Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 22 September 1941

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 488 1 Russo-Bulgarian Break Imminent ERLIN PRESSING SOFIA FOR DECLARATION OF WAR London, Sept. 22. L ING BORIS of Bulgaria is believed to be en route for a conference with Hitler, N Ribbentrop, Field Marshal von Braucnitsch and Admiral Raeder, said the National Broadcasting Company’s
    j Reuter.  -  488 words
  • 150 1 Reuter. Forbidden To Sympathise, itli Soviets Shanghai. September 21. The janese-sponsored Central Com- mittH of Russian Emigrants in North China ias published a proclamation .n al Rusuan newspapers in Tientsin, de- ..:ir -v Russian emigrants sympatmsin n th< Soviets on nationalistic groun are political criminals in
    Reuter.  -  150 words
  • 38 1 Reutei. Nazis Partially Successful Ankara, Sept. 22. Dr. Clodius, Nazi economic expert, is believed to have been successful in completing arrangements regarding agricultural quotas between Germany and Turkey but discussions regarding mineral quotas are continuing.
    Reutei.  -  38 words
  • 82 1 —Reuter. Two People Killed On South Coast London. September 21 Air raids on Britain during the night were on a small scale and the damagereported hitherto is small. Two peopic were killed on the South Coast and homos fell at another point on the
    —Reuter.  -  82 words
  • 115 1 .—Reuter. ENEMY LOSE 24 FIGHTERS •Lclidon, Sept. d 2. IPOMBEES and strong forces of fighters took part in two successful operations over Northern Prance on Sunday afternoon, statesun Air Ministr v cointnunique. Blenheims attacked the power station at Gosnay near Bethune where bombs hit
    .—Reuter.  -  115 words
  • 47 1 U.S. $3,553 ,400,000 TAX BILL SIGNED .—Reuter. New York, Sept. 21. Precedent Roosevelt today signed the 53,553.400.009 Tax 811 which is the largest ever enacted in r -he United States and is designed the help to defray the costs of national defence and the Leaselend programmes. —Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 201 1 Reutei. Chungking, Sept. 21. rjMIE recent organisation of the Japanese war machinery further strengthened the Chinese belief in the forthcoming Japanese mote against Russia. Ii is suggested that the National Defence Headquarters was created for direct operations against Russia. It is noteworthy that the new
    Reutei.  -  201 words
  • 208 1 Russian Japanese Troops In Border Incidents New York, Sept. 22. PERSISTENT border incidents between Japanese and Russian troops are reported from Chungking by the local National Broadcasting Corporation correspondent who adds that hostilities are growing daily. He states that Russia and Japan have both moved up reinforcements.—Reuter. ..—Reuter JAPANESE WARNING
    ..—Reuter  -  208 words
  • 112 1 Reuter Berlin, Sept. 22. Ah Furughi, Iran Prime Minister, ha formed, his new Cabinet, according to an Istanbul dispatch to the G' irnan News Agency. Soheili rehans the portfolio of Foreign Affairs and General Ahmed. Nakhehevan ie'navns Waii Minister. Vh-e portfolios are. it is stated, distributed
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 483 1 —Reuter Moscow, Sept. 22. r VHE following is the text of the L Soviet midnight communique issued by the Soviet Information Bureau: “During September 21 oui troops fought the enemy along the whole front. “AFTER MANI DAYS’ FIERCE FIGHTING, OCR TROOPS EVACUATED KIEV.” THE COMMUNIQUE ADMITS.
    —Reuter  -  483 words
  • 208 1 Reutei. Washington, September 22. 1 INFINITE signs are appearing that the group in Congress which cpj oses involvement in the war has lost its solidarity and it is believ< d here that the change will be marked In any roll call that may be taken
    Reutei.  -  208 words
  • 63 1 .—Reuter. Bangkok, Sept. 22. The alarming statement by the Premier yesterday came as a complete surprise to listeners who were totally unprepared for such a grave message (see page 5) especially as the whole country is at present in the midst of three-day ceiebrat'.ons of the Thai King’s
    .—Reuter.  -  63 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

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  • 173 2 .—Reuter. Support For Axis Powers London, Sept. 21 A state of emergency has been declared in Bulgaria, according to an Ankara broadcast. The Prime Minister, M. Filoff, has issued a special statement announcing that stern measures are being taken against Bulgaria’s enemies. A state of
    .—Reuter.  -  173 words
  • 405 2 Mastery Of Black Sea Gin not Be Won Otherwise London. Sept. 21 There is reason to believe that German strategy contemplates an attempt upon the Dardanelles and Bosphorus during the next few weeks, according to the diplomatic correspondent of the “Observer.” He adds: “The control
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  • 1261 2 BLOODY FIGHTING IN SUBURBS OF KIEV Moscow, Sept. 21 (By Maurice Lovell) Red Army and Home Guards are fighting shoulder to shoulder in an attempt to smash the Nazi thrust into the suburbs of Kiev, capital of the Ukraine, according to
    —Reuter.  -  1,261 words
  • 192 2 -Reuter. U.S, Urged To Throw In Full Weight London, September 21. Mr. Garvin, writing in the “Observer”. says that to win both war and peace, the United States must throw her full weight into the war. He says: “And the application depends on American opinion. Tnis
    -Reuter.  -  192 words
  • 74 2 —Reuter Aliil X- York Negotiations with W I kmeut kro ;i n l .J afe, have reached a hf Wb li..v ;d I hope of efle< tin< I the. "X'w Yoik T ln at Hyde P,.. k Pi I countrj r,.sid. nC(! in he correspondent r,21 I Japanese
    •—Reuter  -  74 words
  • 44 2 e.—B.OAV The continued reference J ing before Kiev is an in ,J y on G< the day before yesterday ncunced with the aecomj trumpets. It would ap fa has happened before in the celebration of their trim least premature.—B.OAV
    e.—B.OAV  -  44 words
  • 735 2 HAMBURG BLASTED BY HAI\I FGR IRESS: 15 ENEMY PI AXESII London, Sep: I Striking at the Nazis in Germany itself, in Norway, in Fml at a convoy off the Dutch Coast, the Royal Air Foret 1 launched the greatest Western Front daylight offensive J war.
