Sin Chew Youth, 26 November 1979

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
    • Focus On Secondary One
      • 257 2  -  Ong Lay Kuan Outram Sec. Sch. It was a moonless night and there were only a few tiny stars twinkling in the dark sky. I was walking home after a 9.30 show. I was alone walking along a dark narrow path. I was so frightened that I always turned
        257 words
      • 144 2  -  Lee Siew Lian Nan Chiau Girls* High Sch. One day, Wai Keong was cycling to school. When he was cycling on the road, suddenly a car came near him. He tried to dodge, but it was too late. The car knocked him down. He lost his balance
        144 words
      • 153 2  -  Ng Er Yang Bukit Ho Swee Sec. Sch. My friend John and I went to a picnic on Sunday. Early that morning, we packed our bags. We brought bread, drinks, fruits and our swimming costumes with us. We met at the school car park. At
        153 words
      • 156 2  -  Toh Lay Choo Hai Sing Girls’ High Sch. There were four good friends. Their names were Tom, Peter, John and Ali. One fine day, they decided to go fishing. They came to a big pond. They were happy fishing in the pond. The pond was far
        156 words
      • 236 2  -  Ang Hwee Huang River Valley Govt. Mid. Ch. Sch. The jingling of pails and tins and the sounds made by his movement can be heard at dawn. This is because Mr. Tan starts work at dawn, with the help of
        236 words
      • 181 2  -  Tan Choon Siok Chung Hwa Girls’ High Sch. The teacher I like most is our form-teacher Mr. Au. He is the teacher I admire greatly. This is because he always tells us how to improve our English. He also tells us how to spend our free
        181 words
      • 235 2  -  Lim Meow Ling Nan Chiau Girls High Sch. Early in the morning, we woke up very early because we wanted t 〇 go to Island. After we had changed and taken our breakfast, we packed our bags and took a bus to Clifford Pier. When we reached
        235 words
      • 319 2  -  Yong Shee Kuan Chung Cheng High Sch. “Ring! Ring my alarm clock was ringing loudly. But I still slept soundly. After a few minutes I got up. Then I saw it was already 8 o’clock. I quickly got up and brushed my teeth. 1 washed my face,
        319 words
      • 447 2  -  Lim Ping Ping Anglican High Sch. Every evening, at about 6 o'clock, you can hear the sound of Mr. Cheng’s taxi returning home. Mr. Cheng, as you can see, is a taxidriver. He is in his late forces and has a family of fourteen to support,
        447 words

  • 华文学园
    • 38 3  - 一个好莱林 r 那小的容故时。常自是兰我现得在这虽人童这的员地故给坏这这视写
      38 words
    • 26 3  - 毕业立道李光了相恼不我也份但怎么如小但务导等
      26 words
    • 24 3  - 一年来永康许时学这相学好老生的在。跑我导我短对与
      24 words
    • 17 3  - 一条繁曾庆牛个尽的顾这游牛心屋到
      17 words
    • 157 3  - 游泳能寓言品改英有涌 xi6ng y6ng 咙大声爷 r 河水流得这样急的 r 不要紧他爸爸的 r 这孩子有学过 r 没有 r ?J The Swimmer’s Son A man
      157 words
    • 61 3  - 认 jT"f f I 编马較鱼 m5 身黑鈸 (bd) 银鱼 yTn 身大 ③(man 身下皮 ④fguT) 身大 hu6n g 身带 ⑥(ddiyG 身大皆部二 1 〇鯽一】 i 头謝鱼 (shT 背色白牙鲨
      61 words
    • 90 3  - 容语音知 d 何一「豢许多 r 豢」字的正确不是「豢也可二「破「烧字的正确读音是 huT 二许多同学把「 (suT), 毛病「会「
      90 words
    • 46 3 我 X 月「姨「理又不叫去只去因我到一辆 8 车四西在西连到当表前却了 X 月傍看倒意不来医十心妈本
      46 words

  • 广场
    • 186 4  - 充记 I 学校 L A 本报特李 1 。大丛同艳光是礼上帜外初子的祖国经先奏歌当立红吗的亮再姑华观的开合后接唱光花
      186 words
    • 60 4 少编你寄到 x 细问是张会为 0 内封的否谢祝工悲来的理屮是名然后朋不曾「露时倒你的彼还目没因利不种再的你在
      60 words
    • 119 4 做写戀倔强同学我遇母理而眼丰钉因所谓而的你跟尽就的膜你如不的们些烦友的看接脾」以不俗。突尬了不不已样
      119 words
  • 第4页 其他