Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 27 September 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 199 1 I Seek Best Way I Helping Chiang Is. TREASURY OFFICIAL I ALSO GOING I London, Sept. 27. the request of the British Government and on the I invitation of the Chinese Government, Sir Otto Imeyer has undei taken a financial and economic Ijion to
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  • 43 1 I Berlin, Sept. 27. persons Kave been sentenIto imprisonment by the jenburg (Sweden) court for Imunistic and espionage acti- says a Stockholm dispatch I’he official German News key which adds that they r and confiscated radio lerial.— Reuter.
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  • 90 1 I 'or Jet» With Coast ■Artillery In S. Africa I Rugby, September 26 k- numbers of w<men will be taken ■«rrice with the coast artillery in Africa as full time “soldiers” opcrf delicate technical instruments of I states the D'minions Office, flatly a group of
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  • 50 1 i. Rugby, September 26. Ros»» Hip Week opens on Sunil resuU it is hoped that 500 I fruit of the wild rose will be rfrom hedgerows by voluntary 17, r conversion into syrup. :ii P contains nearly twenty times k'J Vitamin cas orange juice.— I J
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  • 74 1 London, Sept. 27. As a South African Hurricane pilot who had baled out after being hit by a German fighter near Halfaya Pass in the Western Desert, Egypt, was reaching the ground shots were fired at him, says the Air Ministry News Service from
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  • 227 1 Conference Truly International Rugby, Sept. 26 Commenting on the conference on science and world order which opens today under the auspices of the British Association, “The Times” points out that the conference is truly international and free from an}’ trammels on the expression of opinion. Stating that
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  • 42 1 The Jugoslav Cabinet, now in England, held its first meeting in a small country cottage. Here, Queen Marie, mother of King Peter of Jugoslavia, is greeting General Simovitch, the Premier. King Peter is standing by her side.
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  • 73 1 Lisbon, Sept. 27. A|R. MYRON TAYLOR, President Roosevelt’s personal representative to the Vatican, left by ail fcr Britain. Mr. Taylor is ell route to the United States from Rome bearing the Pepe’s reply to President Roosevelt’s message. While in Lisbon die saw Prime
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  • 237 1 U. S. BAPTIST MINISTER TO REPORT TO CORDELL HULL London, Sept. 27. 44 A MERICA will be in the war in thirty days,” forecasts Dr. J, Frank Norris, Baptist Minister of two of the largest churches in the United States. He leaves
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  • 94 1 Schooner Owner Runs Gauntlet Of Bombers Rugby, September 26 A story typical of the manner in which ermforts are taken to troops in face of danger is told by Major Gorman, Australian Comforts Fund C mmissioner. He described how the owner of a small
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  • 565 1 London, Sept. 27. r PHE Soviet Union’s recognition of the Free French National Committee was announced by the Soviet Embassy last night. The announcement states; "This afternoon at six o’clock at the Soviet Embassy, the Soviet Ambassador, M. Maisky and the leader of the Free
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  • 87 1 US.-JAP/VNESB TALKS London, Sept. 27. 'T’HE China Campaign Committee have appealed to the American Ambassador, Mr. John Winant to ask President Roose- velt to make an interim statement on his conversations with the Japanese Ambassador in Washington because public ignorance of the substance of
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  • 70 1 300 Names Added To Original List Washington. Sept. 26. The Economic Defence Board has announced a supplementary “black list” of firms acting on behalf of the Axis in other Republics of America, adding 300 individuals and firms to the original list of 1.800 issued in July. The
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  • 485 1 Moscow, Sept. 27. GERMAN and Rumanian forces besieging Odessa suffered at least 50,000 casualties in killed, wounded and missing in the first fortnight of September, according to the newspaper “Izvestia” which says that tremendous losses have forced them to change their
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  • 126 1 Shanghai, Sept. 27. 'T'HE threat to Changsha, capi- tai of Hunan Province, increases as Japanese forces continue to advance rapidly towards the city from several directions, according to both Chinese and Japanese reports received here yesterday. While Chungking adds that Japanese vanguards have reached a
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  • 35 1 London, Sept. 26 A certain amount of shelling has taken place in Libya, stated authoritative circles here today. One or two raids by enemy aircraft do not seem to have caused damage.—Reuter. <
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  • 85 1 Beilin, Sept. 27. The completeness of Soviet deflation tactics is commented upon by the German radio. “Landmines were used in large quantities by Soviets during their retreat,'’ said, the announcer. “Everywhere on the eastern front, German sappers have removed them. During the fighting
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  • 148 2 Japanese Outrage 1 it Hanoi Hanoi, September 26. Without any previous advice to the French authorities, Japanese soldiers and gendarmes last night and early this morning erected barricades and instituted cordons in various parts of Hanoi and Haiphong and proceeded to search a number of private
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  • 46 2 Chungking. Sept. 26 The Japanese vanguards have reached a point about thirty miles northward of Changsha, according to Chinese dispatches which add that Japanese forces have once more reached the line where they were turned back two years ago.— Reuier.
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  • 105 2 Tu Be Given Commissions For Duration Simla, Sept. 26. All recruits to the Indian Air Force are in. future to be granted commissions for the duration of the war. Immediately they nave completed training. Previously those who could not te immediately absorbed were returned to civilian
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  • 273 2 Nazis Pressing Dr. Matchek To Form New Govt. London, Sept. 26 The Nazis are pressing Dr. Matchek. Croat leader and former Jugoslavia Premier, to form a new Quisling Government in Croatia, acording to news reaching Croat quarters in London. He is now under surveillance in a
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  • 36 2 London, Sept. 26. “Foreign, conscripted workers in Germany work so slowly at- military tasks that the Germans have -been compelled to increase the number of supervisors controlling them.” states Moscow radio. Reuter.
