Sin Chew Youth, 27 July 1979

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
    • Composition
      • 209 2  -  Liu Chung Mei Sec. 3A During the last school vacation, my uncles and aunts decided to take our family on a sea cruise. This news made me restless with excitement on the eve of our departure. It was a fine morning for the sun shone brightly in
        209 words
      • 194 2  -  Chow Li Li Delta East SdX Primary 6A Once upon a time, there were three thieves. One day, they stole a bag of gold and hurried back to their hiding place on a mountain. When they were back at their hiding place, they were very hungry and
        194 words
  • 第2页 其他
    • 579 2 .•:"r Comprehension Watching Birds a ■**V ft fM mm ■•> When you begin to bird watch, you move from the general field of birds to the specific. The difference between bird walking and bird watching may be considered the jump from seeing birds, in the plural, to observing bird, in
      579 words
    • 202 2 Answers (A) Multiple choice Questions IB, 2A, 3C, 4A, 5C, 6B, 7B, 8A. (B) Complete sentences; 1. He studies the life of a certain species of birds. 2. He needs a note-book, a binocular and a blind. 3. The note-book is for recording his observation, the binocular is for looking
      202 words
    • 332 2 1. Hock Guan: Is that your new Maths teacher? May Hua: Yes, but she’s not good! Hock Guan: Not good? Why do you say that? May Hua; Well, she does not know how to add, subtract, divide and multiply! Hock Guan: Really? How do you know? May Hua: Well, every
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  • 华文学园
    • 国家初级学院华文学会主办 全国英校中四学生华文作文比赛得奖作品专辑
      • 81 3  - 我安维多陈经摇的自苦为生的不过的当个十分阿亲老跟爱寸 fc 直 S 以偿了。他损艮合 I I 丨 L 宇记 5 「決定搭巴士
        81 words
      • 45 3  - 我的安圣安姜童那把弟姊爸了后教我我她和工导不可个毕了失报前这法久我由着于把着教的的这
        45 words
      • 66 3  - 风安慰武吉刘是风屋我街然用想起了洁从思花混觉记面惜支。嫂度辍 A 尚父她飞人样天华想的来到去在默默我洁思
        66 words
      • 42 3  - 我的安慰柏盛陈夜在张不来 r 我是飞来送死小侠家我每往无迷亲把她的一当风面院童的那着我
        42 words
    • 74 3  - 老文夏编 9 一次我 r 难道还给野「「在「笼「且部份已经我告「了把从到「「 r 粗外「给来「翘肚皮就朝「 f 地间
      74 words
    • 69 3  - 反义词 g 语文丁香编 1 ①(zhdnzh§ng) 以例 ②(hepTng 指例 2• 疯狂 ①(f§ngku6ng 发例 ②(ITzhT 辨己例情事情 3• 歌歌颂 g 自用美 0 例坡 iB 咒 zQ zhdu 祈人例撞 4• ①(shd•hu
      69 words
  • 第3页 广告

  • 广场
    • 96 4 把握求学三自珍信。来信的男个主过电视学 (2 》时。让个原首参论並此果其的起这了中阶这习相学么而知较较情再
      96 words
    • 77 4 少编您「生的相与外」譬学相要作间照一通过到我道他最我这人我眞这友年友是写我然整天再交友令人叔恼谢谢耿
      77 words
    • Article, Illustration
      12 4  - 好痒动物俗这子厂约木电它
      12 words
    • 43 4 狐狸的新奇老互两和一。都得时吃你己狐狸老你你在下了》当意摇第身她这得怎把很本本狐她得油这
      43 words
  • 第4页 其他
    • 41 4 一第上 8,20 8,408.55- 9.15 9.30- 9.50 10.05-10.25 10.45-11.05 11.20-11.40 11.55-12.15 12.30-12.50 下 1.15- 1.35 1.50-,2.10-2.25- 2.45 3.00- 3.20 4.00- 4.20 4.35- 4.55 5.10- 5.30 19 我我能瑕平由为我能事瑕怎欢语
      41 words