Sin Chew Youth, 5 September 1979

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
    • Composition
      • 265 2  -  Tan Suan Lan Pr. 6A Si San Pub. Pr. Sch. Kok Wah was very fond of sweets and ice-cream. He did not brush his teeth after he had taken them. So one day, he had a bad toothache. He sat down and cried. When his
        265 words
      • 85 2  -  Ong Seok Chen Pr. 4A Ama Keng Sch. One day Jimmy and John were playing badminton. The badminton court was beside their house. Jimmy hit the shuttle-cock and it landed on the roof of the house. John used a long bamboo-pole. He moved a loose tile and it
        85 words
  • 第2页 其他
    • 473 2 How To Protect Yourself Are you making it too easy for criminals to burglarize your homes, rob you on the street, harm your children, or steal your car? Here are some suggestions to help you fight crime. House Breaking: The Police have reported that a large percentage of burglaries are
      473 words
    • 527 2 Solutions: in 〇 Hs jo pupi s aidoad wora esnBoaq “(gl) d,, pinoiis no^c pis 的 sui H,,;noiis op pasBqo 0jb jj •(91) s -b 〇 !ju| OS jo J atn ssojo 'uBmaonod (H> b o3 ‘noA (si) auoamos pug ji •ATjsBa n (21) d 92tBUI Abui iCpoqauios *op nox
      527 words

  • 华文学园
    • 64 3  - 参 m I 繼醒画 II I 纖「准备 I 声跑因越野跑自起几易口吧了比全力「听始 J 我心须望尘开就象着如一走追妙样乏离
      64 words
    • 31 3  - 我的锦茂中高所信全十我等了看吗课懂我不约常阳一定我的妈洗我作牙虽耐心
      31 words
    • 52 3 我四月爸爸雪哥爸妹说两里爸喊五月今们的难错十九收吃。差外三月早看姐又钱他我错公姐体以够找觉本栏欢请栏
      52 words
    • 35 3 课一「书本旅了东发锁要不一办个替第样板一了馆可靠寄而感在于实 (fIA)
      35 words
    • 63 3  - 一个眞大仁中陈小境件令她一跑贵高看我是要 T 样想有里也了下个以会丽上伸她怎我呢己在吻料你了了 r 我没没相
      63 words
  • 第3页 其他
    • 109 3 一下各写 1• 发动 2 昔加挽的令入 3• 产生 4• 的冇弓 1 起二下解的内。 1• 是定说入口入 2• 「沾沾到片 3• 面括对 4• 一落比
      109 words

  • 广场
    • 各校庆祝教师节汇报
      • 44 4  - 丹绒加秋 8 全校学的 XXX 该热同多后节奏 XXX 娱一一边笼 0 黑字画和图 Day ,79 霖课了炸品出。渡 XXX 每声漫过
        44 words
      • 21 4  - 南侨王南侨女师早后学请跟练完师阳旧在
        21 words
      • 29 4  - 中华林了临来又节感师教的度同一年一华中四活表体会老着生活
        29 words
      • 57 4  - 莱佛洪代都学高乘成厚升开课上着到物风生礼物一有都祝始文长及师表场遨请好竹整个不随到这佛义师时爱大的重
        57 words
      • 18 4  - 武吉冰九中朵一上可下别宰钆堂演之给欢
        18 words
    • 117 4 找不到写鲁作伟你思材得去有无你多问毛到凡经些不你察为采的了糟章 r 编造」人凑一段从书原 J, 中了 J 可经还」
      117 words
    • 135 4 少 VL— 编您第音我到坡到坡件缺乏〇在但学意数眞说 r 我 xx X 点有和看绩开期打戏到彼指学语友朋还彼囘到是从上说
      135 words
  • 第4页 其他