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  • 94 2 Film Star’s Breach Over Securities London, Sept 26 The famous film star, George Arliss, today was fined £4,500 for neglecting to register with the Bank of England a large number of United States and Canadian securities the total value of which was stated to be £13,160.
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  • 117 2 < 'astlv Of Chillion Damaged Montreux. September 26. Five or six persons were killed and much damage was done by explosives near the famous Castle of Chillion on Ijake Geneva which inspired Lord Byron's poem, ‘The Prisoner of Chilli >n.” The cause of the explosion is being
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  • 41 2 London. September 26. The British Air Ministry communique tills morning states: “Early last night, a single enemy aircraft dropped bombs harmlessly near the coast of East Anglia. Apart from this incident, there is nothing to report.” Reuter.
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  • 51 2 Ottawa. September 26 The licensing of all purveyors of food and clothing was ordered on Thursday by the Wartime Prices and Trade Board. This is seen as a preliminary to the further curtailment or buying by consumers in order to make goods available to Britain in a greater
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  • 50 2 Report Of Month** Parole Denied London. Sept. 26 There was no confirmation in authorii tetive quarters in London today of the report that the Duke of Aosta has been i granted a month s parole to visit Rome. The news is considered to be 'devoid of foundation.—Reuter.
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  • 38 2 Hsinking, Sept. 26. The dreaded "'Black Death”—bubonic plague—has again broken out in the native section of the city of Harbin, the capital of Manchukuo. Five deaths have already occurred, reports the Sanitary Bureau.— Reuter.
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  • 58 2 Simla, Sept. 26. It is understood that certain arrangements regarding the supply of mica wore reached between Mr. Henry Gardv. special United States Economic Investigator in the Far East, and Indian interests. India is the world's leading producer cf sheet mica, one of the vital
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  • 351 2 EACH STABBING COUNTER A TTACK BEING MORE OBVIOUSLY FELT Moscow, Sept. 26 (By Maurice Lovell. Reuter’s special correspondent). On the Leningrad front. Marshal Voroshilov’s massed forces of Red Army regulars and Home Guard detachments continue smashing at the Axis forces and each stabbing counter-attack
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  • 140 2 Mr. Bevin On Aid To Russia London, September 26. Britain, must make sacrifices from her own production to aid Russia and must sustain at least a six to twelve months’ drive for that purpose, said Mr. Ernest Bevin, Minister of Labour, speaking m London today.
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  • 302 2 Independent Status Io Be Restored Rugby. September 26. The fact that Abyssinia was not represented at the Inter-Allied Conference in London is clarified in aulh ritative circles. It will be recalled that in the House of Commons <n bru ry 4. the Foreign Secretary" said that the British
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  • 198 2 Their Majesties’ Tour Of Training Centre London, September 26 The King and Queen were told today by two Germans, a man and a woman, how they were learning to help the British war effort to defeat Nazism. Their Majesties were making a tour of the
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  • 680 2 Air-Borne Troops Blown [I Large Minefields I London sfl I he Russians have beaten off attacks from three dtf] tions at Leningrad and the Germans do not seem VI fresh progress, it was stated authoritatively in uj There was still severe fighting all along
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  • 111 2 Trial By Iranian If Londtt The Times" diplomatic 'writes: ■■German citizen bv the Iranian police 3, I still at large and who W dered themselves would, vlmn Iranian c -s "About eigii'y •’•'•ar.w still unaccounted t'oi xiriicn ly hundred z’--ed by the British Iranian aurhm
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  • 25 2 Japanes* "'"''J Tokyo. S e neverh» 15 Tne Japan*- tJ e r e> ing tne possibu*. crv ce s trans-Pacific f
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    • 137 2 GLEAMING TEETH mny V often hide DECAY ©a Only Tok Short-Head tooth- Tek is the only genuin* beush oan reach those nocks toothbrush, built and patent» and crannies, at the back of ed this way, though count- tow of gleaming teeth. less attempts have been Here in the arch behind,
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  • 393 3 ft, K SHORTAGE n GERMANY BjpTNG to the Ministry of L Warfare, the present Germany is one of stringency, due to the Kfhfr of men taken by the K-,.;0 Key men have been K ;d there is a particularly HLn on technical personnel. in production,
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  • 190 3 Regulations I» Japan Tokio Jf-pan Times and Advertiser re*s that the first of three hundred 1 scheduled to be selected and e this year by the Welfare Dn regard to "marriage from of eugencis” were the s old Junichi Sakuhara and his 13 °Dd wife, Yoki, of
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  • 597 3  - Censor Dodging Belgium’s Black Markets—More Polish Slaves UNDE R NAZI RULE By Wallace King JN their letters to friends abroad, the people of Hol- land adopt ingenious ruses to get news past the duller Nazi censors. A number of examples are given in “Holland Fights the Nazis,” a new book
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  • 1420 3 The Story Of Parachutes Washington, Indiana. rpHIS is the story of how the gos1 samer from a caterpillar is made to float booted men to safety as they dangle in azure skies. It is the story of how beady-eyed grasshoppers in American hayflelds
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  • 839 3 Museum Exhibit At Philadelphia Philadelphia. AT a time when the Orient and Occident are being brought closer and closer together by airplane-telescoping of time and space—there is food for thought in a reconstruction of American civilisation a hundred years ago. Then fast clipper ships,ancestors of
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    • 209 3 N fcj 'S\ 9 n Ml■■■rij Yes! Inner Cleanliness snould be the first rule! For until tic system is purified regularly there can be no true physical infitness. So turn to Andrews Liver Sall for ."''4' <1 deep-down Inner Cleanliness. i Immediately you drink your bubbling glass of Andrews it
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    • 46 3 nwi n f* a L 1 ry /"Nh *w»w ii<— >iiiiiiiii m i imbmmwimmmm— bbmmuemmbmbWMWb "WHAT'S SHE GOT THAT I HAVEN'T?" "A FLEET. MUMMY ‘ln return for Vichy collaboration, Hitler is reported to be ready to guarantee French territory ng a ns t Italian d' .-■nerds.)
