Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 25 September 1941

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 496 1 EFFECTIVE HELP FOR SOVi I' P. A v AND FLEE Enemy Be Big Four-Coy Vichy, Sepl. 25. “CQUADRONS of British planes are now participating ip the defence of Leningrad, accord ng to a Stockholm dispatch to the Vichy News Agency, V'/Ah the aid
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  • 54 1 London, Sept. 25. ARTHUR Leases, former propagandist for the French Government, on his arrival in the United Slates, said that revolution would break out in Fiance “within four months” and execution of so-called Communists as reprisal for attacks on Nazi soldiers would accelerate and
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  • 285 1 Neutrality Act, Arming Of Merchantmen Washington, Sept. 25. [IT is strongly indicated in the capital today that President I Roosevelt will request irtual repeal of the Neutrality Act ;xt week. It is -reported from the capital that Administra•,n officials are urging the President to recommend
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  • 61 1 Next Week? Washington, Sept. 25. tie is no reason why Prekoosevelt should not make next week his decision on r of merchantmen and re- e Neutrality Act, Mr. !ls Early, the President’s ar told the press. Early said the White House •eiveC no hints that a fili-
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  • 115 1 Berlin, Sept. 25. AH is quiet in Bulgaria, declared the Bulgarian Minister of Interior, M. Grabowski, i addressing foreign journalists in Sofia yesterday, states a Sofia dispatch to the official German News Agency. The Minister stressed that as a partner in the ThreePower Pact, Bulgaria stood
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  • 68 1 £250,000 For Russia And Other Allies London, Sept. 25. THE British Red Cross has allocated £250.000 sterling to deal with the immediate needs of Russia and Britain’s other allies. Lord I’iffe. Chairman of the Duke of Gloucester’s Red Cross and St. John’s Fund, ’s issuing a special
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  • 100 1 Wavell’s Flying Visit To London London, September 25. Fis understood that General Sir Archibald Wavell, Commander-in-Chief, India, has been on a visit to London where he had consultations with the Imperial General Staff. General Wavell came by air and has now returned. During General a\ ell s
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  • 162 1 Departure For India To Take Lp New Post London, September 24. Sir Firoz Khan Noon, High Commissioner for India, has left ndon to take up his appointment as Member for Labour in the reconstructed and expanded Executive Council of the Viceroy. The rapid expansion of Indian
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  • 257 1 London, Sept. 25. The complete failure of the second German offensive igainst.M 7 *”insk’ v, 'nu d by the Russian army paper “Red Star. Thv odns are .•aid tv fßtv’e i aruur killed. The “Red Star’’ also reports another German defeat on the central front
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  • 135 1 ‘•Great Compliment To Australia'* Canberra, Sept. 24. “It is a grett compliment to Australia that China should send a man of such distinction here,” said Mr. A.W. Fadden, in a speech at the official Commonwealth Government luncheon held in honour of Dr Hsu. The function was
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  • 225 1 Tribute Paid Bv Mr. Amery London, Sept. 24. A tribute to Ji dia’s contribution to the war effort was paid by Mr. L. S. Amery, Secretary for India in the course of a speech in Aberdeen yesterday. After referring to the great part played by Indian forces
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  • 81 1 Whiting, Indiana, Sept. 25. All available firemen and police were rushed to the scene after an explosion and fire had occurred in the Standard Oil Company factory here. One man is reported to have been killed and several injured. The fire spread to dozens of oil
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  • 200 1 Canberra, Sept. 25. ]UIR. CURTIN, Opposition Leader, ■L yesterday moved a virtual vote of censure on the Government after the sensation caused in the Australian House of Representatives by the disclosure of the Prime Minister Mr. Fadden that Government funds had been used for
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 15 1 16 HOURS ENERGY I 8 HOURS SOUND REST llfn I Agents: G. H. SLOT’&'Co., Ltd.
