Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 20 September 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 584 1 Germans Claim Entry Into Ukraine Capital 500,000 SOVIET TROOPS SAID TO BE ENCIRCLED IN KIEV Berlin. September 20. HPHE German High Command reported from the Fuehrer’s headqparters yesterday: “In the course of encircling operations announced Earlier, the attack against the capital of the Ukraine, Kiev,
    ‘—Reuter  -  584 words
  • 117 1 —Reuter. Moscow, September 20. The Miuation in Odessa is betf., Ui. J was a fortnight ago, I wing u> heavy losses sustained l„ Rumanian forces, M. Lozov-Vive-President of the Soviet luf-rotation Bureau, declared yesterday. When demoralisation and dissatisfaction began to set in among Rumanian troops, he
    ! —Reuter.  -  117 words
  • 253 1 .—Reuter. I Canberra, Sept. 19. *L|'R. CURTIN, Labour leader, who on Wednesday gave notice of a question bearing on public administration and employment of Government, funds and who was assured yesterday by the Prime Minister, Mr. Fadden, that the Government was satisfied with the propriety of
    .—Reuter.  -  253 words
  • 122 1 Washington, Sept. 30. Mr. William Davis, Chairman of the United States Defence Mediation Board, announced yesterday that the 37,000 soft coal miners who went on strike last Monday will resume work next Monday, pending a settlement of their dispute with mine owners.
    —Reuter,  -  122 words
  • 50 1 Reuter. Cairo, Sept 20. “Bombs were dropped on the Suez Canal area in the course of an air raid early yesterday morning,” states a Ministry of the Interior communique. “Three people were injured and damage done was insignificant. Alerts were sounded in Cairo and several provinces."
    Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 42 1 —Reuter. Tokyo. Sept. 20. Madame Semtanian, wife of the Soviet Ambassador to Japan, and 50 other wives and children of Soviet diplomatic representatives to Japan, left the port of Tsurga in an unnamed vessel for Vladivostok yesterday.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 83 1 —Reuter. London, Sept. 20. *pHE Netherlands Admiralty 1 announces that one of Her Majesty’s submarines, operating with the British Navy in the Mediterranean, has sunk an Italian sailing vessel of 1,200 tons by gunfire and also torpedoed an Italian supply ship of 6,000 tons which was seen
    —Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 46 1 —Reuter. Melbourne, Sent. 20 Australia’s ship building programme is being speeded up and considerably exceeds earlier estimates. It aims at completion of 50 naval vessels including destroyers before the end of 1942. Building is in progress in four states. —Reuter. LORD REITH
    —Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 72 1 Building Speed-Up London. To increase factory accommodation, speed up production and repair work, and accelerate the construction of aerodromes, Lord Reith, the Minister of Works and Buildings, is to join the Cabinet’s Production Executive Committee. This body meets under the chairmanship of Mr. Bevin, Minister of
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  • 114 1 Buenos Aires, Sept. 20. A CROWD stoned the premises of the German Embassy here yesterday. A firework was also thrown, causing confusion among onlookers and mounted police guarding the Embassy. —Reuter. The authorities found an incendiary bomb and a bottle of inflammable liquid
    —Reuter.  -  114 words
  • 199 1 —Reuter. Tokyo, Sept. 20. 4 S a first move towards reaehing a settlement of issues between Japan and the United States, the two countries should alter their attitudes towards each other, says the Americanowned Japan News Weekly, commenting on the Washington conversations. The
    —Reuter.  -  199 words
  • 271 1 Police Precaufio?ss Against Tribesmen's Revenge Teheran, Sept. 20. The whereabouts of the ex-Shah of Persia are no 4 k own but it is believed he is in the neighbourhoo of Isfahan. The police are taking precautions against tr hesnien Southern Persia who are now stalking
    —Reuter.  -  271 words
  • 158 1 Using Idle Plant London. Thousands of ga’pges throughout the country are being mobilised to push forward war production. These garages have been hard hit by petrol rationing and the decrease in private motoring. But now the Institute of Motor Engineers is circularising its members to
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  • 207 1 .—Reuter. Rangoon, Sept. 20. qpilE interdependence China and Burma on ea. other was emphasised by the leader of the Chmese delegation, Mr. T. K. ng at tl of the Sino Burmese n lions on Chinese emigration into Burma yesterday morning. Mr. Tseng
    .—Reuter.  -  207 words
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    .—Reuter  -  816 words
  • 149 2 Reuter. Views On Lull In Far East Batavia. September 19. The Bitish Cabinet Minister, Mr. Duff Cooper, vho is on a special mission, arrived hoe today from Singapore. Expresing great satisfaction with the defence reparations in the Far East, lie told the press: “If
    Reuter.  -  149 words
  • 207 2 ’.—Remer. Mr. Curtin's Question I.estls Io Discussion Canberra. Sept. 19. Arising out of a question nut by the Labour leider, Mr. Curtin, to the Prime Minister, dr. Fadden, in the House of Representati es on previou- day mysteriously phrased as bearing on ‘public administrator!,” there
    ’.—Remer.  -  207 words
  • 48 2 —Rente’-. Chungking, Sept. 19. General Yoantiu. Chief of Staff of the Rumanian Army, has been, accidentally killed in alighting from an aeroplane at Tighina. Bessarabia, according to a Buchares' dispatch. He was decapitated bv the propellor. His body has been brought to Bucharest.
