Sin Chew Youth, 13 July 1979

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
    • Composition
      • 316 2  -  Yang Kim Meng Sec. 4 New Town Sec. Sch. Same as others, most of my childhood life was filled with joy, but an unhappy incident has stood out most vividly in my childhood. I was naughty and vivacious when I was a child. I like to climb trees,
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      • 221 2  -  Toll Bee Lan Sec. 4C Hai Sing Girls’ High Sch. Nowadays, we Singaporeans must be bi-lingual. This is because our country is a multi-racial country. If we want to communicate with people of other races, we must have a common language. Certainly, this common language
        221 words
      • 252 2  -  Tan Hwee Luan Sec. 1 Hwi Yoh Sec. Sch. My name is Tan Hwee Luan. I came from Charlton Primary School. My age is twelve years and I was born in Singapore. I am very tall and thin. Now I am in Hwi Yoh Secondary School and in Secondary
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  • 第2页 其他
    • 181 2 Look-alike Words (A) Some words, which have different meanings, look alike. That is to say: they have the same spelling. Examples: 1. Stall a) He sells fish at a stall in the market. b) The car will stall if it has not enough petrol. c) At the cinema, we sat
      181 words
    • 398 2 the stall. (B) Exercises: Find a word Uke the one above for each of the following: Then rewrite each sentences using the correct word. 1. a) He ate at the same t as I do. b) Did you follow the time- c) That shows the number of accidents in 1978.
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  • 华文学园
    • 55 3  - 我莱佛玲我。一另天那店样装那前装潢得百是「于耳边那不 TToo Much 花」我自不服支马合哗 r 丨我句令天走鲁 r 艮阳不
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    • 25 3  - 探永康刘今同华我家走带原原两。派了一我流是。忙我庭值
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    • 25 3  - 姐姐实达缪以可大姐错事姐在姐又无时意我贤呢爱遇
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    • 41 3  - 演德惠苏主席、评判老我道 0 在人至大偷在是小你向的会不事想请请总 j, 而应该时时刻「请 j 、「到
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    • 61 3  - 语文丁编】伸张 ①(sh§nzhsng 扩大例 ②(sudduan 使原例完 2• ①(kQwSi 干例 ②(p6 n gb6 繁例勃 3• ①(zhsng 全例 ②(bdipan) 。投面例了 4• 快 qTng kudi 例健 b• 轻例 ②(ch§nzhdng 重
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    • 73 3  - 分東项果仅存 shud g u6 j the only good 〇 ne in fruit people or things 喻的例果五彩滨 c3ibTnf #fujl of colours multicoloured 例彩五花八门 wQ a mottey variety of 例得应有尽有 yTng
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  • 第3页 其他
    • 239 3 案答 1 2 3 4 5②6②7③8②9①10 。职雒垂。。氓。游纪 S 哀《蜜砰塍聒辦草 .>•• 。辛磔来。。斟。詾觊年。、。〇年困。笛。丄。迓
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    • 28 3 留躺生家躱甲坐乙士内影病头医病人医病为记救人记者这沒甲么乙甲不
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  • 广场
    • 74 4 培自我他上朋扰例少抢仝便朋学长妹互姐疑大家就疑课锻了呢往有早是现开成熟思 J 的甜蜜目杂他神此产是其中段
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    • 17 4 淹不在这在手信面到。海水一。沉也很
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    • 61 4 为什么吃吃前这要洗人起很曾的二前上。为饭手以马把漫有人洗说我用和很康时等潛如抵的所定但大还修病甲剪指
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    • 73 4 少编您件个几骄她最到为与都心的次的来情上参与家指着讨到不钟声都其编做知可讲她呢变该我文文妳这妳亲个妳
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    • 21 4  - 不会凡这是渡渡鸟原是膀渡 r 爱丽丝游仙境在是
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  • 第4页 其他
    • 82 4 今日教第上 8.55-9.15 9,50-10.05-10.25 10.45-11.05 11.20-11.40 11.55-12.15 12.30-12.50 下牛 1.50 2.10 2.25-2.45 3,00 3.20 4.00-4.20 4,35 4,55 5,10 二英文英文小国语生活华语生活英文中数学小科学小理解与写英
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