Sin Chew Youth, 26 October 1979

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
    • Focus On PSLE Pupils
      • Article, Illustration
        273 2  -  Last Wednesday morning, I woke up very early because we wanted to go for a show. The name of the show was “The Wild Geese”. When we finished our lunch, we went to the cinema. We also bought sweets from the cinema. Then we went in. This show
        273 words
      • 224 2  -  Robert Ang I was manufactured in a pen factory. Then I was packed in a box with many of my friends and sent to a shop. In the stashop my friends and I were put in a show-case. A few days later, a fat
        224 words
      • 146 2  -  During the recess time, Hassan was reading a story book under a shady tree. Kok Wah was also reading a story book, but he did not sit under the tree. He walked and read the book. Suddenly Kok Wah stepped on hand. Hassan got very angry and hit
        146 words
      • 89 2  -  Last Sunday, I went to visit my grandmother. She lived in Changi. I went to her house by bus. I bought some apples and oranges for her. Grandmother was very happy to see me. I was also very glad to see her. We sat down and we talked
        89 words
      • 198 2  -  Chiang Kit Wan One day, I finished my homework and I felt very bored. Then I asked my mother to let me go to Yaohan Supermarket and my mother agreed. I put on a T-shirt and jeans. After saying good-bye to my mother, I closed the door
        198 words
      • 151 2  -  One day, Mary was doing her homework upstairs. She heard the telephone ringing continuously, so she hurried downstairs to receive the call. As she came downstairs, she fell heavily and sprained her ankle. It was extremely painful. She limped to the telephone but she could not reach
        151 words
      • 136 2  -  Ng Joo Eng One morning, Mei Mei and her mother went marketing. They walked to the market. They brought a basket with them. At first they walked to the fish-stall to buy some fresh fish. Then they went to the vegetable-stall to buy some vegetables.
        136 words
      • 152 2  -  Ong Chai Hoon One morning Ah Seng wa going to school. He wave< good-bye to his mother a the door. His mother advise( him to take along an um brella because it was goini to rain. He refused. He walked happily t( school. The wind began
        152 words
      • 196 2  -  Chin King Tan One fine day during the school holidays, I visited the Botanic Gardens situated at one end of Holland Road. On the way, I passed by many trees, bushes and buildings. At about nine o’clock when I reached there, the sun was
        196 words
      • Article, Illustration
        342 2  -  It was the middle of the night. I was awakened by a gruff voice. Looking fiercely at me was a man with a knife in his hand. My parents had gone out and I was left alone in the house. I shouted at the robber to let me
        342 words

  • 英文学园
    • 23 3  - 雨中二黃一。过了了摊三忽在已后过备是我快 XXX
      23 words
    • 24 3  - 中四叶每只我营障记了在我易国每因张巡
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    • 36 3  - 快乐的中 W 黃在提海手妈吃水妹用们一多往凉达在上把我室抱准我不我上们着
      36 words
    • 47 3  - 一个听中 4F 王五的屋太天到也给黄找到一几新年店里刻才不久的此劝后而忙肯。老安说了千古我是
      47 words
    • 德新中学 学生作品专辑
      • 24 3  - 我中二麦我工家的游谈庭巴并儿哿弟弟解两的虽可非
        24 words
      • 32 3  - 妹妹会中二卓上来到我得 r 不憬」她摇嘛开始我写得妹看说着过看哥说
        32 words
      • 23 3  - 我中二郭我母家她曾经了必促妹学常出左要家当妹果我
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      • 32 3  - 一封中 4J 陈大你很你的近绍新女游地一此市夜这屋也我至一我祝健 1 月
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    • 23 3  - 我的中三林转回一假的一时假文和父少去总小了
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    • 28 3  - 第一次中三张我而双在的上主的在我小工工懂到地在而过短你脚
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  • 广场
    • 92 4  - 笃德中 I 学本报特陈贵崇笃来传定妖「要迫求把出照 J 也称为「除 0 我礼笫一祝节在 H 步 Happy 。五芒校进校意。度第
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    • 60 4 「洒脱」鳥最纸洒后见首少论「文词棵並王文还身一仔袂至望德明政读我有「例到方很事们王的为他举时」我行为
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    • 59 4 少叔窗照两诉生〇我兴他说样来做我该〇父烛而更生设法从亲被可我意」〇如会叔华伟你来里你相的知过吧 J 如不
      59 words
    • 67 4  - 也谈「谚的 r 风第 1 1 想时是目谚一的所会举人已往中駕学个其接不累否符这在父的确受的们长这恩这是求总而「
      67 words
    • 21 4 写给莱棋淑辑你求想你欺合了谓「一朋你利妹系
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