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  • 505 4 Action By Madras Government Madras, Sept. 23. TO mitigate distress which resulted from the recent cyclone and floods in Malabar, the Government of Madras has taken a variety of relief measures, including grants for rebuilding wrecked houses, most of which were in Ponnani Taluk. The grants
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  • 378 4 NEWS FROM INDIA. I Bombay, Sept. 24. THE third batch of young Indians who are to go to Britain for tech* nical training under the Eevin Scheme were entertained at a farewell function this evening. The Government of India’s spokesman expressed the hope that when
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  • 179 4 Bishop Tells Of Experience A trip to Iran in 1922 was described to the Singapore Rotary Club by the Bishop of Singapore, the Rt. Rev. J. L. Wilson, when he addressed the Club. He arrived in the country at the time when the Persians hardly did anything
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  • 786 4 ALLEGATIONS that he was abused and threatened by a motorist when he asked him to produce his driving- licence after an alleged traffic incident, were made in the Singapore Traffic Court by Inspector E Bunnens, of the Special Branch. Ezrah S.
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  • 420 4 Australian News Cable Defence Of Pacific Melbourne, Sept. 24. the mission by Sir Earle Page to London on behalf of the Commonwealth Government as of vital importance, a leading article says that the defence of Australia begins in the North of Malaya. External defence, extending from Burma to Hawaii via
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  • 75 4 A plan for substitute fuel production m 1942. which he estimates will be yielding at the rate of 45,000,000 gallons a year by the end of that year, has been prepared by the Australian Minister for Supply (Senator McLeay) Estimated production in gallons is:— Motor spirit
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  • 958 4 Mr. F. J. Kemlo To Leave Singapore For U. S. Singapore. WfITH a view to discussing with American rubber and the Rubber Reserve Company proposals for a more satisfactory arrangement of obtaining rubber supplies in Singapore, Mr. F. J. Kemlo, chairman of the Singapore Chamber
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    • 136 4 PERSONAL c FRESHNESS! -adSlk «P p 1 v IkOwSIR//X :w®F < V /m W®& wB J3F v w z 1 vW .J/ > 1 4 r A I -jy jL .ty Tsp* s v b jfpe f'T’O-* Jf'J/'v jaHMr And the only way you can make sure or hard work
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    • 43 4 Iwhat’a’ War!'”SSS"'l a Vyr tgLx x a- i** Fl i X feflF \SF “I don't mind, Sarg: it s like aid times to rue. I was his t J caddie for years.'' M W n wwww -w* -W wX.•*ww w. W. V. W'W
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  • 82 5 New Supdt. Of Education Mr. L.D. Whitfield, who has been acting as Superintendent of Education, Kedah, for the last ten months, will be leaving for Malacca tomorrow. Mr. F.L. Shaw, who has been acting as Headmaster of the Penang Free School, takes Mr.
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  • 432 5 SOCIAL PERSONAL .B E. Swift is at present manEstate Bedong. K. ’'Villis. Assistant Dental 111 Hospital. A lor Star, s .iwapore on long leave. B'' D. Carew, C.L.S., has been |B :li< Lite as Magistrate, K he ial Legal Service. C. ff Sheppard, an officer of lII' V. w.i Civil
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  • 810 5 Balancing Scales Between Tenant And Landlord When a tenant said that he was a wage-earner and could not pay an increased rent in these hard times, the Chairman of the Rent Assessment Board, Mr. Paul Storr, yesterday remarked that landlords too, had to live.
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  • 73 5 Birth And Death Rates Up The birth and death rates for George Town went up last month, according to the Municipal Health statement. In August, the month under review, the birth rate was 36.29 (compared with 33.96 in July) and the death rate was 16.27 (16.21
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  • 104 5 Butterworth. A young Tamil, Karuppan, was produced before Mr. R. C. Hoffman in the Police Court and was charged with having committed murder by causing the death of Marimuthu by stabbing and cutting him with a coconut tree cutting knife on or about September 25 at
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  • 80 5 A splendid double featire programme, “My Wife’s Relatives,” and “Days of Je.sse James” is offered a. the Majestic. “My Wife’s Relatives” s a comedy on the matrimonial comilications of the popular series of pictures of the Higgins family. James S-leason, Lucille Gleason, Ruseell Gleaon and Harry
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  • 59 5 Appearing before Mr. lim Koon Teck in the Penang Third Qurt yesterday, Kay Tan, Tan Ooy Seong and Lau Boon Wah were charged vith importing restricted articles into Ptiang, 338 jars of sulpb’iric acid on. Sepimber 21. The cnarge was explain» to them, and the case
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  • 107 5 In memory of H. E. Rberton from: Mr. J. D. Kemp $lO.OO Mr. J. C. Miller 10.00 Mr. D. A. Mackay 10 00 The Resident of Pera) lifts approved the appointment of the following gentlemen as membej of the Po Leung Kuk Committee, ?erak, for the year
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 46 5 P "1 But/ I ,a B > v ch ßzO vX lineal c f V I 11 57 EU' to F I B 9 1 I I IB'V A' I I V N I. sV v \iC* ES ■A 0 K B Burmah Road, Bnang. Phone 3388.