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    • 61 1 s DESTROY WHITE ANTS Scientifically, 1 USE i o'Bliii PRICES. r Sets. Refill». (LARGE for godowns, i) factories, coolie- fi lines, etc. $22.50 $18.50 SMALL for Indi- i vidual householders 7.50 5.50 FIELD for rubber plantations and all 1) *i trees. 18.50 11.50 I STOCKISTS I I (THE GEORGE TOWN
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  • 1868 2 Allied Delegates Adopt Declaration To Destroy German Arms London, Sept. 24. THE second meeting of the Allied Council presided over by Mr. Anthony Eden, foreign Secretary, was held in London today. The representatives of all countries which are fighting for freedom presented their considered
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  • 132 2 If Finns Invade Russian Soil London. September 24. The reports that Britam has told Finland that if she continues to invade purely Russian territory it will be necessary for Britain to treat Finland as an open' enemy now and when peace has come, are
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  • 143 2 PATROL SHOOTS DOWN SEVEM ENEMY I llndon, Sept. 24 An Air Ministry communique states that British fighters have been in actioJ against the Luft--1 waffe in Russia. The following Is the text of the Air Ministry coirmuAique concerning operations in Ru.-s.sT “Reports have now
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  • 50 2 Arrival Back In Turkey By Air J Berlin, Sept. 24. i Ambassador to Turkey, en. has arrived back in from ills visit to Germany, accuruiug an Istanbul telegram to Berlin. He preceded to the summer residence of the German Embassy at Therapia, the telegram a ded. Reuter.
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  • 26 2 NeW York. Sept. 24. The Phi .opine Islands have called up 125.000 .mil, the New York newspapers report today from Manila.—Reuter.
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  • 61 2 VICHY SHIP SUN K GULF OF GABE T 1 Sepf.2 The I Lchy Neu s nounces that British affucAed and sank a French go steamer, Moncelet, on day in the Gulf of Cab the coast of Tunisia crew were rescued. The agency adds that Moncelet. which carr k cargo of
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  • 144 2 Moscow, Sept. 2 After four days’ struggle, the Soviet troops in the northern of the Central Sector have driven the Germans hack strongly fortified positions on the eastern bank of the I Dvina. Fighting often at close quarters with hand grenades and p bottles, the
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  • 70 2 “Factor Fur I’rl In Pacific I Melbourne, Septctß “Russia's resistance is a faH peace in the Pacific.” dec® Ronald Cross, British High sioner, at a luncheon given J the Premier of Victoria. Afl ingly praise the heroism ainl fice of the Russian forces,' “Japan is watching
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  • 33 2 Progress Ea*t' Kiev Berlin. flic German Hi nique today slates tnut of Kiev further section* of were annihilated yf.-’erda- -d plete annihilation oi the- 1 i reckoned within a fc da-’"
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  • 83 2 Sifl-.Olipliail Be Keleasl London. It is stated Sir Lancelot Oliphant. Ambassador at Brussels aiic by the Germans, lchanged for Herr von Gerr '..m Con.-’.: G« s Sir L. Oliphant is one diplomat- v i o-r B been arranged. A partv of British wia tin Spanish Spanish frontier ~n”
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  • 54 2 BRITISH A ND IN KOBE AND 210 Leaving J IB Evacuee ToKi°B Fifty British and 101 ,B dents of Kobe and 1 leaving because ot H foreign funds, y ,B for Yokohama. 1 B a steamer which W British evacuees. B Thursday. About 1 British and India "p Ut erfl
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 126 2 -Joan. iJßlondell talks about CHARM 'iffH v' CHARMS DON'T COUNT. j >F A HASN'T DAINTINESS. I HERE'S THE BEST WAY I KNOW' R C.fey T 4 TO GET IT. I USE THE SAME 1 wonderful soap in my bath S THAT USE FOR MY COMPLETION- g i"■ VOHAJET BtAASP. ITS