    Reuter  -  735 words
  • 63 2 —Reuter. .In Italian war communique states that two Italian motorships transporting troops which were part of a convoy were torpedoed and sunk off the coast of Tripoli. The communique also states in the Solium sector enemy elements which attempted to attack Italian positions with
    —Reuter.  -  63 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 149 2 Wouldn’t ymt rather bath et^-^ than R {Li# 71 lx '/> '4*# > < v ;5 I <WF f-'' -J3HF I FwßPh i ip- «h M- 1 B If wanf vour bathroom to stay beautiful, j a don t you Then always have your bath, f t wi and ldcs
      149 words

  • 1318 3 Public Meeting Pays Tribute To Great Patriot I Hundreds of Tamils attended I i public meeting at the Town I Hall, Penang, from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. yesterday in celebration of the birthday of the great I Tamil patriot, E. V. Ramasamy Xaiker, who
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  • 260 3 At the Penang Buddhist xVaSOciatlon,; Anson Read, at 1 o'clock yesterday Miss Choong Fooi Gnoh. eldest daughter ci Mr. and Mrs. Choong Yoon Chee, was i married to Mr. Low Geon Chuan, second; son oi the late Mi-. Low Phooi Kook and Madam Wong York Yin. Mr.
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  • 171 3 Penang And Province Wellesley WOOL AND ALk l EKIAL ACCOUNT Previously acknowledged 546.440.26 Donations Mrs. F. N. Syer (Sale oi Marmalade) 3.00 Monthly Mrs. Gurcharan Singh 5.00 Mrs. J. H. Wood (2 months’ 4.00 The Sisters—General Hospita! 15.00 Mrs Khoo Heng Kok '2 months; 6.00
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  • 177 3 Alor Star, The following bus companies; throughout the State have agreed to; donate one entire clay’s gross takings to the Malaya Patriotic Fund but the i day to be set aside for such purpose 1 ill be fixed later: Lean Hin Kongsi Ltd., Kulim, Lean Seng
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  • 306 3 All G W Webb, M.C.S., has been appointed to officiate -as Protector of Chinese. Molucca. Mi. J. L>. Graham has been appointed to be an Assistant Immigration Officer for the Settlement of Singapore. sfc ,-k Air. D. H. Hampshire has left Kuala Lumpur for Smgapore whence he
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 128 3 Revitalise Your KIDNEYS And You’ll Feel Young—Look Young Nothing ages man or woman more than aches caused through bad kidney action. This makes you suffer from Getting up N ghts. Burning, Itching Passages, Nerves, Dizziness, Rheumatism, Backache, Leg Pains. Circles under Eyes. Swollen Ankles, Loss of Appetite, Energy, etc., because
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 164 3 I fill Last 3 Shows Today -Iff «jflk At 3; 6.15 9.30 I uppers Back As A Super-Snooper Tj.r Bp'-GEST LAUGH GHOST SHOW EVER PRODUCED BY UNITED ARTISTS i iflr I J J 3 •IJ] if ffj 141 p t a J HIDE SEEK WITH A GLAMOROUS NEW GHOST
      164 words
    • 167 3 MAJESTIC 3 SHOWS TODAY 3, 6.15 9.30 P.M. The Stirring Dramatic Malay Prol duction That Many Are Waiting To See Again “MELATI van (Dari) AGAM” With Mbs Soekarti A. B. Raclunan F. Abdullah And a great supporting cast. Drama Thrills Suspense I Kronchongs NEXT CHANGE I winkling Toes And Teardrops
      167 words
    • 194 3 XWTKW EUBCWU- aowp J» VIFW TO-NIGHT 6 P.M. 9.15 P.M. The Year’s Greatest Mythological Tamil Talkie “MEENAKSHI KALYANAM” Starring M. R, Krisluianwortliy. Kali N. Retnam, Sreenh asa Kao, K. S. Anganiuthu, Premavathj. Padmavathy, P. R. Marigalani, Baby Meenal etc. Preceded by an Interesting Short “Rising Air Fighters” with Tamil Commentary
      194 words
    • 130 3 1 o njo •tio n e d LAST THREE SHOWS TO-DAY THRILLS!.... SUSPENSE.' EXCITEMENT! The Greatest Epic of the Wild IVes/.' "VIGILANTES” THE CKY THAT SPREAD TERROR W THE HEART OF EVER! RENEGADE LN THE WEST! “TRAIL OF THE VIGILANTES” with Franc hot Tone and Warren William Opens To-morrow Tuesday,
      130 words
    • 123 3 i Undoubtedly the Best of all C'tuui Dan i Seong’s Pictures Last 3 Shows Today 3 6.30 9.30 MISS CHAN WAN SEONG Hfe/ '■•.-♦Si «ll is Hkw r Ju- z/■ 1 “HEROINE OF SONG” or "1,1 AN SAY KAII JIN” A Chinese Patriotic Picture With 4 Popular Song Hits TOMORROW
      123 words

  • 480 4 AT the Penang teachers’ teaparty lield last week, Mr. FI. R. Cheeseman, Deputy Director ot Education, discussed the role teachers would be expected to play in the New Order. “The war,” he said, “must not be an excuse for doing nothing. There is going to
