Sin Chew Youth, 8 October 1979

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
    • Compositioiv|
      • 170 2  -  Chiam Wee Kin Pr. 6 Khee Fatt Pr. Sch. One hot afternoon, as Mr. Lim was going home, he accidentally dropped his wallet near the bus-stop. He was pulling a handkerchief out of his pocket to wipe his sweat when he dropped his wallet. He did not
        170 words
      • 142 2  -  Chua Kar Huat Pr. 5A Today my mother went shopping and bought some shirts, cloth, cups, sweets and other things. Mother gave me six sweets and said that that was enough for me. Mother put the glass jar on top of the cupboard. I saw mother going
        142 words
  • 第2页 其他
    • 109 2 1 Grammar Revision Tick the most suitable ans12. He felt after running for an hour. A; tiring B tried C: tied D: tired 13. He is the man I have ever seen. A: fats B: fattest C: fat D; fatter 14. The moon is compared to the earth. A: small
      109 words
    • 233 2 is complete, check for the following: subject, verb, object or complement. Example: (Check to see if the following sentences are complete or not.) (a) My brother very clever and hardworking. (b) The boys decided to eat the sweet, yellow. (c) Walking down the road. Checking: Sentence (a) should be; My
      233 words
    • 333 2 wlWhS Scene: Inside a cinema. Ah Cheng was enjoying show when the couple sittj in front of him started ta ing to each other very lout At first, Ah Cheng v patient, hoping that would stop talking, but tl did not. At last, Ah Cheng coi stand the noise no
      333 words

  • 华文学园
    • 43 3  - 多郭还还还 hu6n 念行例在例糕 0 ③i 过例功 0 半例 i 个意态例句了例报手例 ih 注 h 阳还还
      43 words
    • 28 3  - 莱佛士熊早妈没后吃房去药叫了。牙蛀场了内不也不觉第
      28 words
    • 26 3  - 妈妈的圣玛格林「象家妈怠们她妈妈的坏时妈道菜你就她谁是之
      26 words
    • Article, Illustration
      261 3  - 品编梦 f 贤来 j 才让争的你。的位民说高起吧我子德比国 r 把去惠品望魏我对是名理说果王都和管又如则之 >,
      261 words
    • 71 3  - 武吉班梁提有两趣虽是平平淡淡湖。篇恐夠辑好意我。二小要投我开润几得到编者的「当跃不我大便丨
      71 words
  • 第3页 其他
    • 120 3 一试然〇 1• 小芳 2 哥哥的 3 娱乐可 4 在游艺会上 5 兴趣是二试然 1. 2• 方下 3• 做 4 5• 三试以它 a• 忽然听 b• c• 为什么 d•
      120 words