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  • 1789 3 Messages From King Emperor And Lord Moyne r ulJ wimcH appointed under the new Sarawak 1 Constitution, granted by the Rajah on the occasion of the Centenary of the Brooke rule, was sworn in this morning and will hold the first meeting today when it
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 170 3 i St** 1 |)ii‘' Ayen cl :i Asp'’ 11 1 h R3« d r 0388. a Ph'»" 1 pe^ I SUCCUMB TO THE f The war obviously has placed an THE K extra burden upon the nerves of f ROYAL IL«* JR asthmatics against which the PHYSICIAN EL sj I
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    • 75 3 LADIES 9 GUEST MGHI fun FROLIC PARK THURSDAY, 25th SEPT-. 1941. CANTONESE OPERA -YAH KUNG KOW CHOO’ Part 3. ENG SLEW CHOON TEOCHEW OPERA Opening Tonight ■HONG HAR SOOT GO AH’ LIBERTY TALKIEb Special Twin Projectors installed A Thrilling Mandarin Talkie “CHUP SNAR MOOT’ Two Shows nightly at 7.30 9.30
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    • 247 3 I THE NEW WORLD THURSDAY. 25th SEPT., 1941. CHENG LIN CANTONESE OPERA TONIGHT AT 8 P.M. “CHOONG MO YlN’’ Part 38. With Sng Cheong Mun, Lob Pun Chiew, J Sin Ying Loong. LOW IT KEE HIANG Teoehew Mayang TONIGHT AT 7.30 P.M. “CH MAH SAI TAY” seats Adults: 60. 40
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 59 3 Vnob r Super-Musical Hit From The Studio That Gave You “That Night tn Rio”. OPENS TODAY WITH 3 SHOWS AT 3; 6.15 9.30 P.M. FAYf*/l LwsM rfWcCV Nicholas Brothers .< v/ iere Brothers M #t o ii*\ The Four Ink Spots G© t do t r«”'\ Dlre ‘««‘bvArchte Mayo Vl
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    • 149 3 RM A Last 3 Shows Today In AJ to IIV 3. 6.15 9.30 par. RETURN SCREENING AT REDUCED PRICES OF ADMISSION TWINKLING TOES ANO TEAOOROn ,'':.’.:>r ■■•<'<■■■■; ■ESS —OHARA HAYWARD ■XWJI '“"'RAIL. •RIM @L DANCE, GIRL "W DANCE 'Jj&U field ELL A* r d®T-PZr?W/ Corilslo KatkariM /MTOI AlMMftr EtarJßrwto /A\/a\
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    • 69 3 2A d HREE SHOWS TO-DAY I.LS/ SUSPENSE/ EXCITEMENT! j I Attempted Shooting Of The Fuehrer! NAZI TERRORISM EXPOSED! Famous Hunter Hunted By Nazi Agent! BiOHlWWj&wyQ*. S »‘3 '1 frWT MAN HUNT -WALTER PIOGm JMI SEMiil f GEORGE SANDERS Directed by friti A 20th Century-Fox P-cture n ,J -4 ,lllll 1
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  • 682 4 4 TTENTION was drawn to an important phase of what might be termed the social duty of the community at yesterday’s meeting of the Discharged Prisoners’ Aid Society, Penang, a, report of which will be found elsewhere in this issue. As the J "Chairman, Mr. R.
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  • 139 4 WINDSOR CINEMA: “The Life of a Dancer” (Chinese picture). 3, 6.30 and 9.30 p.m. MAJESTIC CINEMA: “Dance, Girl, Dance” with Maureen O’Hara and Hayward. 3, 6.15 and 9 30 p.m. ODEON CINEMA: "Man Hunt” with Walter Pidgeon and Joan Bennett. 3, 6.15 and 9 30 p.m. QUEEN’S
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  • 62 4 London, Sej. 25. Moscow radio broadca ing in English yesterday stab[ that doctors in German Arm; hospitals have had instruction to put to death badly wounded en for whom there is no hope their returning to ranks. The question is decided n eac h particular
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    • 294 4 (To the Editor, “Pinang Gazette”). Sir, I attended this evening my first lecture on fire-fighting and I find the experience so interesting that I would urge all those who have not yet joined, to do so immediately. One reflection may perhaps help them to make this
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  • 239 4 Back \To The Land [VTUCH ink has been spilt on the subject of “Grow Your Own Food,” but the majority of householders who are taking up vegetable planting for the first time as their contribution to the war effort, know little or nothing about cultivation, and in
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  • 607 4 Thursday, Sept. 25. SURPRISE announcement of today is the visit to London of General Sir Archibald Wavell who left India by air and has since returned. j TAI RING his stay in England Ge--1 neral Wavell had talks with Mr. Winston Churchill, General Sir