    —Rente’-.  -  48 words
  • 194 2 WILL EXERT DECISIVE INFLUENCE ON SHIP SINKINGS Jackson, Michigan, Sept. 19 The possibility that “landplanes,’’ presumably Army planes, might be used in the Battle of the Atlantic was indicated by the Assistant War Secretary, Mr. John McCloy, in a speech to
    Reuter  -  194 words
  • 172 2 —8.0. W. otnplvb Success Of (.anipaign Ruaby. September 19 Czech official quarters in London have learpt from secret reports received that the Nazi controller of Czech ne.‘'.<.uapers. Wolfram von Wolmar, is enraged at the complete success of the appeal to Czechs to boycott the Czech press
    —8.0. W.  -  172 words
  • 305 2 Bill I o Deal With Fifth Columnists Defeated Bangkok, Sept. 19 By 42 votes to 24, the Thai National Assembly this afternoon threw out a private member’s bill to ban the entry of foreigners of all nationalities into Thailand in view of the critical situation. Other
    Reuter  -  305 words
  • 102 2 Reuter London Sept. J The Aurora Bo rea is I wireless reception in *1 of the world. After' J «ntinued her thirty I, J electrical sunspot di s uj showed no abatement thiJ noon, according to ob J officials who say that it i< J the most
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • 87 2 .-BOW British Message Of (ondoience Piigby, September The following message has hen by the First Lord of the Admiral the Swedish Minister of Defeat! am deeply distressed by th? disan three Swedish destroyers. May I half of the Board of the Admiralty of the officers and men
    .-BOW  -  87 words
  • 110 2 U -Rente? Making Certain Of Strategic Maifria Calcutta, Septemtel “This part of the world raj a contribution towards defence bv j available minerals and agricultunj ducts vital to defence." Dr. Henry j President Roosevelt's j investigator in the Far Ea' I Reuter representative. Dr. Grady i>
    U -Rente?  -  110 words
  • 56 2 17 Merchantmen To Put Into Service Nev York, Seotj Rear-Admiral Adolphus J mandant of the third naval denounced that United Mates arranged to use 17 merchantmen sh’.ps to naval bases outsic.e States. Several have been P’ i! r r the remainder will be readv
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  • 52 2 Router Bombs Dropped AJ T» 1 Places On S.E. London. A small numter damage were caus* < few enemy this country and bombs two places on the S' 1 p 3 ar. Air Ministry and T w Security ccmmuni< i were also dropped m f casualties
    Router  -  52 words
  • 35 2 rrjUi?-- '-Fte'h er Batavia. The eclipse of of which will be be visible as a partial echP ern parts of the cause of the war no sP are being made to obse.
    rrjUi?-- ‘ '-Fte'her.  -  35 words
  • 110 2 ..—Reuter. i hai Foreign Vlini-iter Among Guests Bangkok, Septi mix r 19 Nai Direk Chainam. Minister, Luang Thamront Navasvat, Minister of Justice, who led the Thailand goodwill mission to Australia last year. Prince Varnvaiddrakorn. Adviser on Foreign affairs to rhe Thailand Government,
    ..—Reuter.  -  110 words
  • 68 2 •>. —Reuter Members Entertained To Lunch By Premier Rugby, September 19. The Prime Minister entertained to luncheon Lord Beaverbrook, Mr. Harriman and members of the British and U.S. missions to Russia.The leader of the British Economic Mission io Moscow, Mr. L. Cadbury, is back in Britain. He
    •>.—Reuter  -  68 words
  • 84 2 ■.—Reuter. Hunan Capital As Objective Chungking, September 19. Several columns of Japanese launched a simultaneous offensive in North Hunan, pushing southward and crossing the Sintsiang River and at the same time effecting landings on the eastern shore of Tungting Lake in the vicinity of Yingtien, according to
    ■.—Reuter.  -  84 words
  • 135 2 Reuter. Another 150 Germans Sent Out Of Teheran tßy Patrick Crosse, special correspondent in Iran). Teheran, Septtember 19. With the despatch of about another 150 Germans today, Iran will be rid of the most dangerous fifth columnists and saboteurs. About 250 further German men remain
    Reuter.  -  135 words
  • 127 2 —Reuter. Saving Airmen From Sea Around Malta Malta, September 19. An official statement says that during the first nine days of September R.A.F. high speed launches saved eight airmen from the sea around Malta. These “mercy boats” pick up friend or foe with equal readiness. Six of the
    ”—Reuter.  -  127 words
  • 57 2 —Reuter. To Be Restored To The Nation Teheran, Sept. 19. The new Shah has decided to restore to the nation his father’s property which includes huge estates and much other wealth, according to newspaper reports published yesterday. Reports add that the new Shah conveyed this decision to
    —Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 45 2 —Reuter Cairo. September 19. A British Middle East communique issued from G.H.Q. today .states: ‘Libya: A severe dust storm yesterday interfered with our patrolling activities at Tobruk. In the frontier area, advanced elements of our mechanised forces have again been active.”—Reuter
    ’—Reuter  -  45 words
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    • 72 2 r AKESW'S ft: is BRITISH 2MII You Look Better (Pith A Neir And j Oleh on t .J voitr II rist!! I I li g o I d I r "X ‘MMtTW v P a n ’n g I h'acrLi is a 4, pleinent to a I a high grade
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  • 437 3 Simla, Sept. 17. pECRUITMENT has now started in India for an Auxiliary K Nursing Service, to provide reserves for the regular military nursing services during the war. The first batch will st:>rt training next month and the second in January. yens From India The Auxiliary Service is
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  • 318 3 Make Succession To property Concurrent Subject Simla, Sept. 5. qVGGESTION that the Government A be requested to amend the sevenschedule (legislative lists) of the Lament of India Act, 1935, by makTsuccession to all kinds of property, Juding agricultural land, a ConcurS sU bject, was put forth
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  • 186 3 ||l*> clothes “saturated with sea water, oil and gore,” a bishop tonducted a thanksgiving service for survivors of a bombed ship as wn as they reached land. He is the Rev. A. T. Houghton, Asttant Bishop-Desigrjate of Rangoon, to has arrived back in England
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  • 131 3 Simla. L of the i ndian Distinguish Service Medal to two Signal- an Indian Mountain Battery is in la press note 1 They are 4 '*-’TS Signalman Inayat Ulialr, of Thoon in Kjahuta Tehsil, Rastrict and No. ***** iri <r. Narain Singh of Tunda 1;: *iujrata District.
