Sin Chew Youth, 7 January 1980

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
    • Conversation
      • 269 2 When we say that a person has courtesy, we mean that he or she is kind, helpful and polite, and shows respect to others. Every one likes a person who is courteous. But what is courtesy? Here are examples of courtesy. We must not
        269 words
      • 273 2 There are two types of elephants in this world. One is the African elephant and the other is the Indian elephant. The African eiephant is much bigger than the Indian elephant. The elephant is a big animal which is usually found in flat countries where there is a
        273 words
  • 第2页 其他
    • 867 2 r M M. MMWWW s^:W-=^' 15. I am not asking for much attention, just a r s-M'MM w M '^w^y Let’s find out if you know the opposites of certain words in English, it- is not as easy as it sounds. Well, let's go. Complete the blanks with the opposite
      867 words