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 240 4 r W' To make sure of getting clear, spark- y. Vyl ling snapshots you will want to keep and Vvb be proud to show your friends, load your wua z camera with Kodak‘Vcnchrome Film. A It is extremely fast, yet thanks to its ‘latitude’, does not give you over- *T
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    • 34 4 B For Better Vision I E. IVOR PARRISH B M.P.S., F.S.M.C., F. 1.0. B CONSULTING OPTICIAN** f B AND SCIENTIUC VO NTS B 11 BEACH STREET. I B PENANG. B For Better Hearing NBB
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  • 394 5 l f.v royiGHT |K a n Hunt’* Not Make-Believe tjir j||s of stalking big game TBtiunwn l*’ in ß s in thls case) Htned with the breath-taking of elose shaves go to give an unusual angle on theme. First-nighters at «li° turned up in their
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  • 93 5 ■A new Old-age Benefit Association with ■t. Ong Huck Chye J.P., as the k President has been formed at Oie ■-versa! Dispensary, 118 Acheen Street K the first members of Committee are: President: Dr. Ong Huck Chye J.P-, iC.H. Vice-President: Mr. Tang Cheang Slew. Hon. Secretary and
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  • 1447 5 Manager Denies Adopting Unfriendly Attitude Seremban. TN the Supreme Court here, on Tuesday, before Mr. Justice W. K. Home, with Mr. R. H. V. Rintoul for the plaintiff company and Mr. Yong Sze Lin for the defendant, a civil suit for damages was commenced. The
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  • 461 5 At the annual general meeting of the Penang Discharge Prisoners’ Aid Society held yesterday at ‘he offices of Messrs. Brown. Phillips and Stewart. Beach Street, Major F W. Harvey of the Salvation Army suggested the formation of an
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  • 71 5 COOLIE es, TUVDAL IMREI) Butterworth. An alleged ibbing affray took place at 6.3 this morning on Mengkuang ad, Butterworth, where a cooliworking with the Straits Co., named Marimuthu ad 24, was done to death, while is brother-in-law, Chelliah, a tdal of toddy tappers, is lyingi the
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  • 90 5 Failed To eport Presence TrPolice The charge t,t he, being a Police supervisee, Pera did remain in Penang for forty-eight Jurs without notifying the place of hisjsidence to the officer-in-charge of tlnpolice division at the Central Police Sltion on Sept. 24, was made against a Malay, Awang,
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  • 325 5 Man Friend Tells Of Case In Which She Was Involved AVERHCT of suicide by drowning was returned by Mr. A. W. Bdlamy, the Coroner* in the Police Court this mornlusion of an inquiry held into the death of a Cantonese woman, Seah Ah Ngoo, wno
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  • 93 5 In the Third Court before Mr. Lim Koon Teck this morning, Tan Ah Sam was sentenced to one month’s rigorous imprisonment on a charge of cheating Ong Chin Yew by dishonestly inducing him to deliver one “Pering" gear and two ball bearings, valued at $l5, at
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  • 254 5 Singapore. As many people appear to be under the impression that the law in the Straits Settlements does not forbid them to carry out financial transactions with or on behalf of persons in that part of France commonly known as “unoccupied Fiance,’’ the Custodian of Enemy
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  • 16 5 Previously acknowledged $983,227.99 S.S. Police, Penang and Province Wellesley Contingent: 35.57 $983,263.56
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 147 5 It tastes better with- A>lma3B r SH! I BSWiil Harper, Gilflllan Co. Ltd. Singapore, Penang, Kuala Lumpur 8 io M 10 "SMILER." THE CLIMBER. 3F r 'll y a l x lit J w J AT THE BASE. THE START. A STIFF BIT GOOD.' NO ONE LOOKING LUCK STILL HOLDS!
