Sin Chew Youth, 17 August 1979

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
    • 339 2  -  Composition Dang Bee Yoke Sec. 1 Bukit Ho Swee Sec. Sch. One night, after a heavy supper, I went to bed earlier than usual. That night, I had a very unpleasant dream. I dreamt that one evening a few friends of mine went for a show with me.
      339 words
  • 第2页 其他
    • 515 2 I OH modation. No one was injured in the mishap. At Tengah wind speeds of 47 knots were recorded, at Paya Lebar 35 knots and at Changi 32 knots. The maximum rainfall recorded at Seletar was 27.6 mm. The strongest wind recorded in recent times was the 62-knot storm on
      515 words
    • 120 2 pie lost their home. A: True B: False 2. A strong wind caused a coconut tree t 〇 fall their flat. A: True B: False 3. The wind also blew down several lamp-posts. A: True B; False 4. Norimah’s mother was Mrs. Habibah. A: True B: False 5. Norimah was
      120 words
    • 468 2 2. How fast was that wind moving? 3. What did the wind also blow down? 4. What snapped the cables in some areas? 5. How many people were living in the attap house? 6. How did Mrs. Habibah know something was going to happen? 7. When Mrs. Habibah ran out
      468 words

  • 华文学园
    • 27 3  - 我的实达月贝大五置 t 大端大青大只怨大月大唱凉对我我立
      27 words
    • 38 3  - 一场武吉班林。径得捷觉的不经必。家的回我暴阴小因的传 A- 路小显的僻家偏条这里 > 这
      38 words
    • 74 3  - 反语文丁编 ①(m6ic6ng 藏例 ②(f 己 jue 把例古 2• ①(lifioliSng 声例 ②(dTchgn 声例 3• 放纵 (fflng 纵例学约束 yuS 限例 4• 极生悲快情例真极泰来 pT jf 坏例 5• 惟
      74 words
    • 57 3  - 我想培立郑我里理上。在么儿生向里更有士。「家后我能多隔问育 J 的手表放在书念点还到力到还当出便了人短遣
      57 words
    • 73 3  - 介绍星 W i 星文丛学园校中本书篇论来相盲女这可是我从我的世界只一学贵塘阵游晶莹这分书中天了 j 、「家有喜
      73 words
  • 第3页 广告
  • 第3页 其他
    • 85 3 f 桑将 5• C 一下句表 1• 手 2• 你喜 3• 4• 下的的 1• 新加 2• 到处 3• 因此斩棘 4 加上 5• 人民天繁试和的 1• 是非 2• 终于 3 为民
      85 words