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  • 1465 3 The following forecast of events likely to occur in the Far East in the remaining months of this year i made by Swami Kavishwar M. Sundaram and published in the ‘‘'Rangoon Times.'’ A SWAMI'S FORECAST HAVE lately received many enquiries (by letters,
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  • 486 3 rpHE destruction of 416,000 tons of Axis shipping in five weeks is a remarkable achievement, and a reminder that a ceaseless British offensive is being conducted at sea. week in and week out. Such losses cannot fail to have an important effect on Axis organisation and supply,
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  • 540 3 KEEN TO JOIN UP TV OMEN of all ages, married and unmarried, lirvaded Army headquarters recently, following the announcement by the Minister for the Army, Mr. Percy C. Spender. tlu*t an Australian Women’s Home Army would be formed immediately, says the Sydney Morning Herald. The number
    540 words
  • 190 3 A IP-ytAr-old wife, married Last year, gave her husband’s best suit away to a gipsy for telling her fortune The wife, Evelyn Mary Djavies, admitted this at Carmarthenshire Assizes. Her husband. John Davies, 27-year-old farmer, pleaded not guilty to charges of wounding his wife with
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    • 131 3 BRUSH YOUR TEETH THE SAFE®WAY rm SWIE MUST WM J LUS: ITS CHASM i -9 r 7/ A charmifig smile may Xjr mean a great deal in yow life, and you must guard it with jT the greateet care. Behind the gleammg white of your teeth dangerone decay may be
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • 493 4 POWER OF COUNCIL TVTHAT was described as a “cut and dried” scheme to co- ordinate the activities of Eurasian Associations throughout Malaya, was unanimously passed at the 22nd annual general meeting of the Singapore Recreation Club, when a rule governing the establishment of
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  • 60 4 Two angles on Hollywood's &gelimits for actors: Hobart Bosworth, star of silent pictures, and now 75, has signed a seven-year contract with Warner’s, which keeps him going till he is 82. E g?t speaking parts have been cut out of “A Yank in the R.A.F.” because of
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  • 166 4 MR PRASART SUKHUM, vice-presi dent of Pridi Film Productions, of Thailand, is on his way back to Thailand after a 12 months’ “goodwill distribution tour” of America with Thailand’s first English dialogue film,” “King of the White Elephants,” and other short film subjects. Mr. Sukhum, who
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  • 386 4 Presented To Sultan Anicng the presents xeceived by the Sultan of Johore, when he celebrated his 68th. birthday, was a large emblem of the A.I.F. carved in wood. It was sent by the G.0.C., Australian Forces in Malaya, Major-Gen. H. Gordon Bennett. The sultan received
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  • 214 4 51.000,000 Guilders For Navy Batavia, Sept. 12. Nearly ‘/very day there is news of furthei’ supplementary votes for defence purposes in the Netherlands Indies. The Government has now asked three more credits for the Navy a sum of 65,700,000 guilders, of which 51 millions will be used
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  • 312 4 A Df.IVE for co-operation by the public in keeping streets, drains and back-lanes clean, thus reducing expenditure in tovn cleaning—and also in prosecutions in police courts —has >een started by the Singapore Municipality. Circulars ci the subject have been sent to associatio.vs, guilds, clubs,
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  • 275 4 Beauty Parlours Say Bring Your Own” London. HAIR-RAISING situation foxwomen Is forecast by instructions now being given to their clients by smart. Laii’-dressers in London ordering them to bring theix- own hairpins if they want a wave and “set.” Fox- the Board of Trade have decided that women’s
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  • 330 4 I QNb of the Nazi “targets” during a Blitz on London was the Brook I Hospital, Shooter’s Hill. Bombs crashed on the staff quarters; I two maids were trapped under tno 1 debris. They're in awful pain,”’ Dr. Laura Bateman, the hospital’s Medical
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  • 2229 4 Iron Link Between China And Burm a Strategic And Economic Importance Rangoon. TRUE international character of Rotary was vividly manifest on Wednesday night in the City Hal) when the Rangoon Rotary Club held a dinnex- meeting to celebrate its 12th birthday anniversary jand to welcome the Chinese Goodwill Mission to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 207 4 Some poor little mites have such I sensitive skins that no matter how I often you change them they are tor- i mented by "nappy-Soreness”. Take the advice of doctors and nurses and at frequent intervals give a really lavish powdering with deli- z cately medicated Cuticura Talcum. Highly absorbent
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 856 5 Good Response From Malay Cultivators Ralik Palau. The premises of the Malay School, Bayan Lepas, presented a pic-turv-qiie scene yesterday when a vegetable show was .held with great success. There was a very large crowd of spectators. From eariy morning exhibitors s'r? pouri z in
    856 words
  • 90 5 A Malay cyclist was killed instantaneously while another is in Butterworth Hospital in a serious condition following a collision, it is reported, with a military 'van on the Kuban Boyah Road, Butterworth, yesterday about 6 p.m. The deceased, whose name was given as Amin Noordin bin
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  • 143 5 Chinese Arrested At Pawn-Shop Ipoh. Appearing before Mr. P.F.Y. Radcliffe, Ipoh First Magistrate, yesterday, Samikanu, a F.M.S.R. peon, was fined $l5 in default 14 days’ rigorous imprisonment, on a charge of theft of a pair of shoes valued at $5 belonging to Yong Hin aboat
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  • 98 5 The War Fund in North Malaya stands at $1,576,340.83. made up of Penang $982,422.92 and Perak $593.917.91. Today’s solitary contribution is a sum of $263.30, being the gross collections and donations at the Penang F. A. Cup Final (replay) between the Indian
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  • 14 5 Tn memory of Dr. Bruce Cross frem Lodge Kedah $25.00
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  • 71 5 Bail in the sum of $5,000 was allowed by Mr. Lim Kcon Teck in the Penang Third Court yesterday to Wooi Pek Sam, who was charged with criminal breach of trust in respect of $23.15 while being a servant at Messrs. Huttenbach Ltd. between November 30
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  • 28 5 The total value of War Savings Certificates sold up to Wednesday last was $7,973,676. This sum represents an increase of $449,286 in the previous fortlight.
