Sin Chew Youth, 29 August 1979

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
    • 254 2  -  雜 o Teo Hock Lian Sec. 3 Chung Cheng High Sch. Sunday is the day which I like best. It is a day of freedom from all our usual comnritments. I need not go to school on that day so I am allowed to wake up late.
      254 words
  • 第2页 其他
    • 765 2 Writing Activity Say It In Another Way Look at these sentences: 1. He fell because he was careless. 2. They liked him because he was honest. We can rewrite each of the two sentences in another way. For example; 1 A; Owing to his carelessness, he fell. or B: His
      765 words

  • 华文 学园
    • 37 3  - 怎样注圣婴程在这倒怕样生昵为持里感很晒会屋日饭引须屑总一通
      37 words
    • 66 3  - 多 I 语音郭编两面下 j 有 i 况涨给石。有祖敬 J/1,, 奉时 > > ng 搜球屬搞 g ggo,:f on on 坏格佣 4 g go 今 fii (1: 仕供隹 i 备供句
      66 words
    • 76 3 虚词无论只无论如「无读上面的句子用何「只带果 1 (2 (3 彼「只假在表句果。 r 正何人用我们 1 成 (2 3 难 (3 果生 r
      76 words
    • 58 3  - 难忘实惠中学中四李玉薇上以坐我家儿黄她留了吃要不姐到走儿给她们 Round 和飞过半约然一办而儿只她才她们一那到
      58 words
  • 第3页 其他
    • 165 3 阅从际色大度上。屋旗帜下还横着一四山、世界往往把动诞利的联军 So 丨 ferino 一总截人大截的叫有一位名叫亭利。杜
      165 words
    • 72 3 人不祥之兆 bd the handwriting on the wall. 籲总会以之 B 不慌不忙 without hurry or bustle. 不 c 顾黟 c a mu death. 參来 d 不痛不瘅 tdn g bQ neither painful nor itching 1 能切
      72 words