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    • 31 5 I j FOO CHEONG CO. j Fwniture Manufacturers 89. Bishop Street, Penang. f Phone: 636. > I Ipoh Agents: FOO LOON CO.. A 101, Brewster Road. /f f Phone: 875. J J
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 51 5 If x nfl 1 „l A Vs TODAY BjMDKKOW > 'Io ATI.. 1 P.M., ~■l5 x 9.30 P.M. ■rrnvWniZ 1 We Edffiw Kj wtso j 1 ■’aWtcu Mary Beth Hughes B Nicholas Brothers B|G S Wiere Brothers The Four Ink Spots Directed by Arc h if Mayo A2othCe»turj r-.Flctur« ■-c
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    • 131 5 MAJESTIC Last 3 Shows Today 3, 6.15 9.30 p.m. I Republic’s First-Run Rouble-Feature Attraction The Most Hilarious Comedy Ever Flashed Across The Screen THE HIGGINS FAMILY IN “MY WIFE’S RELATIVES’ WITH James Gleason Lucille Gleason Russell Gleason Harry Davenport Mary Hart Tommy Ryan TOGETHER WITH Roy Rogers George “Gabby” Hayes
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    • 176 5 LS>EON 1 LAST 3 SHGT~~"• ——~> 3.30, 6.15 i 30 P.M. NAZI TERROR! r The Greatest Story J? EXPOSED! To Stir The Hearts OProduced, Famous Hunter Hunted By eo Ple! j 4<jen// Ik -Tl MAN HUNT --mifmiHOMiiMn ‘•i .«.GEORGE SANDERS Directed by Fritz Lang A 20th Century-Fox Future t 3M
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    • 241 5 I'IWT’PEI > k* Bl 2 Shows Today 6.15 and 9.30 n. m 7 Thrll)er To Forget The War' ‘CASUGHT” tZ w waM! IntXe* ZrT gi SM w EscltoB! "•Ml The Lat^ t Brf Paramount News. Hans At Ar n. nd Co Ltd 1 hone 1476. Matxn?p D ,;,i r^rj “Mah4*.
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  • 493 6 ALLIES IN WAR AND AFTER TN his speech at the Allied Council meeting yesterday, the British Foreign Secretary, Mr. Anthony Eden, dealt with several aspects of the Allied Governments’ war problem. What i might seem the greater urgency j and disputability of some of these aspects tended, perhaps, to obscure
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  • 134 6 MAJESTIC CINEMA: “My Wife’s Relatives” and “Days Of Jvsse James.” 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. ODEON CINEMA: “Man Hunt’ with Walter Pidgeon and Joan Bennett. 3.30, 6 15 and 9.30 p.m. QUEEN’S CINEMA: “Gaslight” with Anton Walbrook and Diana Wynyard. 6 15 and 9.30 p.m. HEX CINEMA:
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  • 157 6 Lmdon, Sept. 27. 46p0-OPERAHON between British md Russian forces in Iran has net been marred by I the least frictiii. Complete liaison has been established and both personal and official relations leave nothing 0 be desired.” Coincident vith this statement made in Londm
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    • 144 6 I'o the Editor, “Pinang Gazette”). Sir, How is it that a German, viz. Dr. Hans Klemperer is employed by an Empire company? This is so, according to the statement made by the manager of the Takuapa Valley Tin Dredging Co. in the Seremban High Court. This
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    • 228 6 (To the Editor, "PLnang Gazette”) Sir, I do not know what your dramatic critic thought of the St. George’s Girls’ School production of "Julius Caesar’’ but as one of those who are taking the play this year and who saw the presentation of it yesterday evening,
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  • 468 6 •UTULIUS CAESAR” is one of my chief Shakespearean favourites, and it was with some prepidation that I attended the play as presented by the Normal and School Certificate students of St. George’s Girls School on its opening last night at Mortimer
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  • 305 6 Saturday, Sept. 27. other people may think about it, Dr. J. Frank Norris, U.S. Baptist Minister now in Britain, is emphatic about America’s eventual entry into the war. CHE will be in it within thirty days is his forecast. NORRIS who is on a
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  • 227 6 London, Sept. 27. rPHE crew of the R.A.F. Coastal Command aircraft, the first to travel as far into Russia as Moscow, came back vastly impressed by the morale, efficiency and fighting spirit they saw there, says the Air Ministry News Service. “When
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 152 6 4-- w ww» jantzenj SWIM SUITS, i I j VE LV(T I SHEEP i I I i i I Light as a feather I with inner surface I smooth and soft tf^ e j body. front. Bu> /Nn sup I porter. Adjustable HF I buck*- Tunnel Be,t tm 9 i
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    • 78 6 I B I IH iki if/ fft I M I B to B A Is j unVtt»Zs an chilly SAUCE O o 9 &S:-- SI l 4< Me^J Kt^‘.’'2. pxP KS Qh I o MB SOM j w ifis sm b-"’Tld bsssws® B i Cl I THE BEST I J
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  • 73 7 Inations To War I Fund E r War Fund in North. Malaya E at made up of $‘♦83,338.23 and Perak ■SI.BB. (further £12,600 has increased I amount remitted from the I. War F und to Ixmdon to ■925. Esly acknowledged $983.303.23 Eory of H. E.
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  • 90 7 Ik men, Lee Ah Boon, Tan Choon |ooh Kar Seng, Poh Tee Yoke, Tam t Hooi, Lee Slang Phoo, Goon Ah and Loh Gi Wooi were produced bejlr. Lim Koon Teck in the Third yesterday on a charge of gaming common gaming house in Sri Bahari on
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  • 63 7 H Butterworth. B»'? Malays, Buyong bin Abdul Majid Mat Kilan bin Wahid, appeared belt Mr. R. C. Hoffman in the Police Ert on a charge of voluntarily causing ■vous hurt to Abdul Kadir bin Haji Ea at the Railway Station, Prai on Etember 12 at about 9 a.m.