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  • 304 5 SOCIAL PERSONAL The High Commissioner has fixed the price of rubber for assessment of export duty for the period Sept. 19 to 25 (inclusive) at 38 cents per pound. It is notified that west-bound air mails via Durban despatched from Singapore on July 26 and July 31 were delivered in
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  • 43 5 Special M.B.C. Programme Today The Singapore Broadcasting Station i’ presenting a programme in honour cf His Majesty, King Ananda Mahido] of Thailand on the occasion of his birthd.iy today The Thai Consul-General, Singapore, will broadcast in this programim.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 35 5 War or no war, this blank space is NOT a waste of valuable paper but just to remind you of Mapro’s latest canned product—STEWED DUCK—obtainable from the Aspirant Agencies, 55 Burmah Road, Penang. Phone 3388.
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    • 180 5 FUN FROLIC PARK SATURDAY, 20th SEPT., 1941 CANTONESE OPERA: Day Show: “LORE LUM HOONG FUN". Night Show “TIOW SEAM”. i Featuring Liew Rum Teng, Tang Siew Chov including 2 New Stars, Hor Kim Chow Chan Wye Mun appearing Tonight. ENG SIEW CHOON TEO( HEW OPERA COMING VERY SOON. WATCH FOR
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 72 5 IA JIL penang s MOST luxurious IHI 8 AIR-CONDITIONED theatre I Shows I o day Tomorrow At I ||a nt.. 3 p.m., 6.15 9.30 p.m. I Topper s Back As A Super-Snooper I BIGGEST LAUGH GHOST SHOW EVER PRODUCED BY I UNITED ARTISTS PLAYING HIDE SEEK WITH A GLAMOROUS NEW
      72 words
    • 83 5 MAJESTIC Last 4 Shows Today 11.30 a.m., 3.00, 6.15' and 9.30 Brought Back At Reduced Prices of Admission Paramount’s Full-Length Feature Cartoon The Screen’s Most Scintillating Entertainment “GULLIVER’S TRAVELS’’ IN TECHNICOLOUR 25.000 Lilliputians, Droll, Delightful I Eight Smash Song Hits Technicolour Spectacle Never Before Achieved TOMORROW at 10.30 a.m., 3,
      83 words
    • 152 5 I flm-conpjTiqneo TO-DAY X)-MORROW 4 SHOWS 1.00 p.m., 3.30, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. THRILLS!. .SUSPENSE! EXCITEMENT! The Greatest Epic of the Wild Wost! THE WIDEST WEST LIVES AGAIN I 'j• X mil'll < 1 iif ITH ■mHßßlfranchot tone| WARREN WILLIAM I 8«00 CRAWFORD Andy DEVINE Mischa AUER Porter HALL Peggy
      152 words
    • 152 5 Last 3 Shows Toda x hi ill J 3.30, 6.15 9.30 p.m. THE GRANDEST COMEDY-ROMANCE OF THE YEAR IT HAS EVERYTHING FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT FIOHTS! LAUGHTER! ADVENTURE ..HOW’ OF T Starring Lgf nBL JOEL McCREA p.* F/MB ELLEN DREW TOGETHER. WITH Extra I Extra The Latest British Paramount News with
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  • 605 6 W/ r E publish in another column on this page an article on the Medical Auxiliary Services in Penang in which an appeal is made for more volunteers for that important branch of the Civil Defence Services of this town. It is pointed out that
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  • 130 6 ODEON’ CINEMA: Franchot Tone in “Trail of the Vigilantes.” 1, 3.30, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. QUEEN’S CINEMA. Joel McCrea and Ellen Drew in “Reaching for the Sun.” 3.30, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. HEX CINEMA: “Topper Returns’’ with Joan Biondell and Roland Young. 11 a.m., 3, 6.15 9.30
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  • 137 6  -  IN TOJVN TONIGHT K.C.K. “TOPPER” picture is always an event to look forward to and when Toppy returns with a new girl friend-ghost bent on solving a murder mystery, the fun waxes faster and more furious than ever. There are several familiar situations and
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    • 113 6 (To the Editor, “Pinang Gazette”). Sir, The following lines by Ruskin which I came across yesterday maybe applicable to your denunciation of Weld Quay: “Great art dwells in all that is beautiful; but false art omits or changes all that is ugly. Great art accepts Nature
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    • 68 6 (To the Editor, ‘‘Pinang Gazette”). Sir, 1 have read with interest your Staff Reporter’s impressions of the recent Black-Out practice and although I do not agree with all his criticisms, I must admit there is something in them and I hope the authorities concerned will act on the
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  • 417 6 Dearer Matches prices of matches are A steadily rising in Penang, and where some of the cheaper brands were sold pre-war at two boxes for a cent, today a box costs two cents each. Few seem to realise that the price has gone up by 150 per
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  • 1137 6 YNE of the lessons of the recent Civil Defence exercises in Penang was that while the Members of the Me-dica! Auxiliary Services were thoroughly versed in their duties and showed considerable keenness and commendable initiative, they were very much low the strength
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 193 6 ITailorirvg for K-M §er9iceS I Our Fully Experienced European Cutter is at your service for all classes of Tailoring 1 I for the Services. WC? Ton can be assured that all garments H arc Correct in every Wfr sllifcfSv service detail arid K regulation, Expert and individual W” ji I
      193 words
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  • 1637 7 METHODS adjusted to MEET THEM) OF MODERN LIFE Happy Augury For Future Of I Sous Of Soil ■Contrary to the idea that in Alalaya education and emLyment aie divorced, they are working closely together, Lies an article prepared by the Department of EducaLin which existing
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  • 172 7 “THE VIGILANTES” AT ODE3N Hard riding, gun-slinging and rough-and-tumble scrapping are necessary ingredients of a good Western, but today’s cinema audiences like laughs along with their thrills, and in this respect “Trail of the Vigilantes” makes one of the best fares in local
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  • 260 7 Court Seqv el To Station Incident The sequel to a case in which a young Eurasian named Rozario was charged in December last with picking the pocket of Mr. A. G. de Souza, at the Kuala Lumpur Railway Station, was the hearing on Thursday, before Che Baba,
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  • 633 7 Many Incidents During Test Dressed in feminine attire as a distinguishing mark, “para-troops” (represented by the Police) Mere dropped by “enemy raiders” on Kulim during the All-Malayan Combined Exercises. In Alor Star the parachutist idea was also adopted, Volunteers taking the role of the invaders.
