Sin Chew Youth, 31 August 1979

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
    • 371 2  -  Composition Poh Lay Koon Pr. 6A Marymount Convent Sch. It was a bright sunny Sunday. As Dick went into the dining-room, he saw a cat jumping out through the window. He wanted to catch it, so he quickly chased after it. This cat was such an ingenious
      371 words
  • 第2页 其他
    • 412 2 C: about For today let’s find out about those little words called prepositions and whether we can use them correctly. Tick the correct choice. 1. Having lost his books twice, the boy decided to ask his teacher to look the matter. on 3. Time and tide wait no man. A:
      412 words
    • 262 2 Looking For Someone Hock Guan: Can you help me? Salesgirl: Yes. What can I do for you? Hock Guam Have you seen a tall, fat woman? Salesgirl: Yes. Does she have large spectacles? Hock Guan: Yes, she has. Where is she now? Salesgirl: Over there in the Ladies Department. Hock
      262 words

  • 华文学园
    • 26 3  - 大仁江美听一女理现痛我再吧顺快志 6—8—79 短下他
      26 words
    • 18 3  - 夕阳实惠张唐昏赞一的劳着的夕生我。脑
      18 words
    • 42 3  - 一场圣希达雪梨安几生那家我有冲她 r 梦治不子医我当里母德陪会当到。这们第解与志家短別了
      42 words
    • 39 3  - 我的圣中蔡「你们给正大姐和姐。别没谁家听情她乱花上大姐了比以 JJ 姐个说业姐用有
      39 words
    • 24 3  - 新若我助书故去白了小兔幸冲了原了这识那
      24 words
    • 66 3  - 反丁 1• ①(w6nqi6ng 坚例头 0 ②(nudrud 软例 2. 天堂 ti6n 佛极例人地狱 dT 佛灵例成 3 欺诈欺诈 qT 用例人忠诚友例 4• ①(guangkud 广例 ②(xi6zhSi 宽例以 5• 非作
      66 words
    • 82 3  - 分東积月累 (rT jT day’sandmonth’smuitiplying. 參长例上三竿 (rT 參 the day is getting late. 籲例句竿了月如梭 (rT yul rG passing of time; time flies. 參例句又息万变 (xDn xT #lotsofchangesinabrieftime. 变例法
      82 words
  • 第3页 其他
    • 83 3 〔将下每把弧 1• 上 0 2• 3• 珠 4• 5• 和试弧 1• 明天 2• 成绩 3• 每个少 4• 亏他 5• 风势试以把 1• 高声 2• 就养 3• 态应 4• 以光 5• 了
      83 words

  • 广场
    • 83 4 杨老岩南杨桌里改已的来象〇她「我近骂我对他杨情杨年和中中是中文校感动眼老课测因 C 她听个满不出也是往她
      83 words
    • 138 4  - 欢乐记本报特许 r 金歌声在嘹来边走向学本比 XXX 好今了聆学们游赛家 XXX 序幕学怒放」合歌恤颂「挤是分。请由得蝉
      138 words
    • 42 4  - 不给少年维多陆文看过了 f 南岩爱这南岩不得这顿杲心教如法。要失巳经岂的生了除聪你最方
      42 words
    • 91 4 少编您好生。的常那我我他量次就方英他老们我班带用貌学们课没果沒的的的间好常英配我编你教华课一你好你过
      91 words