      147 words

  • 125 6 Yesterday's Close Prev ously TIN: LONDON: Spot £255. 15. 0. £256 0. 0. “Forward” £259. 5. 0. £256. 5. 0. SINGAPORE “Spot” $137.00 $138.25 Business done PENANG: “Spot” $137.00 $138.25 RUBBER: LONDON “Spot” 13 11 16d. 13 11|16.d “Forward” 13 li;i6d 13 11|16.d Tone Quiet Dull SINGAPORE “Spot”
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  • 63 6 New York, Sept. 24 America’s immediate entry into the war was urged today in a resolution adopted by 125 members of the newly-formed New York City League for a declaration of war. This is the local branch of the “Associated leagues for declaration of
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  • 63 6 Basie, Sept. 24. Describing Germany's preparations fcr the winter campaign in Russia, the Berlin correspondent of the Basler Nachrichten stresses their effect on production of goods for civilian Use. The correspondent states that shops selling furs, tcots, clothing, overcoats, woollen goods, body and bed linen, lacx
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  • 814 6 Trench Warfare With Mud And Snow In Prospect (On the Russian front). Sept. 24 (By Alexander Werth, Reuter’s special correspondent in Moscow.) Major General Sokolovsky, representative of the Soviet command on the central front, tells me there is evidence that the Germans
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  • 474 6 Arming Of Merchant Ships Long Overdue New York. Sept. 24 Vigorously demanding the repeal of the Neutrality Act, following the sinking of the United States steamer, “Pink Star”, the “New York rimes’ says:—“The Nazi Government maintains that if the “Pink Star” was sent to
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  • 97 6 Enemy If Russia Is Invaded London, September 24. A warning to the Finns that it they invade purely Russian territory, Britain will have no option but to treat Finland as a belligerent enemy has been sent to Helsinki from London, according to the diplomatic correspondent of a
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  • 147 6 NORMAL TRADE WITH SOUTH AMERICA Tokio. Sept. 24. Although oil shipments from the Netherlands East Indies and the United States are completely blocked as a result of the freezing order, Japan continues to import oil from Mexico, said Mr. Koh Ishii, Deputy Spokesman of the
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  • 177 6 WAR WITH RUSSIA LN THE OFFING Ankara, Sept. 24. 'Bulgarian troops have moved from the Plovdiv sector in Southern Bulgaria towards Rustchuk in the past few days where a large bridge spans the Danube to Rumania,” said the correspondent of the National Broadcasting company cf America
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    • 451 6 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers Association (p I and Ipoh sections) at noon 25th September 194” Issue Buyers Sellers issue 4 0 Ampat Tin 2/9 3/0 .60 Mural 5/0 Austral Amal. 7/0 7/3ex $1 Nawng Pet £1 Austral Malay 35/0 36/oex 6 0 Pahang Cons. 5/0 Ayer Hitam 18/0
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    • 227 6 issue Bujers Sellers j Issue Bujen Allenbv 1.22$ 1.27Jc Alor Gajah .87$ .92$ Kundong 1.22* 1« Amal Malay 1.65 1.72$ Lunas 1.70 1« Ayer Hitam .97$ 1.02$ Malaka Pindas 1.55 I.S« Ayer Molek 1.17$ 1.22 J M. Producers 1.371 1.42 H Ayer Panas 1-25 l-30c Mentakab (20 cts.) .42j
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    • 332 6 Issue Buy ers Sellers Issue Buyers A£l Austral N.Z. Ord. 22/0 23/0 $lO Straits Steamship 20.25 $2 Alex. Brick Ord. 1.75 1.80 $1 Straits Trader s 2° 2a $2 Alex. Brick 7J% Pref 2.15 2.25 $5 Thornycroft 4.85 $5 B. M. T. 7.50 7.75 c $5 U. E. Ord.