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  • 53 7 Pending Reciprocal Treatment Of Britishers Singapore, Today. The Japanese evacuee ship, Hakone Maru, •which arrived here on Thursday and was expected to sail yesterday, is being detained in port by the local authorities, pending “an agreement for the reciprocal treatment of British nationals to be evacuated
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  • 244 7 FALSE ENTRIES IN SUGAR POOL BOOK INVOLVING $ll.OOO UTTAVING in mind the grave extent to which corruption is rife in this Colony, 1 consider it is the duty of the courts to do whatever they can to stamp it out. and to pass sentences which
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  • 155 7 A Cantonese woman, Chan Ah Hoe, aged 41 years who was found in possession of $60.24 cents worth of silver and copper coins in a house in Malabar Street on Aug. 22, appeared in the Singapore Fifth Court on Thursday under the anti-hoarding rules of
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  • 289 7 Public Meeting At Town Hall In connection with the 63rd Birthday of E. V. Ramasamy Naicker, (E.V.R.) the leader of the Tamil Self-Respect Movement, a public meeting is being held by the Tamils in Penang tomorrow at the Town Hall, commencing at 5 p m. The
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 143 7 By appointment to H. M. the King of Siam DE SILVA is the name you instinctively associate with jewellery. Our exclusive designs and superior quality cannot be duplicated at a cheaper price. B.P. DE SILVA, LTD. (Incorporated in Ceylon.) PENANG SINGAPORE IPOH. 1 Ar Ji 1 fl m W fl
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  • 125 8 Penang, Friday. Quiet conditions again prevailed in the share market to-day with lutle change from yesterday but the undertone is steady with small enquiries for both Tin and Rubber shares while many Industrials were wanted at current quotations. Business, on the whole, was on a limited scale.
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  • 404 8 Need For Restriction: Surplus Problem That Canada has reached the limit of the volume of wheat reserves which she should carry is the conclusion which has guided her experts in laying down her wheat-growing policy for the handling of the wheat crops of the immediate future. The
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  • 111 8 Yesterday's Close Prev'ously TIN: LONDON S P ot ,£256. 10. 0. “Forward” £259. 10. 0. SINGAPORE Sp t $138.37% $138.37% Business done PENANG “SP 01 $138.37% $138.37% RUBBER: LONDON “Forward” 13 11|16<t 13 U l l6d 13 Hil6d. 13 ll|l6d. Quiet Quiet SINGAPORE PENANG: SpOt 38 5 :8o
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  • 1286 8 Substantial Investments In Government Loans The annual general court of the Alliance Assurance Co., Ltd., was held at toe head office. Bartholomew-lane, London, E.C. Mr. Lionel N. de Rothschild, 0.8. E. (the chairman), presided. The Chairman said: The year under review has been one full of complications
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  • 102 8 Increased profits are reported by the British-Borneo Petroleum Syndicate, Ltd. A preliminary statement issued recently shows that in the twelve months to March 31, 19:1, the net figure totalled £61,774, compared with £54.678 in the previous year. (There is a final dividend of 5 per cent, and a
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  • 98 8 The following are the returns from the dredges of the Thai Tin Syndicate Limited for the month of August. Ngow Renong 3 Dredges, 1935? hours, 320,400 cubic yards, tin ore won *****7 piculs. Takuapa 2 Dredges, 618? hours, 130.300 cubic yards, tin ore yvon 947.70 piculs. Huey'
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  • 32 8 Net profit for 1940 £25,478 (£12,714). To reserve for taxation £19,511 (£5,225), reserve for development £3.000 (£2.000'. dividend 6 per cent. (7 per cent) for year on Ordinary.
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  • 26 8 Net profit for 1940, £10,513, subject to E.P.T. estimated at £7OO, (profit for 1939, £4,895). Dividend 10 per cent. (74 per cent.).