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  • 59 7 ■As from today all ships of ail nations liimg at ports in the United States and I possessions need to carry ships’ warLts issued by the United States Marilee Commision in order to secure shipfcg facilities without incurring delays. [Details of this United States
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  • 1929 7 hlrs. L. Forbes Distributes Home I Nursing Certificates I A call to Penang women to become “members of the great I army of loyal and patriotic women, working as they have never I done before, to ensure that certain victory at which
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  • 539 7 BILL TO GO BEFORE FEDERAL COUNCIL Widening Powers Of Immigration Committee On account of the shortage of labour in Malaya which has become so increasingly apparent since the war demanded a largely increased output both in tin and rubber, the Federated Malay
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  • 66 7 In the Penang Third Court before Mr. Lim Koon Teck yesterday, Tang Kai Tan pleaded guilty to a charge of cruelty to animals at Jelutong Road on September 25. The prosecution officer stated that the accused put 20 ducks m a basket two feet seven inches wide
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  • 227 7 «V TORY TONIGHT Patrick Hamilton s thriller "Gaslight,” now showing at the Queen's, is a British production of quality. The play has been so well adapted and so Intelligently directed that the film moves freely without sacrificing the original's characterisation, atmosphere aud tension. It
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  • 262 7 Miss Lim Paik Looi And Mr. Ong Peng Linn At the Penang Buddhist Association, Anson Road, at noon yesterday, Miss Lim Paik Loci, fourth daughter of the late Mr. Lim Boon Lay and Mrs. Lim Boon Lay was married to Mr. Ong Peng Lum, nephew of Mr.
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  • 182 7 Australian Minister To Meet Mr. Buff Coop er In S pore QIR JOHN LATHAw A ustra i. lok vo > s «“Pt- 26. 5 among the SGI pX,™,*®" to Japan was ship “Anhui,” which he S evacuation for Hong Kong and SingaX pler at 8
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  • 247 7 War Loan Should Have Been Bigger Singapore. A T the half-yearly general meeting of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce on Thursday, the chairman, Mr. J. I. Dawson, referred to the §10,000,000 issued by the Colony Government in July last and said that it should have
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  • 62 7 Bail in the sum of $l5O allowed to two Indians, Chinniah and Krishna, by Mr. Lim Koon Teck in the Penang Third Court yesterday on a charge of committing house-breaking in order to commit theft in a house at Perak Road on September 24. The charge was explained
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  • 147 7 Butterworth. Two well-known families, the Kee’s of Province Wellesley and the Saw’s of Perak will be linked by the marriage of Miss Kee Eng Chuan, the third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kee Hup Hor and the granddaughter of the late Mr. Kee Teik Seng and
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    • 124 7 sill w h I X > xB -of bWflk m HH W wTR 4B w 9 jK, 'wL am-xz* w rf i iIKX I «II j-a* s- r 4 F < F rw WWWPWImiiiMlf" w 7li. will!Mw °A Reporter from the Daily Gou morning Yes sir tf Have I felt
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 85 7 PENANG’S MOST LUXURIOUS JI i*4 AIR-CONDITIONED THEATRE MID-NIGHT SHOW TONIGHT AT 12?.q P.M. ALEXANDRA KORDA 1 Pro<h lri r Qf ‘THIEF OF BAGDAD’ Presents His First Hollywood Produced Spectacular Produ ct j on ‘LADY HAMILTON’ Starring Together fl iS Tw f the g jfpjg Screen’s JSI o Createst ,>w Vivien
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  • 393 8 Annual Report The thirty-second ordinary general meeting of Sungei Bagan Rubber Company, Ltd. will be held at the registered office of the company, Amber Building, o, Malacca Street, Singapore, on SaturdaySept. 27, at 10.30 a.m. The directors in their annual report o nd statement of accounts for
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  • 69 8 Penang, September 26, 1941. fßy Courtesy of the Chartered Bank.J SELLING London Demand 2/4 3/32 New York Demand 47.16 Montreal Demand 51.91 Batavia Demand 88.82 Calcutta Bombay) Rangoon Demand 156 1/8 Hongkong Demand 53 9/16 Shanghai Demand H 9/16 Japan Demand 193 1/2 New Zealand Demand 2/10 7/8
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  • 132 8 Yesterday’s Close Prev’ously TIN: LONDON “Spot” £256 0. 0. £256. 0. 0. “Forward” £259. 15. 0. £259. 15 0. SINGAPORE s P o t” $137.75 $137.50 Business done PENANG S P ot $137.75 $137.50 RUBBER: LONDON “Spot” 13 ll|l6d. 13 11|16.d “Forward” 13 ll|l6d 13 11|16.d Tone Dull
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  • 19 8 STOCKS SHARES QUOTATIONS I«ued bv the Mabyan Sharebrokers Association (Penang and boh sectons) at 4 p.m. 26th September. 1941
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  • 437 8 Buyers Sellers 125X16 t Tin 2/9 3/0 “Xl MaW 35/0 36/oex 5/0 H ram 18 .'f 13/0 14/« <i Batu Selangor 1.421 1.47 s 5/0 Ber junta! W® £1 Burma Malay I®/® 16/6ex £1 Chenderiang 11/® 1 2 5/0 Gopeng Cons. 8/6 9 6 .50 Hitani Tin 44 46
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  • 236 8 Issue B uvers Sellers Allenby 1.224 1.274 c Alor Gajah -874 .92J Amal Malay 1.65 1.724 Ayer Hitam -97* 1.024 Ayer Molek 1.174 1.224 Ayer Panas 1.22 J 1.27 Jc Bassett -45 .47 4 Batu Lintang 1.124 1.15 Bedford .974 I.o2jex Benta 1.024 105 Birelli 1.40 1.45 Broga .65
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  • 353 8 Issue Buyers Sellers A£l Austral N.Z. Ord. 22/0 23/0 $2 Alex. Brick Ord. 1.75 1.80 $2 Alex. Brick 7*% Pref. 2.25 2.35 $5 B. M. T. 7.50 7.75 ex £5 Chartered Bank £9 £9*c £1 Con. T. S. Ord. 16/0 16/6 £1 Con. T. S. 7% Pr<f 19/9 20/6
    353 words
  • 239 8 MINING Dividend Book# close Payable Ayer Hitam 10% int. L T 8.10.41 (in London) Burma-Malay 6d. 28th div. 22/3.9.41 30.9.41 Chenderifcng 5% F in al L T. 4—9.10.41 imra 2|% I/T. L 8.10.41 Kramat Pulais 121% Final 2i% Int. -V 29.9.41 both L.T tin London) Kinta
    239 words
  • 466 8 Library Notice The following publications were issued or received by the Dept, of Statistics, S.S. F.M.S., during the period September i 1-15, 1941. inclusive and are available for i public use in the Reference Library, Fullerton Building. Singapore. Applications j may be made by members of the public
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  • 178 8 Penang, Friday. Although there was no return to anything like activity ip the Share market, there was quite a good deal of buying from genuine investors and this had 3 steadying effect on the market. Tin and Rubber shares remained practically unchanged with a few alterations in
    178 words
  • 1102 8 Appeal To Governmed For Help I An appeal to the Governments to reconsider thto the copra industry and to accord to this neglected J the help which was so long overdue was made by m/j.' d dell, chairman, at the thirtieth annual general nicer H Selangor
    1,102 words
  • 304 8 Increased Profits The thirtieth ordinary general mediß of Mengkibol (Central Johore) RubtM Co.. Ltd., was held in London H Mr. Philip C. Turnbull. O. B E. chairman >. said that the only changr the acreage statement which called any reference was that the mature ?r®
    304 words
  • 21 8 Profit for 1940 £3.875. £500 E.P.T. £1,976. replantm» ard £4 .21« dividend 7 per cent (£2,317).
