Sin Chew Youth, 16 July 1979

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
    • Essay-Writing Contest(Results) Title:How I Can Save Electricity At Home
      • 403 2 In this modern twentieth century, electricity is indispensable to everyone. The uses of electricity range from domestic housework to heavy Industries. Thus electricity is of very great importance. Owing to the present shortage of power supplies, it is important that everyone
        403 words
      • 340 2 The world is experiencing an oil crisis and the cost of oil has risen. The oil producing countries will increase the price of oil by an additional 9%. The big industries and cities of the world consume a lot of energy to
        340 words
      • 364 2 Electricity, like other public utilities such as gas and water, is essential for daily public or domestic consumption. Every home should try to save electricity for this is our government’s concern. As I am a member of the family, I
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  • 第2页 广告
    • 185 2 THE WINNERS (A) TWO $20 PRIZES: 1. Tay Slew Kim Ahmad Ibrahim Sec. Sch. (Sec. 4H) 2. Tan Kong Leng Nan Chiau Girls,High Sch. (Sec. 3A) (B) FIVE $15 PRIZES: 1. Lim Kie Beng Anglican High Sch. (Sec. 4E) 2. Tan Shuang Maan Whampoa Sec. Sch. (Sec. 4C) 3. Ang
      185 words

  • 华文学园
    • 国家初级学院华文学会主办 全国英校中四学生华文作文比赛得奖作品专辑
      • 111 3  - 我 I g 英华林 r 们最年天忙人知便后好个。是子了爸面是是领当小地爸 [J 后常家也有户 p 他们来往。 I: 楚楚条辛 d
        111 words
      • 86 3  - 风雨第圣中受张盤珊窗打的了风震这里也快床了簌喃就的的「点断不难〇我木杯扶父地 r 明明 r 还没祖箱门黄因付
        86 words
      • 117 3  - 风第伊布许泛 > E 地上胸前剌着一 9f 外雷雨加交加上 I i 白的是为什么 I I■ 母、 i 比一天懂事心里 F, 成绩总是名列
        117 words
      • 84 3  - 在回安四德陈傍晚丝丝的雨当联想妈便五脚我豆是一了落米有一地看儿。道眼 J 说我 J 惊好 J 了丨呀珍 J 您去我大
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  • 第3页 广告
    • 51 3 每月征題本的同 1• 2• 2 •1 参加 2 2 报信「 2 •3 者名 3• 3 •1 作行 3 •2 各 3 3 另 4• 作 To 星标 (S) LTD. 丨 19, Keppel koad, S’pore 0208 i 毎月征
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  • 广场
    • 98 4 从「分数同是高分到怀上到底什是过了验对也反如理夠次这准不子的一就更对分的颓人 I 次成在现比业怕理帮校社
      98 words
    • 49 4 少编辑先您名 F 心为我的 F 了机会节欣文历来上老题系甚些课不上急们文一个数一前本一天话以由们过不能觉非小
      49 words
    • 46 4 蜜蜜花食我你蜜当的在里制在中子这吗好工粉花粉花如花的果苹都当一候 1 面而位蜜助蜜那在了几了再成
      46 words
    • 94 4 小白 I 新奇据兔的事有瓜来瓜举就走 1 这要活瓜一舂揑这来看。动瓜还量守白便他。我么手 r 噗哧」一守得的拔把
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  • 第4页 其他
    • 80 4 曰第上 8.55-9.15 9.30 9.50 10.05 10.25 10.45-11.05 11.20-11.40 11.55-12.15 12.30-12,50 下午 1.15 1.50-2.10 2.25-2.45 4,35—4,555.10 5.30 华语生活国语生活华文第二国语生活科学小英文小数学小华文第二国语
      80 words