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  • 635 8 World Crude Oil Output Since the war started many countries have discontinued publication of figures of their production of crude oil. Value therefore attaches to the estimates prepared by World Petroleum which is associated with The Petroleum Times. This journal estimates January crude oil output throughout the
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  • 111 8 Shareholders’ account, for 1940 shows £379.356 brought in: add interest and rents, £3l 274, profit from sale of securities £2.775, leaving shareholders’ proportion £76.965, out of which dividends absorbed £61.644, income-tax £11,120, management expenses £1.892, and £7,445 applied in writing down assets, leaving balance £408.269.
    111 words
    • 444 8 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers Associat and Ipoh sections) at 4 p.m. 19th <Penan I 2' I Issue Buyers Sellers 4/0 Ampat Tin 2/9 3/0 5/0 Austral Arnal. 7/0 7/3ex £1 Austral Malay 35/0 36/oex 5/0 Ayer Hitam 18/6 1° Oex $1 Ayer Weng .85 .90 £1 Bangrin Tin
      444 words
    • 219 8 Issue Buyers Sellers Allenby 1.15 1.20 c Alor Gajah .87| .92 1 Amal Malay 1.65 1.72£ Ayer Hitam .974 1.024 Ayer Molek 1.174 1224 Ayer Panas 1.25 1.30 c Bassett .474 -50 Batu Lintang 1.14 1.16* Bedford 1.02* 1.074 Benta 1.024 1.07 J Borelli 1.40 1.45 Broga .65 .70
      219 words
    • 343 8 Issue Buyers Sellers A£l Austral N.Z. Ord. 22/0 23/0 $2 Alex Brick Ord. 1.75 1.80 $2 Alex. Brick 7i% Pref 2.15 2.25 $5 B. M T. 7.50 7.75 £5 Chartered Bank £9 £9ic £1 Con. T. S. Ord. 16/0 16'6 £1 Con. T. S. 7% Pxef 19/9 20/6 $5
      343 words
    • 288 8 MINING Dividend I Austral Amal 3d. and H Bonus y 8.10.41 Ayer Hitam 10% Int. L.T. n London r n 041 30.9*1 Burma-Malay cd. 28th div 3 39 41 Chin Chin Tin 2% int, 1 na4i Hong Fatt 8% 3rd Int. i 0 Sta 24 9
      288 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 189 8 BANKS i agggrc» SAVINGS fat fo' 'A dollar saved is ao extra dollar earned, A Savings Account la the best Inducement to save. c. To have a Savings Account and to see this acceunt grovr from time to time la to be a contented person. A Buying» Account may be
      189 words

  • 946 9 f F ST. GEORGE THE MARTYR 15TH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY j St. Matthew, A. E 7.15 Mattins and Litany 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion 9.15 a.m. Holy Communion (Tamil) 10.30 a.m. Mattins and Holy Communion (Chinese) 4.15 p.m. Sunday School in the Parsonage 6.00 p.m. Evensong and Sermcn
    946 words
  • 164 9 2 1 Arms Production On f Gigantic Scale London, Sept. 15. i The New York correspondent of The Times says, in his invariably conser- vative weekly review:— I s “So far the world has seen compara- tively little of what American
    164 words
  • 255 9 SATURDAY, 20TH SEPTEMBER. 1941. Postage Latest Time ef Destination Letters Postcards Superscription Posting at Penang per ts each Ordinary Regn. INTERNhkL MALAYAN SERVICE Ipoh. Kuala Lumpur Wearne’s Aii- September 20th. inst. Singapore 10 .05 Service 1 p.m. 12.45 p.m. AFRICA All destinations 50 -25 8.0.A.C Sat. 20th inst
    255 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 2125 9 lo J nirom in f n I I 1 VH yDB (is.ei ■SsT I I YDC 15.15 mc/s (19.80 HU 4M SO i. W W I PLP 1100 mc/s (27.27 m.) ena»-«„ PAIN 10 26 mc /s (29.24 m.) an P n YDB 9.55 mc/s (31.41 m. 5 4 1
      2,125 words

  • 561 10 Two Flak Ships Off Belgian Coast Sunk London, Sept. 19 An Air Ministry communique states: “Aircraft from the Fighter and Bomber Commands carried out a number of offensive operations on Thursday. In the morning, Blenheims of the Bomber Command, escorted
    ’’—Reuter.  -  561 words
  • 167 10 .—Reuter Karachi, Sept. 18 Over £15,000 was collected from the War Week fete held in aid of the waxfunds.—Reuter. y Bombay, Sept. 18 I lie British infantry team, runnersup of the Bombay League Championship, defeated East Bengal, runners-up of the Calcutta League, today in the quarterfinals
    .—Reuter  -  167 words
  • 378 10 No Weakening Of Russian Resistance On Whole Front London, Sept. 19. THE Russian communique yesterday was worded on the usual lines of “stubborn fighting all along the front.” The German communique is a little more expansive. It claims that offensive operations East
    —Reuter.  -  378 words
  • 152 10 i.—Reuter. VIEWS ON RECENT ATLANTIC CHARTER London, Sept. 19. A meeting of the Allied Council which was originally fixed to take place three weeks ago but was postponed, will be held next week, states Reuter's diplomatic correspondent. Mr. Anthony Eden, the Foreign Secretary, will preside and
    i.—Reuter.  -  152 words
  • 192 10 .—Reuter. Every Saturday From November To March London, September 18. Thirty National Hunt meetings are announced in the Re cing Calendar starting at Nottingham on November 8 and ending on March 21 with meetings at Cheltenham and Wetherby. Meetings will be held every Saturday between these two
    .—Reuter.  -  192 words
  • 39 10 —Reuter. Bombay, Sept. 19. The Government of Bombay has approved the construction of five hostels for the children of Indian soldiers each with accommodation for forty boys at a total cost of about £3,Boo.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 202 10 ,—Reuter. Governor To Prorogue Assembly Calcutta, Sept. 18. What appeared to be an impending Parliamentary crisis in Bengal has been temporarily averted. Following recent demands for the resignations of the Premiers of Bengal. Assam and Punjab from the Viceroy’s National Defence Council which was made by
    ,—Reuter.  -  202 words
  • 97 10 i.—Reuter.. Gilt-Edged, Home Rails And Oils Easier London, September 18. The Stock Exchange was somewhat idle with operators tending to held off. Giltedged, home rails and oils were slightly easier, but industrials were mainly steady with shippings a firm feature under the leadership of Cunard on the £8,000,C00
    i.—Reuter..  -  97 words
  • 74 10 ’—B.O.W. Moscow Confident Of Final Victory Rugby, Sept. 19 Replying to the message expressing London's sympathy with the people of Moscow sent by the Chairman of the L.C.C., the Moscow Soviet said: “Calmly and confidently we meet the enemy and successfully xepel ’its air raids.
