Sin Chew Youth, 10 October 1979

Total Pages: 4
1 3 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
    • Composition
      • 214 1  -  Alice Yar Sec. 3 Bukit Panjang Govt. High Sch. Last Sunday, I went to the seaside with my family. Early in the morning, we packed our things carefully and prepared some sandwiches and drinks. We went there by car. When we reached the East Coast
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      • 382 1  -  Koh Lee Hiang Sec. 3 Nanyang Girls High Sch. Blk. 350, 35-H, Clementi Ave. 2, Singapore 0512. Ist October 1979. Dear Wang Hoon, How are you getting on? I hope you are fine. It gave me a start when I heard that you were injured in an accident.
        382 words
  • 第1页 其他
    • 431 1 &;}=.`%')/~;>,=("--)-:;:',,.)/? The GCE 'Cf Level Examination Is approaching. The paper “English as a Second Language" is a very important paper to sit for. So let’s see the types of composition you are expected to write. In addition, there is a section on letter-writing. For the purpose of close study, let
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    • 147 1 form. Example: The day I was late for school. Points; (a) watched television did homework, slept late (b) alarm clock rang, did not hear (c) mother woke you up (d) looked at the clock r discovered you were late (e) hurried, rushed to school (f) bus broke down, walked 〇
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    • 129 1 (g) scolded by school prefect (h) missed part of lesson (i) class laughed at you (j) promised not to be late again, changed your habits. 4. Now flesh out your point (that is: write them out in greater detail). Make sure that you write complete sentences by checking that you
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    • 294 1 ces correct. 5. Finally, read over what you have written and ask yourself these questions: (a) Does it sound interesting? (b) Are the sentences too long? If so, re-write them. (c) Are the words spelt correctly? Make use of the dictionary if you are not sure of the spelling. (d)
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  • 华文学园
    • 克信女中 学生作品专号
      • 47 2  - 中袁带了回翻啊不「喂 J 五分 r 七十八 r 也不错嘛起看的上。。但时许 1 息我这夫伤短读有找唯在搞好
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      • 27 2  - 音乐中林乏调单常非得变会往就生人中途遣消了有没在、味
        27 words
      • 43 2  - 我的中二陈「他是我爸自排小成圆零吃好来的他他于。由。鬼军冠赛比儿婴区都选得我家获而
        43 words
      • 24 2  - 我该中林一了都弄却玩座起一着我回知六的轻短错勇想
        24 words
    • 54 2  - 我中二陈有是藏上我有中的在个书最叫「故故这样廖质有师勃改的而嫁未因 4 英士仍但同娥响在天大较纪年位记。
      54 words
    • 47 2  - 海中邱陡来这白又及在只峭又海到跑的你潮来心望然突果如悬的欣喜只身目的我不围巨服但蓬想
      47 words
    • 51 2  - 生中陈一有没了来出于终他出般什用会将了诚是。们语出坦不视人昵他活生这何如己自使战吗看着途前有会
      51 words
    • 43 2  - 我的中詹爸情他爸黑象人当国到卖士他街上爸他怎后你两。享师孩手我他是似是躲常便爸在
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    • 34 2  - 中一李如果有人问我「你我人是我我的来试了妹推有来跟只一我烽
      34 words
  • 第2页 广告