Sin Chew Youth, 18 July 1979

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
    • Results Of Essay Writing Contest(Contd) Title:How I Can Electricity At Home
      • 330 2 In April this year, the Public Utilities Board held a Save Electricity Campaign owing to the price increase of oil recently. It teaches the public not only to save their money but also help the government to cut down costs. The government
        330 words
      • 412 2 The industrialised world will face an economic, social and labour crisis if the oil producing countries fail to reduce its oil consumption immediately. Singapore, which is an industrialised city, needs to save energy. The reason is that we have any
        412 words
      • 383 2 Since the discovery of electricity, man has been confronted with a series of revolutionary changes in life. On one hand, man has enjoyed a much higher standard of living; on the other hand, man has to learn to be more and
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      • 379 2 Nowadays, in almost every part of Singapore, you may find the signs: ‘Save watts, Save money, Please switch off.’ What are these signs for? Are they just there for decoration? Certainly not, the main aim of advertising all these signs on posters,
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      • 247 2 Recently, there is a campaign held by the PUB to encourage us to save electricity. Its aim for doing so Is t save watts and money. Therefore, we must try our best to save electricity, if possible. But how can we
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  • 华文学园
    • 24 3  - 榴裢飘立道简王小的每了虽吃这不那道父亲是机我足诉我们
      24 words
    • 42 3  - 家莱佛洪 J 渡的的 j j 自之兄看傍不节节煞真首了由课邻节还的节弦演姐最、味。总变间我一定
      42 words
    • 37 3  - 多音郭編膝盖盖一思器瓶例伤上例句 I■ 天妈例。例盖下例搬先生例行注盖
      37 words
    • 21 3  - 我最喜东林呂中是从 X 后心我育人明我 XX X
      21 words
    • 25 3  - 我笃行郭我国的电视节片等我的是它在军小的慧多了觉
      25 words
    • 187 3  - 杀龙寓品编梦英有人家人家劝他进一讥 jT 能那领他杀一件了于本三的不这了 THE SKILL OF KILLING DRAGONS A young man wished to learn a skill. He considered studying useless,
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  • 第3页 其他
    • 120 3 没有海据都「地象大好的晴五点相每腊南测般经验来判此别用光。这可在截 (ji§>, 时在二一帘既长活腊成下们活数马老
      120 words

  • 广场
    • 84 4 投稿时要写作伟平表看兴好忽欣你里日前记年常的急事其投稿谈首目了采到是每页便可作工谈第是或在名信处叔也
      84 words
    • 57 4  - 谈陆长这赤阔长叫洲方热高簇非见粗可南奇形多热。有有等。澳动的地有寒分那在中温原地拨温鹰草畜的叫房植有
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    • 10 4  - 大水俗在能用州满美他
      10 words
    • 100 4 少编我希结发生我年近很些由踩她就来的看的因的拿。伤負她脸哭在是她我她常后的钕心但沒引起」人必我讲里那
      100 words
  • 第4页 其他
    • 57 4 华语生活科学中英文小国语生活英文阅读华文小英文小科学中国语生活科学小数学小英文小英文小英理解欢电语我
      57 words