Sin Chew Youth, 30 November 1979

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
    • Composition
      • 340 2  -  Lim Siew Choo Sec. 4 Nanyang Girls* High Sch. In a modern society nowadays the youths face many problems such as: drug abuse, competition for jobs, pickpockets, and delinquency. As we are living in a very materialistic society, everywhere we are attracted by wealth. People think
        340 words
      • 299 2  -  Teo H 〇 Sec. 3 Chung Cheng High Sch. Long ago, in China, the Chinese were very happy and contented with their lives. They lived in a village which was very peaceful. One night, an incident happened. A myssterious monster came to the village. It killed several people
        299 words
      • 215 2  -  Seah Choon Guan Sec. 3F Chung Cheng High Sch. I was very happy last year. My parents and I were all ready to go to Penang by air. It was the first time I sat in a plane. I was very excited. On that day, I
        215 words
  • 第2页 广告
    • 23 2 Note to Composition Writers Always remember to write these at the top of your composition: Your name and address. Your class and school.
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  • 第2页 其他
    • 217 2 Reported Speech Read these two short accounts which contain direct speech and re-write them in reported speech. 1. Waiting at the bus sta- Solution to Wednesday's Puxxles 1. It was not raining. 2. The little boy could not count. 7. 飾 ap-':.' ■V^ 髻漆 Sw-tm^r-w w; How good is
      217 words
    • 316 2 tion was a woman with a baby in her arms. She was crying bitterly. Along came a conductor who said, “Excuse me, madam, but why are you crying?" “Oh, dear me,” she replied. “A woman and her husband were here a while ago, and they were both so rude to
      316 words
    • 124 2 lager was walking to town carrying a huge sign-post on his back. On it were the words “To the city”. Along the way, he met his friend who said, “What’s that on your back, Ah Seng?” “Oh, it,s only a signpost.” “Isn’t it too heavy for you t 〇 “Yes,
      124 words

  • 华文学园
    • Article, Illustration
      68 3  - 杞人成程 t mmtm 杞是使说的有他然落怕起要陷陷怕那那都实在他着那么忧愁。天是靠气体候好便怕它他阳、他掉没那
      68 words
    • 64 3  - 装培立中卓吗功同也况烂装妈说叫 J 弟住万万哥便第装无铃了近多吗快家里想了较等拨会爸爸把地要装电他「哥话
      64 words
    • 28 3  - 记我裕廊蔡一一议前观那然左堂校致领说没加员天颁献、其表下
      28 words
    • 23 3  - 多音 f 语文郭編恐吓吓一个恐例马例二人例吓
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    • 39 3  - 笫一明智麦在缆那心车趣静静所后然队好我排比们学游了纳同。很。下站落车始开雨到云
      39 words
    • 88 3  - 课外书介潭这是只小的看我个性格刚烈、的尤门生姣賈尤柳气奋当的事出名串弱过尤身到自泥而这二姐图酒府八取
      88 words
    • 28 3  - 失眠莱佛士陈了睡午二 p 天当于钟由时上晚个一的中期假长好
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  • 第3页 其他

  • 广场
    • 105 4  - 德光丹绒加犹早的船我上大沉自风车〇走我的冲 XXX 在同在钓进海里的或由不幸不「。 J, 每粒吃面啊 XXX 晌午打同兴拉
      105 words
    • 92 4  - 最好不參江南曾诲从。地以有见零 V 生〃学不的一无幼之学一引而吸推来卩图 :11 书逐连阅不的 JJ 武侠已侠来种迷君
      92 words
    • 91 4  - 「有 4# TJJ 望「异形 J 球恐影空种弦太测在星球上有一太亮把观物刀血怪迭让来及机遇替械只遇目标过后只有明本硏
      91 words
    • 91 4  - 应当珍写沉忧看妳 J:I 错过这种 1 妳么不好妳的 1 妳歌是 4 编天难上妳毕于上最我的字召荀 3.— 捉学 ig 美优有要准 H 不
      91 words
    • 80 4 少编您我英好文我是华文尤多文思亲跟 t 生 t 叔文部怎还是文国些所得请不慧 sriaNN 孩照孩、能学士生支当乘罐 l 罐峨
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  • 第4页 其他