Sin Chew Youth, 20 July 1979

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
      • 295 2  -  Aw Ai Hoon Sec. 4A Hai Sing Girls,High Sch. Nowadays, community centres are very popular In Singapore. Areas like Toa Payoh, Aug Mo Klo and AUunled iiave at least one community sentre for the people to spend their leisure time. There are many community centres near my
        295 words
      • 371 2  -  Chen Kai Lee Sec. 3 Buklt Ho Swee Sec. Sch. I am a watch. My name is Seiko. I came from Japan. I am made of stainless steel and my face Is made of glass. I look very attractive! When I was b 〇 factory
        371 words
  • 第2页 其他
    • 132 2 ......K ?.r. 霞議 I <::(io ki. -\.v mmmm 房 A-'H Mr/ Prepositions Tick the correct choice. 1. She likes to talk me behind my back. 3. They will wait at the cinema. Fire! m IliiS w.;: (A) (B) Read Can you spot these things In the picture? 1. smoke
      132 words
    • 243 2 A: for B: from C: to 4. There is a hole the neld. A: on B: in C: to 5. He bought a box chocolate. A: off B: from C: of 6. The man climbed the bus. A: to B: for C: up 7. Don’t lean the door. A: on
      243 words
    • 153 2 A: on B: in C: up 13. He shouted loudly. A: to B; out C: in 14. There is a clock the wall. A: in B: to C: on 15. He returned home work. A: at B: on C: from 16. He turned the lights. A: off B: of C:
      153 words

  • 华文学园
    • 24 3  - 榴莱佛士杨榴裢的季节到啦 1 走时涎在大享「过份好 1
      24 words
    • 39 3  - 我想柏盛林志岁感富了阅再章 0 我不手却睡指活 q 正传」、「小老书书写我的们向的稿友
      39 words
    • 23 3  - 立道谭我已的很我、我每界。。我罢我优调我里钱
      23 words
    • 42 3  - 一欧南黃我的下蕉「才 r J- 「口「姐「到样也「那西人家「事每天「象整还用。事爸说扔东点头
      42 words
    • 7 3  - 同马编 m ro CJI 4^
      7 words
    • 60 3  - 容 I 语音函 mwm yP I 酷 (mTng 醉形的样 r 酩酊不是 m 了 n. 丁二「会 j 字有 hk»k 计用在「 kk 快箅财三「「 gg 甘四遗「到「讨当
      60 words
  • 第3页 其他
    • 105 3 句子个选后写 1• 我炬矩拒 2• "1 jcl 他盲 3• 设 4 我们做事不可吠 5 我们要释择译「德士 j 装有 2• 下句表 1• 3• 4• ■■I)- 们都 5•
      105 words
    • 31 3 糊有晚当的牌子放龙同老「相阿明老多老学老学有亚你老小明 1 大道注本
      31 words