Sin Chew Youth, 9 November 1979

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
    • 224 2  -  Composition Foo Chek Suan One night after dinner, I peeped out of the window, and saw the moon sparkling brightly. Then suddenly I saw a spaceship flying in my direction. It landed a few feet away from me. Then suddenly the door opened and
      224 words
  • 第2页 其他
    • 241 2 Compr Passage (1): Multiple-choice Many barbers are taking up other jobs as a barber's wage is not sufficient to keep up with the high cost of living. In view of the number of customers getting smaller and smaller,many barber shops have used their shops for other businesses. Mr Wong, a
      241 words
    • 290 2 2. Barbers are getting customers nowadays. (A) fewer (B) lots of (C) more (D) smaller 3. Mr Wong said that men (A) cut their hair once a month nowadays. (B) do not cut their hair at all. (C) cut their hair twice a month. (D) nowadays cut their hair every
      290 words
    • 117 2 ten customers a month. (D) ninety customers a month. Solutions: 1C,2A, 3D, 4C, 5B. Passage (2): Free-response Ali and Abu walked along a lonely path. Beside the path there were a lot of trees. The moonlight shone on them so that they formed eerie shadows. The boys were scared. The
      117 words
    • 304 2 helped Abu to the bungalow and knocked on the door. There was no reply. He knocked again but still there was no reply. So he pushed the door and it opened as it was not locked. They went in. The empty house was full of cobwebs. It was a strangelooking
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    • 108 2 decided to get out of the house quickly. Free-response Questions Write a sentence in answer to each question. 1. Who was the younger of the two boys? 2. What formed eerie shadows on the ground? 3. Which part of Abu’s body was in pain? 4. Who knocked on the door
      108 words

  • 广场
    • 92 4 不要沉看侠说我 J 武侠小说论小「件在或闲空们我当籍书的阅泰健时不期种假当真力纸说响整武总之说要 7 〇看爱
      92 words
    • 32 4  - 也谈「牛中正采看蹩首男怕身脱但男有近腿所裤的产上也其以的诗无他见
      32 words
    • 140 4 自修也写馨读「同是况的心的的的失担作为遭枯题呢使许让正已想样的感发且规无。现在我容出是的类之。的论决
      140 words
    • 85 4 少年编您。能跑有她虽但么嘴打一。我都训懂里什好好故知有不编做能祝工清清同你岁了天、活。你那很小言所复
      85 words
    • 52 4  - 「危机」 g3 家 11 水银看无「题子程由于的种的要影子的得戏作的他使力病事但要共就人师无昏但鸣走出电影院荡道
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