    ’—B.O.W.  -  74 words
  • 46 10 Petiter. Madrid, September 19 A treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation was signed on Thursday morning between Spain and Manchukuo. Senor Suner, Minister for Foreign Affairs, signed for Spain and Mr. Kwan Marsumura, Charge d’Affaires of Manchukuo, signed on behalf of his country.—
    Petiter.  -  46 words
  • 309 10 Joint Appeal To p 0 I For More Assistant, J To China I Chun Bkii>g, S(| J On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the 1 Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek has issued a manift M nation reaffirming China’s determination to fight to l gle
    .—Reuter.  -  309 words
  • 278 10 —Reuter. FALSE ARGUMENT OF DECADENCE London, Sept. 19 France has as much right as any one else to national pride, declared the Free French leader, General de Gaulle, broadcasting to France last night. Hitler, and his accomplices are doing everything in their power to keep
    —Reuter.  -  278 words
  • 57 10 >. —Reuter. Appointed Ambassador To Italy By Nanking Shanghai, Sept. 19. The Nanking Government announces that Wu Kai-sheng, Vice-Chairman of the Examiners’ Commission cf the Examination Yuan, has been appointed Ambassador to Italy. Wu Kai-sheng served as Chinese Minister in Switzerland in 1933. With his appointment, Nanking’s
    >.—Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 512 10 Reveals Enemy’s Activities And Results Of Attacks Rugby, Sept. 19 The part played by the camera in a medium bomber—almost as important a part as any member of the crew—is described by the Air Ministry News Agency. Anyone who has flown in more peaceful
    .—8.0. W  -  512 words
  • 215 10 -Reuter. Government Inform* Evidence New York, Sc: A Ger'.'.u.i.-bu.-t. United States men: inform.?. W;]?: gH H in the trial of members of the Nazi spy rin five norm occupation of Iceland vy German agent told him that American ..-olcte.-s be sent to Greenland and Iceiani Sebold
    -Reuter.  -  215 words
  • 77 10 Reuter. To Be Transferred Indt'l Lease-Lend Act I Washington. Sept The 8,000-ton Italian ship Leme.raj was among the Axis ships req'i^i- aS by the United States will, it repctj shortly’ oe transferred to Britain the Lease-Lend procedure. I Damage inflicted by her c r V" *1
    Reuter.  -  77 words
  • 75 10 Reuter. St. Leger inner Given Fop eight London, September There are 65 entries for th* bridgeshire being held at i over one mile on October 8. j <-un Castie. weights announced sho St. Leger winner, tarr m T n lns hit» of 9st 71b. Gloaming, the L winner, is
    Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 46 10 Reuter, Visible ii' Shanghai Tomorrow Shanghai, Local scientists have c^ of ments to observe the to« w be sun cn Sunday which D jgs. particularly visible in c l -1 eclipse of similar nragn’tude China was said to have ouurre 300 years ago.—Reuter.
    Reuter,  -  46 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 50 10 THE BEN LINE > FAR EAST SERVICE FOR UNITED KINGDOM For particulars regarding Freight, and other information please apply to SANDILANDS, BUTTERY CO., Telephone No. 644 64S PENANG. LINE (incorporated in Australia} for particulars regarding Freight, Passage, and other information please apply to BOUSTEAD CO., LTD., Agents Penang Telephone Ko.