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    • 154 6 MINING Dividend 04T *"6 941 Austral Amal -3a. a nd 1£ Bonus 15 9 41 lo4 i Ayer Hitam 10% int. L.T. London Burma-Malay 6d. 28th div. 22/30.9.41 30.94 Chenderiang 5% Final L. T. 3 ’i0.41 Kamra 2J% T --.T. 09.9.41 Kramat Pula*.-» 12j% Final 2i%
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 107 6 B AN K S OUR SERVICES ARE AT YOUR DISPOSAL To keep abreast with the progress of economic deve--lopme n t j, no business concern can afford not to take advantage of the multifarious services offered by a reputed banking institution with years of financial experience. a \N OVERSEAS BAN#
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  • 699 7 i 'Australian News Cable < Netherlands Gesture To Australia if AINT ENANCE of the 20,0 00-ton Dutch motor liner, Oranje, as a hospital ship for the Australian and New Zealand forces, is estimated to cost the Netherlands Govern* jnent not less than £1,000,000 a year.
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  • 542 7 IRAN RAILWAY BEST ROUTE rpHE supplies Britain has promised 1 Soviet Union will be able to reach Russia through Iran. As matters now stand, this is the shortest and safest way to the U.S.S.R., writes Paul Wohl in P.M., New York. The two other routes over which
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  • 1576 7 Arab Editor Claims Trial Abdul Wahad Aljelany, editor of the Arabic newspaper Al-Akhbar, claimed trial tn the Singapore Second Court on Monday on three charges of having published defamatory matter concerning Syed Abdullah bin Ahmad Yahyah in Al-Akhbar. Reading a translation contained in the charges of
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  • 949 7 London. HTHE Netherlands continues relentlessly its fight against the Nazi aggressors. Proofs of this are to be found in letters from people who have recently visited that country. The following extracts from one such letter are illuminating, “After a year of absence,” it
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  • 320 7 Likened To “Absolute Wall Of Fire” London. A N aviation authority declared today on his return from Soviet Russia that the Red Army Air Force has "a surprising number” of women fighter pilots and is master of the air above Moscow, In blunting German raids aimed at
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 195 7 LTu Blood is the Stream of Life.** tggg* IMPURE BLOOD is the root cause of Skin Sa? Diseases. Boils. Eczema. Rashes, Ulcers. 1 Sores. Painful Joints, Rheumatic complaints. Unless the blood h cleansed of impurities and poisons, the arteries and internal organs are damaged, causing premature old age. The direct
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 36 7 i Whai a War! j 1 By Gilbert Wilkinson ft 'X&dM < Have a heart. Serge There are no J elephant rides at the Zoo for em.” AU in a Day's Work— —by Rick Eimes G> °oo-
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  • 261 8 THURSDAY, 25TH SEPTEMBER. 1041. Postage Latest Time sf Destination Letters Postcards Superscription Posting at Penang per os. each Ordinary Regn. INTERNAL MALAYAN SLJRVIC® Ipoh. Kuala Lumpur Wearne’s Alt September 25th. inst. Singapore .10 05 Service 1 p.m. 12.45 AFRICA All destinations i 5U 25 8.0.A.C Thun». 25th.
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  • 819 8 Close-up of the men who guide Britain's fighters. By A B. Austin i W 7 HEN sirens sound, the fightI er group controller is the I most anxious man in England. I have just watched him at work sixty feet underground in the secret operations room at
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 84 8 NATURE I for Constipation leads to endless trouble (Nature has decreed that the Bowrh f? «perate regularly—at least once a day- Dch-im.e or neglect of this law lead’ to inanv kinds m suffering, including Headaches, Bad I i Bihousneaa, Indigestion, Pimples, etcConstipation abo makes you *s dull, bad-tempered and livery.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 1660 8 A V by Gerry Moore and His Rhythm. 6.30 I Vivian Ellis (Piano) and Jessie Matthews (Vocal) 7.05 Tunes of Not-So-Long Ago. 7.30 London —The News. 7.45 London Bi r War Commentary. 7.55 London —‘Listening *O- V. Pest’—Examination of Points in Daily From 6.10 p.m- to 1150 pm on German
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    • 985 8 SINGAPORE 8.15 "Front Line Family” 225 m. 1333 k/cs 3.30 Headtae News: Views and ZHP2 4 3 8°58 6 S: 6 9 i 6 75 ni/ct ‘j 8.45 Dtnnocraey Marches WILLIAM 640 am. Opening Announcements 111 HOLi. French 6.45 News in French relayed from. PM. London. 7.00 News Commentary in
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    • 967 8 I DELHI VUD2 959 mc/s (31.3 m.) VUD3 15.29 mc/s (19.62 m.) VUD 7.29 mcJs. (41.15 in.) VUD3 9.59 mc/s (31.3 m.) VUD2 4.96 mc/s (60.48 m.) VUD4 11.83 mc/s (25.36 m.> VUEJ2 3.49 mc/s (85.84 m.} (9.30 12.30 pan.; 1.30 p.m. 4.00 pan 7.00 pan. News m Pusntu
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    • 78 8 RANGOON XYO 6.01 mc/s (49.94 m > XYO 3.48 mc/s (86 m 1 7.00 p.m. Indian Session (Recorded Programme). 7.16 English Session (Recorded Programme). 8.30 Burmese News and Market Quutations 9.45 Recorded Programme. 10.10 News. 10.25 Recorded Pregramme 11.15 Dance Programme. 11.30 Close down. SYDNEY VLQ 9.61 Mc/s (312 m.)
