Sin Chew Youth, 6 July 1979

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
    • Story-Writing Contest(Results)
      • 207 2  -  Tan Li Kim Sec. 2B Chung Cheng High Sch. One day, when Kim Meng was walking along a road, he saw a cat standing on a tree. He was very happy and wished to catch the cat. Suddenly, he had an idea. He climbed
        207 words
      • 201 2  -  Chiang Kit Wan Sec. IB Dunman Govt. Ch. Mid. Sch. One Sunday morning, Bobby was chasing a pussy cat. As he was chasing the cat, it quickly climbed up a tall tree. Bobby said to the cat. “I am going up to catch you. This time, you
        201 words
      • 207 2  -  Mah Lily Sec. 1A Chung Cheng High Sch. There was once a boy called Peter who was always getting into trouble. One day, he went out for a walk in the garden. On the way, he saw a hairy, white cat with long tail
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      • 200 2  -  Choo Jen Nian Pr. 6C Nan Chiau Girls* High Sch. A mischievous boy named Ah Fook was walking happily down the road. He had just played a trick on his friends. He made them as angry as a wasp. Then he ran away from his friends with
        200 words
      • 143 2  -  Fong Kok Wai Pr. 4B Catholic High Sch. One fine afternoon, Kok Wah went to his garden for a walk after his lunch. Suddenly, he saw a cat on top of a tree in his garden. The cat was very beautiful, so he wanted to
        143 words
      • Article, Illustration
        180 2  -  Low Soh Kuen Sec. 2A Chung Cheng High Sch. (Br.) One fine afternoon, after Tom had done his homework, he went for a stroll in his garden. When he was walking along a path, suddenly he heard a cat mewing somewhere around him. Then, he noticed
        180 words
  • 第2页 广告
    • 215 2 The Winners (A) Two $20 Prizes: 1. Mah Lily Sec. 1A Chung Cheng High Sch. 2. Choo Jen Nian Pr. 6C Nan Chiau Girls’ High Sch. (B) Throe $15 Prixes: 1. Tan Li Kim Sec. 2B Hai Sing Girls’ High Sch. 2. Chiang Kit Wan Sec. IB Dunman Govt. Ch.
      215 words

  • 华文学园
    • 58 3  - 我们丹绒中雁过过繁吹的我放府谈八德。皇为水皇愈來愈质品多越来其越类种品货的产出国、有别喷喷由地了让我
      58 words
    • 47 3 参。观参去园菜到朋起一约相友会朋与我午下的丽日的和来必风个一我园顺在原观还这参单鲜短为过
      47 words
    • 38 3  - 装了安德中林美电听接厅为再又弟弟和 J 妹话电 i 妹 Jr 铃 i 听听。家 i 铃 r r 了而巴话了
      38 words
    • 25 3  - 我的圣德中张友戴身祖祖们对讲私妹出上生每们朋们祖远
      25 words
    • 33 3  - 多音 I 语文郭旗杆 (gsn 枪子子例准 (J* 意笔例烂东用杆例注扦下杆
      33 words
  • 第3页 其他
    • 174 3 海令有进海洋馆声海美 bTn 明海有升五池中池全布海有观众。在狮海 Sl«i 麵全机波由中车开关此场让儿动在德的 <1 问 1
      174 words

  • 广场
    • Article, Illustration
      77 4 鳄动鳄现一热产爬来就其不鱼人把而鳄种动鳄后而却流鳄牠气这一底出中鱼者底鳄线副慢水部洲了片掩鳄披小浮休
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    • 17 4 小卫生有虫地赶子那手来味香
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    • Article, Illustration
      49 4 猫新很。都样 0 一们到子去糯把了饭才哎火跑到过不怎出没 J 豹子信以去教下去下难猫下所能候没
      49 words
    • 37 4  - 少见明长睛眼祂〇 ,00 海亲深於长鱼生 o,, 贼乌的。罕端稀未种这肉於在属对生道。寿趦过 4
      37 words
    • 39 4 少屋母算 r 拿这种签唸中不笨些黃成绩 j 爸死任我我士我轻太支多籲一很人心亲们好放
      39 words
  • 第4页 其他