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  • 137 4 QUEEN’S CINEMA. Miss Chan Wan Seong in "Heroine of Song." 3, 6 30 and 9.30 p.m. REX CINEMA: "Topper Returns" with Joan Blondell and Roland Young. 3, 6 15 and 9.30 p ni. WIN DSOR CINEMA: "Meenakshi Kalyanani” (Tamil pictui e). 6 and 9.15 p in. MAJESTIC
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  • 93 4 1. —Reuter. Ban On Joining Soviet Friendship League Sydney. Sept. 21. The Federal Executive of the Australian Lab ur Party today passed a resolution prohibiting Members of the Party from joining the AustraliawSoviet Friendship League, which is regarded as an offshoot o: the Ccmmunist Party. The
    1.—Reuter.  -  93 words
  • 96 4 .—Reuter. Japanese Demand F'or Changes Shanghai, September 21 While Japanese sources report that a request lias been made by the local Japanese authorities to the Municipal Council for important changes in the Settlement police force as a sequel to what is being described as aggravation of the
    .—Reuter.  -  96 words
  • 101 4 .—Reuter. Devoted Hindus Flock To Seaside And Rivers Bombay, September 21. Millions of devoted Hindus flocked to the seaside and to the sacred rivers and banks of India due to the solar eclipse this morning, offering prayers, distributing alms for the poor and washing their sins in holy
    .—Reuter.  -  101 words
    • 96 4 (To the Editor. “Pinang Gazette’’). Sir, Mr. Jules Martin’s speech at the Chamber of Commerce meeting to which you gave prominence under the heading “Direct Taxation: We Must Not Cherish Illusions” would seem to indicate that increased rates in income tax are pending. I do not know what
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  • 115 4 —Reuter. Firm Resolution I o Remain Neutral Stockholm. September 21. The war between the great powers migh> yet become worse and come nearer still to Sweden, but the world should know the firm resolution of Sweden not to allow herself to be drawn into it, said M. Haiw.son,
    ’—Reuter.  -  115 words
  • 729 4 Monday Sept. 22. T)ERSISTENT border inci- dents between Japanese and Russian troops are reported from Chungking and published in New York. With hostilities growing daily, it is added. both sides have moved up reinforcements. turn to the Russian war, the 1 Germans, while maintaining
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  • 291 4 Vegetable Shoiv rpHE Penang Rural Vegetable! A Show held at Bayan Lepas j proved a big success, I am told, which is just as things should be. The large variety of exhibits was a veritable eye-opener and in view of the Government’s dig-for-victory policy, one wonders why
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 172 4 mi i MTi iiiiiinii' Hi nm; Catering... A worrying difficult problem for most organisers, but to the expert staff of Pritchards a routine matter Let us cater for your next function Big or small Telephone your particulars and leave the rest to usTELEPHONE 335. LUNCH AT Pritchard's And Save lour
      172 words
    • 36 4 WHEN BUYING TIN PROVISIONS 4/ways Specify. HP iljllllK vll Ng| DEL MONTE PRODUCTS are known the world over. OBTAINABLE AT AH the leading dealers. SOLE AGENTS: Henry Waugh Co., Ltd., PENANG. Singapore, Ipoh and Kuala Lumpur.
      36 words
    • 27 4 WRWiS 129 TANJONG SL-MSKi’»» HUM, I For ccm convenience send vour tvrgg to our Sales Depot. 11 Light Street Penang, Phone 4121. z To l: €AsHfi* Tvfit
      27 words

  • 364 5 B, nl> Chinese ■its Charge «< postponed to Sept. 29 District Court this District Judge, Mr which a young Chi-H'-'-a alias Lee Hwa. J,^B E g to a charge of being a society, namely, Removal Coips, n Sept 17 Chin Kim Weng the prosecution; the acw
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  • 110 5 I The first annual general meeting of lie Indian Association Youth Club was Ikld yesterday with Mr. P. K. KesaInn in the chair. Mr. N. and Dr. N. K. Menon, President of the Indian Association were present. After the annual report together with the statements of
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  • 109 5 Appearing before Mr. Lim Koon T *ck in the Third Court this morning, Tan Ah Sam pleaded guilty to two charges made against him. The first *as that on September 1 13, at No. 75, Piangin Road Ghaut he cheated Ong Chin Yew by r dishonestly
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  • 76 5 —Reuter. London, September 20. °n the money market generally easy conditions prevailed in the past w eek, *ith supplies of short money exceeding small requirements. Treasury Bill a P Plications totalled 165,000,000 and T 5,000,000 were .allotted at an average ra te of £1 Os. 2.63 d.