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  • 1953 9 Society’s Good Work Reviewed “l or many an offender it is said that punishment begins not when he is admitted to prison, but when he is discharged. It is when a man leaves prison that his fight begins, and it I
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  • 227 9 London, Sept. 25. rpilE Germans yesterday an- nounced that complete elimination of encircled Russian forces can be reckoned with “in a few days.” This tells a somewhat different story from their previous claims that surrounded Soviet troops were abandoned by their officers. Indeed it
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  • 55 9 AUSTRALIA FACES POSSIBLE INV ASION Melbourne. Sept. 24 For the first time in her history, Australia faces the possibility cf attempted invasion, declared Lieutenant-Colonel V\ hit field, Director of the recruiting rally here. He appeared to all those eligible to enlist in order to build up the lessening ranks of
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  • 487 9 Highlight Of State Hockey Trial TN spite of the uneven condition of the ground, the lirst State Hockey Trial on the Indian Association ground yesterday was productive of a fairly impressive standard of play, resulting in the Possibles (Whites) defeating the Probables (Colours) by the narrow margin
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  • 43 9 The usual P.R.C. ladies practice will beheld on the Esplanade this evening at 5.15 p.m. sharp. All those interested, and especially beginners, are requested to he present on time. A lecture on hockey will be given before the start.
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  • 815 9 London, Sept. 25. The duty of all free countries to organise in good time initial pool of resources for use in the transition from war to peace was stressed by Mr. Anthony Eden at yesterday’s resumption of allied conference at St. James’ Palace, London. Mr. Eden
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  • 496 9 Draw For Badminton Tournev The following is the draw lor the Penang open badminton championships which will begin this Sunday at the Penang Free School Hall:— MEN'S OPEN SINGLES Top Section: —Lim Ewe Chye (seeded) vs. Law Teik Hock; Tan Teik Lim vs. Loh Hock Soon; Teoh
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  • 98 9 O.X.A. Beat Free School In an evenly contested hockey match on the P.F.S. ground yesterday, the Old Xaverians’ Association defeated the Penang Free School by the narrow margin of the odd goal in three. Immigration DeptWin 3-0 Tile Immigration Department beat the Eastern Smelting Sports Cluj by three goats
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  • 55 9 Hock Hoe’s XI Beat Sandycroft Camp Hock Hoe’s XI beat Sandycroft Camp XI by the odd goal in three in a friendly game of soccer on the Esplanade yesterday afternoon. Choon Chooi opened the scoring for Hock Hoe’s XI and Kinsella equalised shortly after. In the second half Ee
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  • 401 9 'T'HE Ruggerites, a Eurasian team, defeated the Penang A Sports Club by 6 points (two tries) to 5 points (one goal) on the Sports Club ground at Western Road yesterday. It was a well contested match in which the issue was in doubt till
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  • 323 9 Bukit Mertajam. After having held the Province Wellesley "A” Rugger Team in the first half when each of the teams scored an unconverted try, the Royal Air Force. Butterworth, eventually went down to their opponents by 12 points (four tries) to 3 (a try)
