Sin Chew Youth, 26 September 1979

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
    • Composition
  • 第2页 其他
    • 497 2 為 .'-'J 乂 mmM 你 S^s 杨砂 mt. 、 kr^How strong is your vocabulary? How good is your word power? Well, to find out, select the most suitable answer for each statement below. (Nos. 1-10 refer to the picture.) 1. This looks like a picture of a rubbish On
      497 words
    • 349 2 right, the mechanic presents his for payment. A: till B: bill C: gill 18. A mechanic who repairs motor-cars is sometimes called a sent to the of Vehicles (ROV) for inspection. A: Register B; Registrar C: Resistor 20. Such inspections ensure that vehicles are kept in good A: affection B:
      349 words

  • 华文学园
    • 60 3  - 嗜毒维多利陈「要吃白痛那的好朋东仔对我你就会觉我「。我好嘿我每吃然黑仔我白家办法于零校的我的戒了如今
      60 words
    • 37 3  - 多音 I 语音郭編观 (guSn 观奇观 (gudn 一个意观例表外例一点例到二庙山水 guan: 观观
      37 words
    • 40 3  - 一德能工郑下前讨厌信踩音得起敢列千的活依时亲校这。呢那不现块一我而惧作我觉风
      40 words
    • 25 3  - 我莱佛士吳那阵隔晚可改没抗「我惊边求你心心再「两
      25 words
    • 49 3  - 课外书介书作绘出鲁能到万求老人的鲁前一千鲁能艺儿下的的了师的凭着傅还提来老师好鲁务的只把它本豪世
      49 words
  • 第3页 其他
    • 182 3 根的 1• 在书 2• 星她一 3• 天 4• 5• 语将试括 1• 陈老 2• 这〇 3•— 阵海 4• 大家不 5• 他刚试和表 1• 我〜很 2• 筑得 3• 既然 <1 早已 5•
      182 words