    —Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 271 5 Replacing Men In Certain Military Duties The likelihood of local women being called upon to perform volunteer duties is foreshadowed in an F.M.S. Government Gazette published on Friday last. The Volunteer Enactment (Amendment No. 2) Regulations have been amended by the addition of
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  • 220 5 Films In Colour To Be Taken Singapore. Passengers who have booked accommodation on the special K.N.I.L.M. (Netherlands Indies air line) plane which is to travel to Kuching for the Sarawak centenary celebrations, include two newspapermen and two passengers who will film the celebrations in colour, while more
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  • 238 5 ALLEGED OFFENCE “AFLER HOURS” Singapore. “This is the first prosecution of its kind and I would like to impress upon the Singapore public that customers are liable to be prosecuted if they ask for beer after licensed hours,” said Mr. G. C C. Blakstad of the
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  • 74 5 Discussions With Mr. Duff Cooper (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Sept. 21. Sir Archibald Clark-Kerr, British Ambassador at Chungking, arrived here this evening by plane and was met at the airport by Mr. Denis Allen, Mr. Duff Cooper’s Assistant, Mr. Fcx, A.D.C. to
    74 words
  • 334 5 WORTHY EFFORT BY KEDAH CHINESE COMMITTEE The War Fund in North Malaya stands at $1,576,606.33, made up of Penang $982,688.42 and Perak $593,9] 7.91. A sum of $250 has been received from Mr. R. Heywood. The Fund benefits by about $1,500 through the
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  • 188 5 The levenue and expenditure statement appearing in the current F.M.S. Gazette shows that April was another bumper month for revenue, the total of which was over $lO million, bringing the total for the first four months of the year of $39M> million.
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  • 46 5 “Hakone Maru” Given Clearance Papers Singapore. The Japanese evacuee ship “Ha'jone Maru” which has been detained here, has been given port facilities and clearance papers, it was officially stated on Sunday. It is understood that she will sail for Tokio today.
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  • 616 5 THAILAND MAY BE INVOLVED, WARNS PREMIER’S MESSAGE Bangkok, Sept. 21 The situation has become tense and war involving Thailand may flare up at any moment, said a message to Thais from the Thai Premier, Field-Marshal Luang Pibul Songgram broadcast by the Bangkok Radio tonight.
    Reuter.  -  616 words
  • 114 5 DR. DEVALS ADMINISTERS SACRAMENT His Excellency the Right Rev. Dr. A. Devals, Bishop of Malacca, who is now in Penang, administered the Sacrament of Confirmation to a large number of boys and girls in two parishes yesteiday. He held a confirmation service at the
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  • 107 5 Cash And Watches Stolen A Chinese shop in Beach Street was broken into in the early hours of this morning, when a sum of nearly $lOO and 25 watches costing nearly $3OO were stolen. The discovery was made by tlie proprietor of the shop, when he
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  • 57 5 The funeral took place of Mrs. Goh Kim Guan (nee Madam Tan Chew Keat), irother of Mr. Goh Ghoon I?ain, the wellKnown local footballer, at No. 607, Dato Kramat Road at 10.30 yesterday. The deceased leaves many children. There was a. good attendance at
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  • 223 5 Detectives Make Two Raids Sixteen Chinese were charged before Mr. Lim Koon Teck in the Third Court this morning with gaming in a common gaming house at No. 19, Klang Street about 8.50 p.m. on Sept. 21. All the accused pleaded guilty. Detective-Inspector Kay Kim Seng tated that
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 71 5 frill the effects of “fo what do I attribute my Goodbye sorry I have *‘A Reporter from the Daily rnornmg Yes s Depression? Health and Cheerfulness? to drive you away, but I can Show him in- Cow Gate is my the Depre man, hear them opening the tin in beverage
      71 words
    • 8 5 Season to taste with Colman’s Mustard > M 8
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  • 1170 6 FIERCE FIGHTING AT KIEV Axis Columns Near Odessa Badly Mauled London, Sept. 20 The Soviet midnight communique states: Our troops stubbornly fought on the whole front especially fiercely at Kiev. On Sep tember 18 sixteen German planes were destroyed. We lost fourteen planes. A Soviet
    —Reuter.  -  1,170 words
