Sin Chew Youth, 28 November 1979

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
    • 188 2  -  Wong Shiou An Sec. 2 Bukit Panjang Govt. High Sen. One day I went to the market with my younger brother. I stopped at the fish stall to buy some fish. I spent a long time choosing them. Suddenly, I realised that my brother
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    • 141 2  -  Lau Siew Eng Sec. 1 Mount Vernon Sec. Sch. One day, I decided to go to my friend’s party, so I had to buy a present for her birthday. Katong Shopping Centre was quite crowded on that day. As I stepped onto the escalator, I suddenly slipped
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    • 174 2  -  Quek Chang Sear Sec. 1 Bukit Ho Swee Sec. Sch. In school, I have many friends, but the friend I like best is Kok Wah. Kok Wah is a good student. In our class, he is a hard-working and honest person. He is fifteen years old. My
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    • 166 2  -  Aw Chong Yen, Pr. 4A Jalan Teck Whye Pr. Sch. Long, long ago, the peacock was the king of the jungle. He had a lovely voice and beautiful feathers. He was very proud of his voice and feathers. Every day he walked in
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    • 189 2  -  Lee Siew Kwang Sec. IB Holy Innocents’ High Sch Last Sunday, I went to my friend’s house to ask him if he could come with me to the shopping centre. He agreed and off we went. We went there by bus. When we reached there,
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  • 第2页 其他
    • 452 2 E_listi 藝 sage the men’s jobs (the jobs The Apostrophe (A) Usage The apostrophe ’)is a very important punctuation mark. Here are two uses of the apostrophe: 1. To show that some letters have been left out. Examples: can’t (for cannot) don’t (for do not) she’ll (for she will) 2.
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    • 70 2 Can you solve these puzzles? Puzzle No. 1 Four people were sharing an umbrella but none got wet How was this so? Response: Puzzle No. 2 iP. A little boy was out walking with his mother along s lonely street. Suddenly, he saw his mother's friend, and h( jumped up
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  • 华文学园
    • 15 3  - 多看休 J 0 老师来着在高的图书经良
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    • 28 3  - 这次林平无会都辯学很論辯有握认我应得的但绩意这不力的
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    • 18 3 老师请华咐同当来整有笔有当能看告
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    • 21 3  - 小博理工萧滴小小小滴小农小经街经大你你我小
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    • 29 3  - 被困尙志中陈「来当过里电一喊进电有我听到外面有。们被望
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    • 51 3  - 祖母丹绒加张家些难一小杂年扇祖喜了祖这祖母拥一收母在不。味每旁梳楚祖闲花手慢下。夜风一问祖
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    • 74 3  - 海的「文章选读夏编 •MTU 我有一有描季蓝情旅途袭战场 b 6 骤再是平和凶我。航海水的呼腾仓了面这是深渺过我着柔
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    • 54 3 课二「 J 一故柴的带个一亲新办剩的衣小女她她户备。若希主含突呰拖在她了出墙的新发一孩夜作没通街
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  • 第3页 广告
  • 第3页 其他
    • 111 3 成习用语徐情够交情 gdu friendship with another person that is deep enough for one to ask for a favour from him or to do him a favour. 友够朋友 a person whose friendship is worth having; a true friend; a friend in
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  • 广场
    • 52 4  - 应征 m 立化 B 女一是表。心会迟虑来队念十不这近定英拍印张不来开 J 哼好象现在就又么语来不说许好经该紧
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    • 88 4 看武侠小參提它杀一法武。我十的时中思近论有有是识港庸的记这中的其写呵这虽诡情剑坎如些说我青些使青少没
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    • 46 4  - 动人的歌 sa 德明政心是这居节。节。若爱影女主角牧火把诗方早诗算在阿〇这赞在丽优演。腻总浪的
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    • 113 4 少么您要被上学时他一天此而退校来则里才们文校以里儿他讨苦听起那时我都此了书像是他还做何该释学未好他分
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    • 52 4  - 户外活动江看了星洲少年想露话大了加。但她食其的能然还七觉畏的重她听、不起了勉一许色极过了「我觉且全
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  • 第4页 其他