故朔在农着的丽她钱巴积钱 0 有他打看老很巴打中的铜水壶送要就巴。农了便但想强向匕要金源子从 I. 庫
      50 words
    • 30 3  - 记我裕廊中陈七。响去颁綵所学国八们台长生们社赛台了琴印观奖
      30 words
    • 72 3  - 数丹绒中枫当学然令益编我的避学化把乏不万有由年三都燥却变多是三着数人佐我千许都多许一是。数作一一 I 看
      72 words
    • 45 3  - 课外书思 H (5) 相孔相一得改得短故事现在故事蛇鹊了来喜看一食起毛明孩们很这事十都伺拼
      45 words
  • 第3页 其他
    • 65 3 5 盼 (a 盼 (pdn (b 芬 f§n (c 颁 bsn (d 盆 p6n 口 (e 贫 (pTn (f 氛 fgn 是表现 <1 练习试的 1• 空气 2• 校胜 3• 我们 4• 这篇入 5• 小 6• 客厅得 7• 她
      65 words

  • 广场
    • 85 4  - 访全国甲组 I 学生白锦。於荣就中小问梅看恭之。。乒年「有答的球谈直板底改为兴教无练提脚威莲她举 978 项 10 屆
      85 words
    • 111 4 当百货到一次面试先到在内不大得太过签着房听最门随着走惯我隔人不要的 Size, 至 TTea 。同那差歇 r 副经理要见来我原
      111 words
    • 74 4 少编您段〇不连执报除我了理外告一的脏病虽会的事心朋友有父顶哥吗学敢去试后请正落妳学要作以或该找看申有
      74 words
    • 32 4  - 写给迷南洋馨迷觉挑你社物奇果至活其是迷申缅老那若以迷吧你的后南洋
      32 words
    • 78 4  - 我看龜海星园推方案不率关以为常照破生而用武著四节一里却的完样我那 I 书本相能整真定成把想一拍快赶便筋说
      78 words