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 52 9 THE BEN LINE FAR EAST SERVICE j FOR UNITED KINGDOM For particulars regarding Freight, and other information please apply to SAADILANDS, BUTTERY CO.. Telephone No. 644 645 PENANG. burnsphilp LINE (incorporated in Australia) for particulars regarding Freight. Passage, and other information please apply to MHJSTEAD CO.. LTD., Agents Penang Telephone
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    • 156 9 aw xs yw w j x/'-vk Ik > Brush Bloodstained danger for teeth That tiny trace of blood on use Gibbs S.R.—the finest your toothbrush is like a way both to help cure and red flag. It warns you that prevent gum diseases. In there’s danger ahead—the dental surgeries you
      156 words

  • 440 10 Esquire May Emulate Feats Of Grand Prix (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Today. \FFI( lAL trainins» began in earnest this morning when the majority of animals entered for the Selangor Autumn Meeting were taken through their paces with
    440 words
  • 1070 10 Horses In Training The training list for the Selangor Turf Club Autumn Meeting is as follows: K. N. HOBBS 1 Depot b e m Messrs. A.A. Henggeler and D. T. Waring 2 Rose Quilt beg Mr. Wong Wing Koe 3 Cumberland bag —do—--4 Measure br a g
    1,070 words
  • 32 10 Bombay, Sept. 24. It is understood that the Government of India is considering the reduction of the import duty on wheat at the earliest possible moment. —Reuter.
    32 words
  • 27 10 London, Sept. 24 Sir Dadiba Merwanjee Dalal, former High Commissioner for India in London, left estate in England valued at £5,000. —Reuter.
    27 words
  • 182 10 TWO REGISTERS ESTABLISHED IN F.M.S. With a view to facilitating any settlement or arrangements that may be found possible after the war, the Custodian of Enemy Property in the Federated Malay States has established two registers. The first is a register of debts and other
    182 words
  • 78 10 September Mixed Foursomes The Mixed Foursomes for September played at Glugor on Wednesday, Sept. 24, resulted as follows: Mrs. Rhys Williams and J. C. Walters 42 —4% 371-2. Mrs. Vetch and Maj. G. C. G. Lewis 47 8 39. Mis. J. W. Clark and D. A.
    78 words
  • 24 10 A programme on the Sarawak Centenary Celebrations wiU be presented by the Singapore broadcasting station from 9.30 to 10.00 p.m. today.
    24 words
  • 178 10 Penang, Wednesday. The Share Market to-day continued dull and uninteresting, with operators disinclined to deal either way. Rubber shares were a very quiet market and among Tin shares business was confined to the Australian section where price movements were of the narrowest. Tin shares showed little or
    178 words
  • 48 10 THURSDAY, SEI'T’EMBER 25. TIN: Penang $137.50 Singapore $137.50 RUBBER: Penang Spot 38 5 8c Singapore Spot 38 5/8c COPRA: Sundiied $2.95 buyers no sellers Black Pepper Nominal TAPIOCA: Medium $9.35 sellers Fair Seed $«,40 sellers RICE: Rangoon Parboiled No. 1 $10.36 Rangoon Parboiled No. 2 9.94
    48 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 20 10 Make up your Party and meet ‘LADY HAMILTON’ I Screening Soon At REX, of course I WATCH FOR ANNOUNCEMENT TO-MORROW!
      20 words
    • 169 10 30 lbs. OFF HER WEIGHT Meant 4 Inches Off Her Hips Here is a letter she wrote about an experiment in reducing:— “I started taking Kruschen Salts six months ago for fat-reducing. I then weighed 12 stone 6 lbs. I now weigh 10 stone 4 lb., and I have reduced
      169 words
    • 600 10 W»BM(T);r,rff r (Head Office) 216 Penan» o Phone 1477 1478 'tjth Pen W Telegrams Rates of SutascripttoTfoT Gazette 5 Gazet k PINANG GAZETTE Local s.S Monthly $3 w S For Ggn Quarterly 7 50 «.00 Half-Yearly 15.00 igJJ 12.00 Yearly 30.00 3000 =4OO SUNDAY GAZETTE Local 3 g Quarterly 3,
      600 words