    21 words
  • 23 8 Plantations 650 T o Profit for 1940. pivideD d nIOIAA (<£4,500 taxation. .£I^ IUO per cent. (6 per eent.).
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 96 8 BANKS OUR SERVICES ARE AT YOUR DISPOSAL To keep abreeet with the progress of economic developments, no business concern can afford not to take advantage of the multifarious services offered by a reputed banking institution with yll r i of financial experience. THE INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK. LTD. (Incorporated in British
      96 words

  • 440 9 Gaol For Malay Youth For punching a Chinese girl student of the Medical College in the face, causing a permanent disfigurement by splitting open her Up, iracturing her upper jaw and knocking out a tooth, 18-year-old Sallen bin Samad was sentenced in the Singapore Criminal District
    440 words
  • 269 9 Saturday, 27th September. ion Postage Latest Time of Destination Letters Postcards Superscription Posting at Penang per oz. each Ordinary Regn. INTERNAL MALAYAN SERVICE Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur Weame’s Air September 27th inst. Singapore JO .05 Service 1 p.m. 12.45 p.m. AFRICA All destinations .50 ,25 80.A.C. Sat. 27th inst.
    269 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 898 9 CHURCH NOTICES ST. GEORGE THE METHODIST CHURCHES MARTYR (Penang. Province Wellesley. Kedah And Ppta.l* IOTH SWOAT AFTER TRINITY c PATTERSON-IMSTBICT I'l’ an<l tany SUPERINTENDENT 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion 11T 9.15 a.m. Mattins (Tamil) Wesley Chllich 10 30 a.m. Mattins and Holy Communion (Fitzgerald Memorial) (Chinese' Corner of Burmah and Larut
      898 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 2571 9 94 K ■K Philharmonic Orchestra conducted bv ■F i W Fehx Weingartner. 9.00 Interval. 10.00 I I Songs b >’ Miss Amelia. 10.30 Lagu Extra. »W|| I I I ll 00 Ramaiingam Party. 11.45 Interval 5 IBSk. W jll 12.00 Midday Variety Hour. j'< 5 1.00 p.m. Singapore Calling. Programme
      2,571 words
    • 553 9 KUALA LUMPUR ZGB4 5.00 mc/s (60.00 m.) 8.30 a.m. News Bulletin. (Relayed from London). KWEIYANG XPSA (49.0 metres) 5.00 a.m. National Anthem—News for the press in Chinese. 6,00 p.m. Flag seng—Band music—Announcement of programmes. 6.10 News commentary in Chinese. 6.25 European music. 6.30 News in Japanese. 6.50 European Music. 6.55
      553 words
    • 81 9 SAN FRANCISCO (TREASURE ISLAND) 10 I r >El 967 mc/s <31.02 mJ 1 Rhythm Matinee. 12.30 ln 1.45 Or330 Chinfe 300 Organ nt Musicale. 8.00 News in English. 8.15 Rhythm of Today. 8.30' Lutheran Hour. information Please. > 9.30 Mail Bag. 10.3% News Flashes. 10.35 1 Music. 1130 Songs. Music
      81 words

  • 136 10 Object Of Facilitating Task Of Dr. Clodius Ankara, Sept. 26 (By John Wallis, Reuter’s special correspondent). While the official German spokesmen here swear undying friendship, unofficial German sources are conducting a war of nerves against Turkey. Nazi inspired reports are being spread that
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  • 210 10 Present Position A Warning To Turkey London, Sept. 26. Commenting on Bulgaria’s position vis-a-vis Russia, “The Times” on Friday morning says that Hitler’s advisers may well look with some apprehension on the task of compelling the obstinate and notoriously Russophile Bulgarian peasant to march
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  • 115 10 Diadoque Installed favourite London, Sept. 26 The call-over for the Cambridgeshire horses installed Mr. Vlasta’s Diadoque, a Blandford colt out of Dulce, favourite with 15/2 offered after 8/1 was taken. At that price it was backed to wan £6,000, while other popular horses were Sir Eric Ohlson's Sa
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  • 101 10 American Aircraft Supplied By British London, Sept. 26. The arrival in Ankara of British aircraft being supplied to Turkey' is reported by the Ankara correspondent of the National Broadcasting Company of America in a broadcast, says Reuter. “Only yesterday,” the correspondent said, “an unspecified number
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  • 67 10 Big Contract For London Firm Ankara, Sept. 26. The Minister of Communications yesterday signed a very’ large contract for the construction of piers at Alexandretta and Mersine and improvement of harbour facilities in Alexandretta. Contract running into hundreds of thousands of sterling have been secured
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  • 63 10 90.000 Killed And 20,000 Wounded London, Sept. 26. The Polish military headquarters in London yesterday stated tiiat German losses in (he Polish-German campaign in September 1939 were 90,000 killed and 200,000 wounded with. 400 tanks and 500 planes destroyed. The first incomplete list of Polish
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  • 1242 10 BATTLE GOES ON AS FURIOUSLY AS EVER Hamlets Wrested From Germans By Night Moscow, Sept. 26 (By Maurice Lovell, Reuter’s resident correspondent). The great battle for Leningrad goes on as furiously as ever, according to latest reports from the city. Since the fall of Kiev,