  • 117 6 BOW. Speedy Aid For Russia London, Sept. 20. A stern warning against complacency was given by Mr. Emanuel Shinwell in a speech today. People, he said, must not expect Russia to win the war for Britain but must face the grim fact that before long they
    BOW.  -  117 words
  • 195 6 .—Reuter. Advance Along Tung River Claimed Tckyo, Sept. 20. I The new Japanese offensive against the j remnants of Chinese troops on the right I bank to Tung River, North-East oi Canton, was began last Thursday, says an official Japanese Army announcement from Canton. Japanese
    .—Reuter.  -  195 words
  • 95 6 .—Reuter. Seen For Second Night In Succession London, Sept. 20. The aurora borealis was again seen last night for the second night in succession, although electrical disturbance in upper air appears to be abating. The lights were again very brilliant and were seen from many .parts of Britain
    .—Reuter.  -  95 words
  • 114 6 Saturdays Close Previously LONDON “Spot” “Forward” £256 10 SINGAPORE £259, 10 SpOt 9138.50 < 13 o 7V Business done PENANG 1 Ot 9138.50 RUBBER: LONDON “Spot” “Forward” ll|l6d. Tone 13 ll|l6d. Quiet SINGAPORE PENANG 38 5,8 c 88 58c SPOt 38 B i®O 38 s:Bc COPRA: PENANG: buyers
    114 words
  • 345 6 .—Reuter. ARMS POURING INTO DESERT i Cairo, September 20. (By Aiaric Jacob, Reuter’s special correspondent in the Eastern Desert.) Tanks, guns and aeroplanes have been flowing into the Western Desert from Imperial and foreign arsenals in such a volume in recent weeks that on
    .—Reuter.  -  345 words
  • 233 6 “—Reuter. Details Of Frontier Operations London, Sept. 20. News reaching London of eperations in the Western Desert when ten German I tanks were captured show that the enemy advance on Sunday was made by two columns. The Northern column, consisting of about 40 armoured vehicles, advanced
    “—Reuter.  -  233 words
    • 397 6 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers and Ipoh sections) at noon 22nd issue Buyers Sellers 4/0 Ampat Tin 2/9 3/0 5/0 Austral Amal. 7/0 7 3 e x £1 Austral Malay 35/0 36/oex 5/0 Ayer Hitam 18 0 19/oex $1 Ayer Weng .85 .90 £1 Bangrin Tin 13/0 14/0 $1
      397 words
    • 235 6 Issue Buyers Sellers Allenby 1.20 1.25 c Alor Gajah ,87£ .921 Amal Malay 1.65 1.72£ Ayer Hitam .974 1.024 Ayer Molek 1.17 i 1-224 Ayer Panas 1.224 1.274 c Bassett .46 .484 Batu Liritang 1.124 1.15 Bedford z 1.021 1.074 c Benta 1.024 1.074 Borelli 1.40 1.45 Broga .65
      235 words
    • 365 6 Issue Buyers Sellers A£l Austral N.Z. Ora. 22/0 23/0 $2 Alex Brick Ord. 1.75 1.80 $2 Alex. Brick 74% Pref 2.15 2.25 $5 B. M T. 7.50 7.75 £5 Chartered Bank £9 £94c £1 Con. T. S. Ord. 16/0 16/6 £1 Con. T. S. 7% Pref 19/9 20/6 $5
      365 words
    • 291 6 MINING Dividend 2S I Austral Ainal 3d. and 14 Bonus g,10.41 Ay«*r Hitam 10% Int. L.T. (in „9 on q 4I 30.5 Burma-Malay Cd. 28th div Chenderiang 5% Final L. T 23.9- 41 Chin Chiu Tin 2% int. B4l 249 11 Ipoh Tin 3/- Int.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 86 6 BANKS OUR SERVICES ARE AT YOUR DISPOSAL To keep abreast with the progress of economic deveiopme n t s, no business concern can afford not to take advantage of the multifarious services offered by a reputed banking institution with years of financial experience. THE INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK, LTD. I (Incorporated
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  • 599 7 WITH OWN A.R.P. aN’E f the most comprehensive schemes of air raid pre- v cautions for any institution in Singapore has been defl 3 ed at the King- Edward VII College of Medicine in Singa- The plan involves a special system of
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  • 156 7 “Soviet morale is not merely good. It is spectacular," says Ralph IngergaJl, editor of PM, New York. “The people are confident, ■without either under-estimating or over-esti-mating the enemy’s strength. •«When the Germans smashed through Poland on their drive into Russia, there was no panic anywhere. And
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  • 199 7 I fRLVSFER SOON Singapore. ■eV, of the consular staff o f the Singapore Chinese ConI ’ate-General are to be transferred T O -'tly. net 0 return to Chungking I the other to go on to Rangoon. I'y- Li Y en Chinese Consul at Singapore, who is one
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  • 263 7 Denial Made Ln Australia Melbourne. TRADE between Japan and Australia was now “almost at a •tandstill,” and the Commonwealth Government did not contemplate any fresh agreement with Japan, the Minister for Customs, Mr. Harrison, states in a letter to Dr. Evatt, MP. Lab., N.S.W.) Mr.