      50 words

  • 210 11 rugger SB. i' --sible margin— H nsh Asiatics hear H- Abdul Hamid College in a of rugger on the College K Alor Star on Wednesday. B. and keen from start Bru’ the passing of both sides B Tin College took the lead B?r the kick-off
    210 words
  • 210 11 I lose Next Week i<x'al Open Badminton close on Sept. 21 at 8.00 -ri be 'ent in to Mr. Tan JH' Hon. Secretary. c/o Hu v ill be received before date, but they must be ac- .1' requisite fees of 51.25 'in. Entry forms may be K
    210 words
  • 122 11 Hr*. Hogan Wins Medal Stroke ’.i-' Medal (Stroke) for Sept. on Thursday and resulted in as win for Mrs. C. D. D. Hogan a score of 49 less 12=37. Miss E. oner-up with 56 less 16 H r '«w for the Pritchard Cup, M? Presented by
    122 words
  • 343 11 Lieu W ins Hawkins Shield I Balik Pulau. L A TING the Chong Badminton Party (Bayan Lepas) t hi;ee games to two, the Seaview B.P. of Pulau Betong Lthe championship in the open championship tournaL t he Hawkins’ Badminton Shield run for competitors
    343 words
  • 193 11 Runaway Win For Hock Hoe’s XI Hock Hoe’s XI had a runaway victory over the Leicesters and East Surrey 7 Combined when they defeated the latter L»y six goals to nil in a soccer match on the Esplanade yesterday. ’The main feature of the match
    193 words
  • 160 11 Tomorrow’s New World Promotion The boxing promotion arranged for last night at the New World Park has been postponed to tomorrow (Sunday) night. Although not on such an ambitious scale as the recent promotions at the same venue, tomorrow’s bouts are certain to provide plenty of
    160 words
  • 76 11 A Penang XV vs R.A.F. A Penang XV will meet the R.A.F. in a rugby match on the Western Road Ground today at 5.15 p.m. A Penang XV: —J. F. Keay, R. J. S. Franks, K. A. G. Hague, H. L. Barry, Capt. Dickson, T. M. Clark, M. Pestana,
    76 words
  • 449 11 AN INTERESTING POINT RAISED likely to be of interest to local cricketers, the following extracts from the “Illustrated Weekly of India’’ iare reproduced. In the issue of July 13, there appeared under the above caption: Can an umpire recall a batsman after he has given
    449 words
  • 75 11 Springtime Party vs F.L. School Party The following will represent the Springtime Tennis Party in a return match with the Francis Light School Tennis Party, on the latter’s courts today, commencing at 4 p.m. sharp. Singles: Cheah Wat Swee, Cheah Kim Aw and Tan Ah Choy. On Sunday at
    75 words
  • 428 11 IN scrappy hockey match on the Hutchings School ground yesterday, the Government Commercial Day School held the Immigration Department to a draw, each side scoring one goal. Hockey Tne game was marred to a certain extent by the employment of rough tactics in the. first
    428 words
  • 1678 11  -  By Steve Donoghue A T the end of one season, years ago, Snowy Whalley had finished up with. 99 winning mounts. He was desperately anxious to notch one more so as to make up his century. I was the leading jockey that
    1,678 words
  • 226 11 .—Reuter. Passage Of Dardanelles Sought London, September IS. The British Government has no actual confirmation of the truth of the reports that Bulgaria is _to ask for permission for Italian warships to pass through the Dardanelles under the Bulgarian flag. The British views, says Reuter's diplomatic correspondent, are
    .—Reuter.  -  226 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
      229 words

  • 403 12 Going Favours Logue's Slapdash Hazmore (By “EPSOM JEEP") Ipoh. Today. T OVER'S FATE and Autumn Bride, both sired by Young Lover, a Newmarket Stake winner, should make the two best bets at Ipoh today, the last day of the Perak Turf Club September
    403 words
  • 725 12 AMONG the other ironies which have marked the role of Prime Minister Winston Churchill in Great Britain’s war history for the past quarter century Is the fact that Mr. Churchill himself was importantly instrumental in causing the development of the fighting tank by the British
    725 words
  • 109 12 PEERESS TALKS OF ‘JEALO USY’ Lady Deniza Newborough, 33-year-old Yugoslavian wife of Lord Newborough of Glynllivon Park, Llanwnda, near Caernarvon, said that “some kind of jealousy” might be responsible for her dismissal from the Red Cross Society, which she joined a year ago. Lady Newborough says she has received a
    109 words
  • 254 12 'THE RIDING BOY’ "TIC TAO" EPSOM JEEP” "MAN-ON-THF "EUREKA” “THE MAJOR” Penang Penang I Ipoh SPOT” Ipoh K. Lum par Singapore p Spun Wool Micky Rooney Spun Wool The Emperor Micky Rooney The Emperor KAln 1 Quebec Spun Wool Micky Rooney Teddy Boy Spun Wool Teddy
    254 words
  • 1030 12 ACCEPTANCES FOR TODAY Race 1: Horses Class 3 Div. 3 —5 J Furs. Straight—--2.15 p.m. 1. 0 1 SPUN WOOL 4y 9.00 “Seagate Stable” Penn 2. i MICKY ROONEY 4y 9.30 “C. L. Kongsi” H. Sleigh 3. 0 0 2 THE EMPEROR 7y 8.10 Mr.
    1,030 words
  • 503 12 Programme For Tomorrow TRANSMITTERS ZHL 225 metres 1333 klcs ZHPI 30.96 metres 9.69 m|cs ZHP2 48.58 metres 6.175 mjes 6.40 a.m.—Opening annnouncements in I French. 6 45 News in French relayed from London. 7.00 News commen- tary in French. 7.15 Singapore Calling. Jay Wilbur’s Serenaders on gramophone records.
    503 words
  • 186 12 Two Years’ Gaol For Young Man Pleading guilty to seven charges of criminal breach of trust and falsification of accounts in the canteen book of the Singapore Marine Hostel, a young Chinese, Chua Choo Kiat, alias Robert Chua, was sentenced to two years’ rigorous imprisonment
    186 words
  • 239 12 4 PROGRESSIVE member of Glasgow Town Council, Ba ilie Hugh Campbell, was sentenced, at Glasgow High Court, to six months’ imprisonment for bribery. He was also fined £lOO, deprived of his magistracy, and declared incapable of being elected or appointed to any
    239 words
  • 219 12 Dull Market I Penang, The market continues u 1 or no business passing an nothing of interest to rep js J Demand at our Auct,on was fairly strong. P nceS more or less unchanged from Standard Sheet was aga ing at between 38.7/w realised lor• and Fine
    219 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 323 12 <Head Office) 2 lfi p S Phone 1477 1- R-ji rr. Altll Telegranv Fetes cl Sutacripti on [ot p I' and Sundav r," 1 Monthly Quarterly 7’J Half-Yeariv jg’ni. Yearly 30’.00 Local Quarterly 'sf'’-." Half-Yeariv Yearly ADVERTISEMENT The charges apr] under:— 25 cents per line per H minimum charge of
      323 words