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  • 265 10 Widespread Raids In Middle East London. September 26 An R.A.F. Middle East communique states: Tripoli and Benghazi were again successfully raided by heavy bombers of the R.A.F during the night of September 23/24. In Tripoli manv bombs wero dropped on shipping in harbour and fires
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  • 129 10 Flour. Sugar And Coffee Sent To Country Cairo, Sept 26. It is learned authoritatively that the general supply situation in Lebanon and I Syria has improved. Good supplies of I sugar, kerosene and cotlec reached the country although the situation continues to be rather unsatisfactory. Syria
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  • 97 10 Need For Rigorous Economy Cairo, Sept. 26. The necessity for rigorous economy regarding all commodities, particularly foodstuffs, was ursed by the Egyptian Premier broadcasting last night. Reminding the population that other governments had resorted to rationing in order to husband supplies, Sirry Pasha appealed to all to
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  • 38 10 Milo, Hawaii, Sept. 26. Moderate to strong earthquake shocks originating from the volcano Mauna Loa shook Hawaii yesterday. Walls here cracked and dishes were br> ken. All seismographs at Kilauea were put out of action.—Reuter,
    38 words
  • 852 10 Proof Of Universal Des For Liberty London, Sent Mr. Churchill, in a message to the opening meeting today British Association for the Advancement of Science, says° of our objects in fighting this war is to maintain the r j free discussion and interchange of
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  • 63 10 373 Britons Leaving Japan j Tokio, September 26. Three hundred and seventy-three Britons, who arc leaving Japan, started boarding the evacuee ship, Anhui, at Yokohama today. The steamer is due to sail for Singapore via Hongkong this evening. The Anhui arrived at Yokohama this morning after
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  • 270 10 Ex-Shah Proceeding To United States Teheran, Sept. 26. An official announcement published yesterday states that the Government has made a close enquiry and discovered there is no confirmation of the report that the ex-Shah had deposited money tn foreign banks. Open allegations that the ex-Shah
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  • 130 10 The Windsors Ii Washington Washington, The visit of. P^ T e h Windsor which met wu reception, jieoplc lin t a c iutJ- x 1 cheering the couple, can <■ a reception at the National yesterday afternoon was crowded with 60° J gave the Windsors an tercd
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 47 10 far east service for united kingdom For particulars regarding Freight, and other information please apply to SANDILANDS. BUTTERY COTelephone No. 644 645 PENANG. TjrpF7wlp~ LINE incorporate <" AoMraha? for particular j* regarding freight, Passage, and other information please apply to BOUSTEAD CO., LTD., Agents Penang Telephone No. 1604.
      47 words

  • 611 11 Ley nets two for o. x. a |hE Punjab Regiment, one of the best local teams in hocI jjey, sustained their initial defeat of the season yesterdav len they went down by the odd goal in three to the Old [verian.-' Association before a large
    611 words
  • 308 11 ■\\\i; STRONG ■contenders > Ipoh triangular badminton tourna- Penang, Selangor and j>as been fixed to take place at L 1 j’ n Hail during the Deepa■■’.ohaays > n October 18, 19 and 20, |B tele trouble in fixing the it was originally thought the would not be
    308 words
  • 85 11 Ladies vs Men A match will be played between the dies and men at Glugor tomorrow. <3o—Mrs Brodie vs. C. T. Allen <34—Mrs. Cowen vs. J. C. Walters <3B—Mis. J. w. Clark vs. R. W. owen. Mrs. Rhys Williams vs. W. H. rodie. <46-Mrs P. N.
    85 words
  • 98 11 Cambridgeshire Call-Over London. Sept. 26. The Cambridgeshire call-over is as follows: 15]2 Diadoque offered 8G taken. 1009 Samanga offered 1008 taken. 100!8 Reversion offered. 100 8 Emirdiran offered. 100 7 Hippius offered 100 6 taken. 100j6 Eastern Echo. 100(6 Quartier Maitre. 1006 Suez. 100'6 Gloaming. ***** Poise.
    98 words
  • 62 11 C..R.C. vs R.A.F. On the Victoria Green today: C.R.C.—Chee Tiang Lye; Lim Mah Chan, Keong Siew Tat, Ng Kam Seng, Yong Kam Beng; Ng Kam Teong, Chong Foong Chin; Tan Ah Ee, Tan Ah See, Ong Eng Khuan, Wong Kum Poh, Yeoh Bok Hoe, Ooi Siang Huah. Ooi Siang
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  • 63 11 Given Freedom Of Montreal Montreal, Sept. 26. The former British tennis stars and now professionals. Miss Mary Hardwick. Mrs. Little better known as Dorothy Round, and Fred Perry, have been given the freedom of Montreal in recognition of the aid given to the Canadian
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  • 45 11 Hurst Outpointed Over 10 Rounds Montreal, Sept. 26 Dave Castilloux, Canadian lightweight and welterweight champion, successfully defended the former title by outpointing Harry Hurst over ten rounds. Earlier in the.year the pair fought i draw when Hurst challenged for the title. —Reuter.