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  • 154 7 RUSSIA Commenting on the Anglo-Russi** 3l hotes to Turkey, the Istanbul newspaper Akhsam declared that Turkey tad never doubted the friendship oBritain nor feared any aggression from Russia, We therefore can say definitely,” It continued, “that the Turkish e public did not ask for these
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  • 1516 7 Extracts And Comments BERLIN IN HINDUSTANI I Sept. 14 “The Germans want to ionite Europe, and they have no territorial designs in India; they do not even intend attacking India." territorial designs”—an unfor- lunate phrase which brings to mind a whole succession of broken promises
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  • 949 7  -  Prodigy Of Output 4 V.S. Habit In Face Of War Needs By PETER MATTHEWS T7OR the second time in a generation America has set herself the task of building a merchant fleet with which to assure the maintenance of communications betw’een Great Britain and
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  • 516 7 THE hostile attitude of French peo- pie in Brittany towards the Ger- t man army of occupation has so rattled the Nazis, declares a recent arrival in < Singapore from occupied France, that s severe warning notices have been post- ed on walls in Brest
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  • 126 7 The number of Netherlanders from all parts of the world who, after intensive training, are joining the Air Forces in England to help the destruction of the Hun is increasing rapidly. During the past month a further group left the N.E.I. for Europe. Apart from that,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 53 7 You Look Better With A New And Attractive Watch on your Wrist!! The gold x p anc > in g bracelet is a compiemen! to a Wfen/ h igh grade watch. Modern styles in Ladies and Gents Wrist Watches combined with reliable moveknents of life-time accuracy. P. H. HENDRY, JEWBELER,
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 40 7 I# f i What a War I t ■By Gilbert Wilkinson > IB W a z X Ml* JSr vr'XjrJ’® bL’XV (f IMF; fi"*" j i my dear, there’s nothing in the Act to stop one having a fancy costume > 4
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  • 222 8 Singapore Programme Highlights I Today 7.30 p.m.: Singapore music hall. 9.15 Books To Read, talk by Raffles Librarian. 9.45 London relay. The Stones I Cry- Out—Cafe De Pans. Tomorrow. 12.45 p.m.. Colloquial Malay, No. 2. 7.00 Pirate Pete, No. 4. children’s play. 7.30 Chopin piano recital ,ty Madame
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  • 288 8 Singapore. schools in the “South J Seas,” including those in Malaya, j are this year receiving a total grant ;of $1,500,000 from the Chungking Government, said Mr. Yu Chien Hsien, of tho Educational Department of the i Chinese Overseas Affairs Commission, when he was entertained
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  • 1249 8  -  Inside An R.A.F. Control Room By Stewart Sale SLjTM girl in W.A.A.F. uniform’! moved counters about upon ar immense table which was a map of; England At a glance a. Wing Com- mander interpreted for me: “One 1 minute ago there were nine enemy
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  • 190 8 Definite Policy Of R.A.A.F. Melbourne. The policy of the Royal Australian Air Force is to obtain officers from the ranks as far as possible, the Minis- ter for Air. Mr. McEwen, has said. He was replying to criticism of Air i Force administration by Sir Charles Marr.
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  • 146 8 THE Royal Netbcrland Indies Armyorganised an Army Day which was held in Medan. Sumatra, which not only represented a demonstration of prestige, but especially involved a gesture of contra-prestige as stated by the Commander of the N.E.I. Air Force, General-Major Van Oyen who explained that the
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  • 56 8 The second talk in rhe SinmJ broadcasting station’s series on Cc J loquial Malay” will he Riven tonmnj at 12.45 p.m. The fifth talk in the series on Tp. Aid” will be given by Dr. D a b Hopkin, Director of the Medical
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  • 268 8 MONDAY, 22NT>. SEPTEMBER. 1941 I Postage Latest. Time Destination Letter» Postcard» Superscription Posting at per o®. each Ordlrary Hep INTERNAL MALAYAN SERVICE I Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur Weame’s Atr September 22nd nut I Singapore ,10 .05 Service 1 p.m 12 45 pa AFRICA I All destinations 50 .25 8.0.A.C.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 35 8 I mw A VAILABLE EMU BITTER ALE The Best That Australia Produces I a' < Sole Importers CALMECK, MACGREGOR 4 CO., I.TO. (Incorporated under -tfte COmphnies’ dnlinafices of Hongkong’) (Incorporated in Shanghai) PBW SINGAPORE KUALA lUMPUR
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    • 1458 8 TA HA V SHORTWAVE STATIONS I BROADCASTING g g (J News In English From 6.10 pm io 11.50 p.m on:— B B C GSV 17.81 m/cs (16 84 m > (Local Times? GSF 15.14 m/cs (19.81 m) J-20 a.m. GSD 1175 m/cs (25 53 m) a.m a ivr Transmission 6
      1,458 words
    • 434 8 tra in a short recorded programme. 8.00 A Talk in the series: “Britain Speaks”: Clive Brook. 8.15 ‘Morning Star’: Billy Thorbum at the piano on gramophone records. 8.30 Headline News: Views and Flashback relayed from London. 8.45 Short Recorded Morning Concert: Violin solos by Natan Milstejn. 9.00 Interval. 10.00 Songs
