Sin Chew Youth, 29 October 1979

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
    • Composition
      • 262 2  -  Tan Siew Eng, Sec. 4F Chung Cheng High Sch. Last Saturday night, I went to visit my friend who had been sick for three weeks. She lives on the tenth floor of Block 15, Holland Drive. An old woman got into the
        262 words
      • 237 2  -  Ong Swee Leong Sec. 3E Tuan Mong High Sch. 71, King’s Road, Singapore 11. 11th March 1979 Dear Jit Siong, In your last letter you asked me to tell you what I did during this holiday. Actually, so many interesting things happened that I really cannot tell all.
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  • 第2页 其他
    • 849 2 Well, you’ve seen what Sections A and B of Paper 1, English as a Second Language, are like. As you'll remember, Section A is on Composition while Section B is on Letter-writing. For today,let’s have a look at Paper 2. Paper 2 is organised into sections too. In Section A
      849 words
    • 191 2 so much that they lose their Vitamin C. (4) Cooking kills the bacteria in food. (5) Pork must be well-cooked before it can’ be eaten because it often contains worms. (6) Meat is good for us because it is rich in protein which helps to build the cells in our
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  • 华文学园
    • 68 3  - 小姨欧南翠到满来料风乐听消大影回地脸来苦眉。愁因格学原及去气道不丧知考夜头直后车家火成她小天问一。忱
      68 words
    • 36 3  - 平德新陈一何人出会我意见。上的友是人家声不少了字人朋友间真们爱此这
      36 words
    • 31 3  - 惠励中廖父任以说父需。果父学记上带念于一紧不才我乐 0
      31 words
    • 76 3  - 篮球比大智小最近学校联办一各外练大决冠习隔在一起谈 i 昨我特「还说 r 时得们「实「还不是她同给细班上们们
      76 words
    • 55 3  - 新加坡德新中学中邱新族园是假胜的陈园。走院自见一师气心店有后是「先梯我学说有些说「我的我植物我种鹅多
      55 words
  • 第3页 其他
    • 190 3 •4] 川川丨丨川丨丨川 %11l 1111 l 1111 l 1111 l 1111 l 1111 l 1111 l 1111 l 1111 l 1111 l 1111 l 1111 l 1111 l 1111 l 1111 l 1111 l 1111 l 1111 l 1111 l 1111 l 1111 l
      190 words