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  • 63 11 Ipoh. The inter-school 200 metres free style relay organised by the Kinta Swimming Club will be held this evening at 5.30 at the K. S. C. pool. Five schools are taking part, namely: A.C.S., A.C.C.S., Anderson School, S. M. I. and Yuk Choy Middle School. Mr. Wong Peng
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  • 1166 11 r pHE funeral of the late Mr. Harold Edward Roberton, General Manager, Bertam Consolidated Rubber Co., Ltd., Province Wellesley, whose death occurred after a short illness at the General Hospital on Thursday night, took place yesterday evening at the Western Road Cemeterj
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  • 590 11 FRICTION BETWEEN ITALIANS GERMANS IN GREECE I Revelations By M. Tsouderos The outstanding feat ures of the situation jn mg to L E. J. Fsoudeiros, the Greek Premier, in a talk to the press, were: Ruins of bombed cities n Meen of which had been com letel destroyed, widespread hunfe
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  • 64 11 Colours vs Whites Ipoh. The following are the teams for the Perak State Hockey trial on the Ipoh Club padang today. COLOURS: Toft: Abdul Rahaman, Md. Kahar; Abdul Hamid, Abdullah ‘Satiapal;/ Navaradnam. Anil. Chye Lim. N. Caleb. WHITES: Gurusamy; .Hardam Singh, H. La Brooy; Teoh Boon Jim,
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  • 84 11 Brooklvn Dodgers Win National League New York. Sept. 26. The Brooklyn Dodgers wen. the National League Pennant in American baseball, qualifying to meet the New York Yankees in the World Series. The Dodgers won the match against the Boston Bees to make certain of the pen nant
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  • 551 11 Four new importations have been entered for the K.L. races —Brack law, Air Offensive, Night Raid and Gold Dust. home records are given below. CLASS II HORSES BRACKLAW 4y (ch e g by Brantome-Senussi) “Holland Kongsi” 1940. Ran five times. Third
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  • 89 11 Coventry, September 26. The Prime Minister, Mr. Churchill, this morning saw the destruction wrought by Nazi bombers on Coventry last autumn. Seated in an open car with the Mayor of the city, Mr Churchill smiled and waved to the people who loudly cheered. Mr. Churchill
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  • 42 11 Hock Hoe’s XI vs East Surrey XI On the Esplanade today at 5.15 p.m.: Hock Hoes XI: C. B. Tan; Jong Hau, Wat Gark; Boon Choo, Tiang Lok. Tiang Slew; Choon Chooi, Hock Hoe. Ee Teik. Ewe Choo and Cheng Eng.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 33 11 ALLSOPPS BEER NEW SHIPMENTS RECEIVED OF QUARTS PINTS. i ♦•>—< I..i♦ 3 < Sole Agents CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO., LTD. Incorporated under the Companies’ Ordinances of Hongkong) (Incorporated in Shanghai) PENANG SING APORE KUALA LUMPUR Li
      33 words
    • 216 11 £2. the famous tonic for £9' slogs of ail breeds En■‘yes tip-top condition U* year round U seo jf «B “Mine Kenneis all w O et world y Essential in jmkMRK e«*ma. mange 2 ALSO BENBOW from zhfrnnts 4 rto«j K Agents: Georgetown Dispensary v Penang, Ipoh and Malacca I
      216 words

  • 530 12 Yule Call And Faststep Impressive FREEDOM BACK IN FORM (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Today. THE going continues to be soft owing to last night’s rain here. A good number ot turfites turned up this morning to see some good gallops,
    530 words
  • 75 12 Washington, Sept. 27. The United States Navy Department officially discovered that the British submarine “Parthian” and the Free French submarine “Surcouf” are at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and the British destroyer “Burnham” at Boston, Massachusetts, being repaired under the Lease-Lend Act. This announcement makes a total
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  • 33 12 Net profit for 1940. £14.740 (£6,034). To estimated E.P.T., £4.800 (nil); to reserve £3,000 (£500): to income-tax reserve, £l,OOO (£250); dividend 10 per cent. <8 per cent.); forward, £9,449 (£10,009).
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  • 702 12 Public Should Be Consulted On Measures TJEFERRTNG to a likelihood of greater trade regulation in the Colony, Mr. J. I. Dawson, chairman, told members of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce at their half-yearly meeting on Thursday, “I am not prepared to say that it is either
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  • 95 12 Today on the Esplanade from 6 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. March The Royal Aerobat Carver Reminiscences of “Gounod" Godfrey Waltz Quand L’Amour Meurt Cremieux Overture The White Queen Metra Selection The Lilac Domino Cuvillier Fox Trot The Last Round-up Brown Finale Canadian Patrol Williams God Save The King
    95 words
  • 633 12 Big Developments In Music j .For Overseas SOME of Britain’s most famous performers have recently joined the Music Department of the BBC s Overseas short-wave service. The tremendous expansion in the BBC’s broadcasts to the Empire, U.S.A., and Europe has created a demand for more orchestras
    633 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 98 12 Wm'' Every new ttyle in r Wedding Ring» in Yellow or While Gold or Plelinurn. XT 6 Afl R!n < Ky-;’ rr>*«.» and 1 J hand finish. Quality end d r b i I i♦ v \lJr\J\ guaranteed, sb g% J jf 9 -w--— VttA Diamond Eter- axSTT «Uy Wadding
      98 words
    • 516 12 (Head Office) •>,* V7 Pbone 1477 147» ftoafl Telegram. e *fl I I [Monthly D &pLfl Quarterly *f 5 S B fl ?S e r 1S Yearij 30 QQ j 8 M SUNDAY GAZvft j Local T E I Quarterly &Fyfl Half-Yedriv *1? Year S I 6.00 M I advertisement
      516 words