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  • 444 9 I Growing Unrest In Occupied Countries London. Sept. 20. DEPORTS of growing hatred towards their Nazi oppressors hy the people of occupied countries continue to be received and from Paris itself the German controlled press is continually publishing further decrees imposing severe penalties on persons found
    ’’cr of hostages will be shot.—Reutpl and BOW  -  444 words
  • 149 9 .—Reuter SIGNAL TO BE GIVEN FROM LONDON London, Sept. 20. The signal for action by “Vee” Army will be given from London. This was announced by Colonel Britton broadcasting to people of Occupied Countries last night. "It will be unmistakable,” he said. He was answering a
    .—Reuter  -  149 words
  • 75 9 —Reuter. Matches Played Al Kensington London. Sept. 20. Tennis matches in aid of the Relief Fund for China were played at Kensington when David and Mrs. King beat Aschner, the Hungarian Davis Cup player, Gem Hoahing 7/5, 6/0 while David and Piercy beat Aschner
    —Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 98 9 !—Reuter, Civilians Fire On German Soldiers London. Sept. 20. A serious incident between Paris civilians and German soldiers is reported to have taken place by the Spanish radio station at Ccrunna. A group of “Communists.” said the announcer fired on a .platoon of German soldiers who returned
    !—Reuter,  -  98 words
  • 108 9 MRS. WILLS MOODY ROARK WINS Los Angeles, Sept. 22. "IYTRS. WILLS MOODY ROARK won the mixed doubles title in the Pacific South-West tournament here yesterday after an uphill battle. Partnered by Fred Schroeder, she defeated Mrs. Sarah Palfrey Cooke and Jack Kramer 13—11, 3—6, 6—2. Tennis Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  108 words
  • 274 9 The following are the entries for the Penang Open Badminton Championships which clcsed last night. The draw will take place in a few days’ time:— Men’s Singles: Ooi Teik Hock, Tan Kin Hong, Chee Choon Keng, Chee Choon Wah, Law Teik Hock, Lim Teow Seng, Teoh
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  • 140 9 Geriiianicus Wins Easily London, Sept. 20. The Newbury Autumn Cup, chief event of the two race meetings held at Newbury today, was won by Mr. Lant’s Germanicus who again proved a great stayer. By Colorado Kid out of Miss De War. this colt won his last two
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  • 167 9 —Reuter. Unusual Badge Worn By Pilots London. Sept. 20. An unusual badge new distinguishes the pilots of cne R.A F. formation —the Mysore Squadron—from all the others. It represents Gandabherunda —the mightiest bird ever known. News of the gift of the badge from the Maharaja of Mysore —Gandabherunda
    ”—Reuter.  -  167 words
  • 51 9 Chartered Bank vs Other Banks Combined At the S.X.I. ground tomorrow at 5.15 p.m. sharp. Chartered Bank—Manikam: Ong Ewe Kooi, Dawood; Teh Kljeng Hock, Low Kam Goon, Poh Kok Kooi; Mydin. Tan Jin Soo, P. N. Marriappan, Tan Soo Cheng and Somu. Reserves —Goon Siah Loong ami Khoo Khay
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  • 95 9 —Reuter. Now Third In List Of Money-Winners New York, Sept. 20 The American wonder horse Whirlaway, favourite at ten to one on, won the 49th “Lawrence Realization Stakes” over a mile and five-eighth today, thus becoming third in the list of money-winners with only Sea Biscut and
    —Reuter.  -  95 words
  • 353 9 Quist Plays With Tennis Racket Sydney. r pilE tantalising stillness of a golf ball, as it sits on its teepeg, leaving everything to the player, has been advanced as one reason why many find it harder to hit cleanly than a bounding tennis ball,
    353 words
  • 41 9 .—Reuter Tokyo, Sept. 20. Madame Semtanian, wife of the Soviet Ambassador to Japan, and 50 other wives and children of Soviet diplomatic representatives to Japan, left the port of Tsurja in an unnamed vessel for Vladivostok yesterday.—Reuter
    .—Reuter  -  41 words
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  • 156 9 Rugger At Simgei Patani Sungei Patani. The Province Wellesley “A” beat the Kedah Asiatics Rugger Union by 6 points (2 tries) to five points (li goal) at rugger, before a good i crowd on the public ground here on Friday evening. Tn the first half
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  • 47 9 S.L.R.C. vs Penang Colts On the Westland ground tomorrow at 5.15 p.m. S.L.R.C.: Kantar Singh; A. Rahman and Ismail .Hashim; Ismail Idris, A. Carrier and Teow Yeang; Ahmad Saaid, Ghim. Chong, Bakar Awang, Isahak Hashim, Ahmad Ghouse. Reserves: C. R. Cornelius, Sharimj Singh. Umpire: Nur Hashim
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  • 549 9 Raith Rovers Steal Scottish Limelight London, Sept. 20. /CROWDS once more flocked to football grounds, with Arsenal and Tottenham, who share the latter’s ground in war days, creating a ground record for the season with 17,446 onlookers in what was Arsenal’s “home” fixture. Lewis and Cumner
    549 words
  • 128 9 Springtime Party Beat F.L.S. Party The Springtime Tennis Party defeated the Francis Light School Tennis Party by four matches to two in a series of games played on the latter’s courts over the week-end. RESULTS Singles Played On Saturday Cheah Wat Swee beat Loo Choo Kheam 7 —5, 6—o.
