Sin Chew Youth, 2 July 1979

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
    • Composition
      • 215 2  -  Seng Yew Cheong, Sec. 3, Jurong Sec. Sen. A hobby is a favourite way of spending our leisure. It is an activity we turn to for pleasure. We can choose it by ourselves. We spend our free time with it because it interests us and we enjoy it. Since
        215 words
      • 177 2  -  Tan U Kim Sec. 1A Hai Sing Girls’ High Sch. The name of my school is Hai Sing Girls 1 High School. It is at Upper Serangoon Road. My school is a Chinese secondary school. There is only one session in my school. We start our lessons at
        177 words
      • 177 2  -  Arunee Sriviphapong Sec. 2A Hai Sing Girls’ High Sch. My name is Arunee Sriviphapong. I am sixteen years of age. I am a student. I study in Hai Sing Girls' High School. It is a big and good school. I am very lucky to study in this school. This
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  • 第2页 其他
    • 71 2 Let's Find Out Furniture ■a Tick the most suitable answer of each number. Nos. 1-12 refer to the photograph above. 1. The picture above is that of a furniture A; salesroom B: showroom C; bedroom 2. The bed is clearly a bed. A: single B: double C: bunk 3. There
      71 words
    • 124 2 You expect ta find clothe in a A: standpipe B; cabbage C. wardrobe We can sit on a in the living-room. A: stool B: grape C; broom Good furniture is made c a kind of har wood. A: plywood B: pressed sawdust C: teak 002 *V6T *OBl *VLI *a9l *asx
      124 words
    • 208 2 then the correct answer is A: shelves. Yes, today’s exercise is done at two levels: Level A: without clues Level B: with clues. Needless to say,Level A is harder. So give it a good try first before going to the clues. Level A: The Headlines (without clues) 1. Captain of
      208 words
    • 22 2 Solutions: (You will get good scores rou are good in English as we is Current Affairs.) 2i 〇 apToms :a Sunaapv :v 〇
      22 words

  • 华文学园
    • 丹绒加东工艺中学学生作品选辑
      • 55 3  - 怎样做中刘棋峰「」更中舍克们的可我就和个疋 S 有 VJJ 生进话间 V 居便说拨仁与心关要丨见浅的人彳妨 < 们他个我
        55 words
      • 31 3  - 中萧中嫣响路就赶忙飕牙西也挣路着答爱半太另这人吸短忽
        31 words
      • Article, Illustration
        68 3  - 堕落中陈夜梦然。拾起位好友。照的一宗悲那十经的级他年时赞可。上志志天不影心公击德 J 德志被逼挺而有一德
        68 words
      • 29 3  - 如何中陈育教庇文也语种两行掛极积国我来年近。第使学而査策政注
        29 words
      • 22 3  - 红灯中赖小眺夜百夜空站人滔人海托大夜一短评文
        22 words
      • 25 3  - 夜在中颜又滩这修声、月照更动听的「绿岛这的景地海发走
        25 words
      • 58 3  - 中杨诉我们。他也今运文年如日本心班后课记我小来很等我和一首学果始 JJ 曰语是他们过本们都课兴方卡
        58 words
      • 61 3 我我我他隔散总不两百于生吵架当讥陈喜。把陈打来歧途新相好到生林他林善目在屋伟知是他成虽之 r 远亲不如近
        61 words
  • 第3页 广告

  • 广场
    • 76 4 多姿多记中正中学具 6 系列週 29 学的中非响晚合和是种见学另了会母培紧堂铭主沧总硏约出果当现。加语为了纪念
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    • 54 4 少编辑您开我们我事做队在窗半是否会是算尊一应礼对一一运你老又。要其的也我们不为发问要的总自鲁意编
      54 words
    • 75 4 孙不褐把「接穿捕他游的向过了飞直落迎可却「分派第 J 大来究渔真多了以下海条儿去真太你边球仪「在现谁他里
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  • 第4页 其他