Sin Chew Youth, 11 July 1979

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
    • Composition
      • 197 2  -  Chio Hock Joo, Sec. IB Mount Vemon Sec. Sch One day, as Ah Seng was walking in his garden, he saw a beautiful cat. Ah Seng liked the cat very much. At last, he began to run after the cat as he wanted it as his pet.
        197 words
      • 155 2  -  Ling Yee Ling, Sec. 1 Chung Hwa Girls* High Sch. One day, Hock Seng was walking along the road side. Suddenly, he saw a cat on the tall tree. He liked the cat and wanted to catch it home as a pet. Then lie climbed up the tall
        155 words
      • 129 2  -  Teo Bee Wah Pr. 6A Kay Wah Sch. (Br. 1) Ah Meng was a naughty boy. One fine day, while he was walking along the road, he saw a kitten 〇 a big near his house, it looked very cute. Ah Meng wanted to catch it so
        129 words
      • 184 2  -  Llm Peng 800 Sec. IE Whampoa Sec., Sch. One day, when I had finished my homework, I went for a walk. Before walking to the playground, I walked under a shady tree. Suddenly, he heard a soft mewing sound. First, I did not know what it was. To
        184 words
    • Conversation
      • 172 2 Hock Guan: Excuse me, I'm lost. May Hua: Can I help you? Hock Guan; Yes, please, Can you show me h 〇 w to the General Post Office? May Hua That’s easy. See that bridge there? (Pointing) Hock Guan: That one? (Also pointing) May Hua: Yes, thafs
        172 words
  • 第2页 其他
    • 681 2 Travel In Olden Days Have you ever travelled to foreign countries some thousands of miles awa-y? If you have, your friends may say that you are very fortunate to have visited these countries, but they will not call you a great traveller, will they? Why not? The reason is that
      681 words

  • 新园林
    • 50 3  - 一次莱佛中李我比听远班谁学地自不故远有问我目担可记住我听讲了比。后 T 台后我焦其最我经 J 的道埋。我我的
      50 words
    • 54 3  - 光荣建国中罗经中学联合军验队天下。敬于等等上足一支全散们休场要「最。队。悦跑己我九不水准努力保持水
      54 words
    • 355 3  - 磨厉以成语郭清改念译春。楚灵国家历代相传子听大楚被他们子还敢接回谈子谈话子以不时易王接楚的东成 S 的 Sharpening
      355 words
    • 49 3  - 课散二版你吧还金的下从做底他亲件子很样老不到便他个全把一。海去后。条甕拿不你不小结
      49 words
  • 第3页 其他