    128 words
  • 168 9 At New W orld k Seme close fghts were witnessed a'u the New World last night. The first eight-rounder saw Little Sencio and S. Manuel renewing their old rivalry. Both mixed up freely and earned the generous applause given them at the end. Little Sencio
    168 words
  • 138 9 Proposal l o Form Old Students Union Ail former students of the Government Commercial Daj' School who are interested in the formation of an old Students Union are requested to be present at Mortimer Hall, Hutchings School on Wednesday, September 24 at 5.15 p.m. The meeting has
    138 words
  • 194 9 Ellerton Club Beaten At Hockey Kuala Kangsar. The Clifford School registered another nockey victory by defeating the Ellerton Club by three goals to one, on the School padang on Friday. After a spell of even exchanges in the first half, the Club drew first blood through
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  • 91 9 A charity basketball match was played between the Teong Chen Team, of Changloon and the Hwia Yew Team of Jitra on Thursday on the Teong Chen Court. A sum of $2BO was collected for the China Relief Fuad and the match was watched by a large crowd. The following
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 58 9 j£iail '■ih ;i!n< r sailings in September ,■(<>•’ United States of America r full particulars apply to SIME, DARBY v.O. LTD. My, us AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES. LTD., |M| 21 Beach Street Telephone 1421--2. I BURNS I LINE (incorporated in Australia) for particulars regarding Freight, Passage, and other information please apply
      58 words

  • 365 10 To Sustain Morale Of Conquered Peoples London, Sept. 21. sustain the morale of all who today dwell unwillingly under the hideous shadow of the swastika” was the description of the aims of British propaganda given in a speech today by Mr. Hugh Dalton, Minister of Economic
    —Reuter.  -  365 words
  • 107 10 —8.0. W. Anglo-Russian Moves Directed Against Axis Rugby, September 21. The latest news from Iran shows that the British and Soviet military authorities are working in close harmony with the Iranian Government, a state of affairs largely brought .about by the realisation that the moves by the
    —8.0. W.  -  107 words
  • 23 10 —Reuter. Vichy, Sept. 21. Marshal Petain will broadcast a particularly important appeal this evening, says the Vichy news agency.
    —Reuter.  -  23 words
  • 273 10 Mr. Khoo 800 Siew Again President Mr. Khoo 800 Siew, who has been the President of the Penang Chinese Salesmen’s Association since its inauguration was re-elected at the third annual general meeting of the Association held at their Club House, No. 10, D.ckens Street at 2.30
    273 words
  • 143 10 A. Cackburn Wins Monthly Medal Over the week-end the Men’s Monthly Medal (Stroke) competition was played and resulted in a win for A. Cockburn with a score of 83 less 15=68. In the Optional Ball Sweep over' the best 9 holes Mr. Cockburn also won with
    143 words
  • 62 10 Sports Club Versus Ruggerites Following will represent the Penang Sports Club versus the Ruggerites on Wednesday, Sept. 24 at 5.15 p.m.: J. F. KEAY D. M. SEWARD G. H. CONAGHAN R. J. F. FRANKS A. W. HEBLING T. M. CLARK W. McBEATH CAPT. DICKSON J. WILSON W. RINTOUL E.
    62 words
  • 857 10 STRENGTH OF LUFTWAFFE AT ITS LOWEST EBB (By Ralph [Calling, Reuter’s Air Correspondent). London, Sept. 20. r PHE war over the Western Front has reached, with the arrival of the autumn, the most interesting stage where the strength of the Luftwaffe
    —Reuter.  -  857 words
  • 616 10 London, Sept. 22. 'THE strength of Odessa’s defences is increasing every day, it was announced by Moscow radio last night. Defenders are resisting huge German forces who are sustaining very heavy losses. RED ARMY TROOPS HAVE REOCCUPIED THE ISLAND
    —Reuter.  -  616 words
  • 302 10 Large Gathering At Ceremony Alor Star. The funeral took place last Friday for interment at the Christian Cemetery, Alor Star, of Mrs. S. Samuel, mother-in-law of Mr. N. Thomas, the Chief Cle: k of the General Post Office, Alor Star. The ceremony was well attended
    302 words
  • 57 10 >. —Reuter. Cairo, Sept. 20 Millions of cubic feet of shipping space has been ieleased for urgent needs as a result of military salvage work throughout the Middle East, it was disclosed at a Cairo conference yesterday between Army salvagers and officials cf the Army’s
    >.—Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 193 10 —Reuter. London, September 22. “VV7E need tanks, more tanks—- and yet more tanks,” says M. Maisky, Soviet Ambassador *o Britain, in a stirring appeal to Britain which coincides with the opening today of the “Tanks for Russia” week. M. Maisky says Russia produces many tanks
    ”—Reuter.  -  193 words
  • 237 10 DANGEROUS GAPS IN ANGLO RUSSIAN FRONT FILLED i.—Reuter. London, Sept. 22. TF//77/ the delimitation of the main outlines of Iran’s political future, dangerous gaps have been filled in the ‘AngloRussian front which now spreads from H est Africa across Asia and Europe to Murmansk. The defence of the Caucausus which
    i.—Reuter.  -  237 words
  • 45 10 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22. TIN: Penang $138.25 Singapore $138.25 RUBBER: Penang Spot 38 5/8c Singapore Spot 38 5/8c COPRA: Sundried $2.95 buyers Black Pepper Nominal TAPIOCA: Medium $9.30 sellers Fair Seed $8.40 sellers RICE: Rangoon Parboiled No. 1 $10.36 Rangopn Parboiled No. 2 9.94
    45 words
  • 103 10 —8.0. W. Successful Operations Behind German Lines Rugby, September 21. The continued success of partisan warfare behind the German lines is referred to in a supplement to the Soviet communique which states: “In White Russia, partisan warfare is steadily growing. During the first part of September, partisans
    —8.0. W.  -  103 words
  • 35 10 —Reuter. Melbourne, September 21. Mr. McEwan announced that Australia will build Empire air scheme planes to the value of £500,000. The first delivery of these planes will be made early next year.—Reuter.
    '.—Reuter.  -  35 words
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